EQAMOB European Quality Assurance for in company learning MOBility (for apprentices) 10 December 2014
EQAMOB Partnership 3 years project duration - 09/2014 – 08/2017 Partnership: 8 partners from 6 countries APCMA (project leader) (FR) Regional Council Auvergne (FR) Compagnons du devoir - AOCDTF (FR) IFA (AT) GENCAT (ES) UNISER (IT) IDAN (IS) VOKA (B) 2
EQAMOB objectives & impact Build, use and disseminate a Quality assurance framework for in company learning mobility Quality assurance for EuroApprenticeship network - EQAMOB community of practice Integration of “in company learning mobility” in VET curricula - focus on learning outcomes (incl. transversal skills) Support involvement of companies in the process of organisation of mobility 3
EQAMOB Impact Impact on The quality of in company learning mobility pathways The quantitative development of learning mobility as part of curricula Impact on companies involvement / valorisation Contribution to development of work based learning approaches in IVET Contribution to European instruments (ECVET, EQAVET, European Alliances for Apprenticeship (EAS pledge) … 4
EQAMOB Organisation & outcomes Transversal activities: (APCMA) Project monitoring, dissemination, evaluation Thematic clusters: (preparation, implementation, dissemination (test), follow-up (sustainability) C1 Quality assurance in learning mobility for apprentices (IDAN / IFA) O1 Concept paper about quality assurance framework with definition of in company learning mobility O2 Guidelines and tools for quality assurance C2 Marketing and communication towards companies (VOKA, AOCDTF) O3 Marketing strategy & guidelines for events and promotional campaigns (promotional approach) based on users needs analyse C3 Label design and implementation (UNISER) O4 Label toolbox (Compendium about the labelling ad awarding process + small scale promotional items and prototypes) O5 Videos – testimonies about labelling process (CR Auvergne & GENCAT) 5
EQAMOB Dissemination Multiplier events (National & European) Implementation on the Euroapprenticeship platform … 6
The EuroApprenticeship network: Contact 7