Standardized Awareness Authorized Training, Train-the-Trainer Biological Agents
Objectives Discuss the general characteristics, routes of entry, and signs and symptoms of biological agents. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using biological agents for terrorist activity. Discuss recognition, identification, and classification as they apply to biological emergencies. 1
Objectives (continued) Identify potential sources in the community where biological agents are manufactured, transported, stored, used, or disposed of. List five indicators of a possible criminal/terrorist act involving biological materials. Discuss instructional strategies for facilitating the “Biological Agents” module. 2
Biological Agents Types Dissemination Availability Routes of entry General signs and/or symptoms Mortality Basic treatment 3
Types of Biological Agents Bacteria Viruses Toxins 4 Courtesy of Janice Haney Carr/CDC Public Health Image Library (PHIL) #10095
Types of Biological Agents (continued) Bacteria Anthrax Plague Tularemia Q Fever 5
Types of Biological Agents (continued) Viruses Smallpox Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers (VHF) 6
Types of Biological Agents (continued) Toxins Ricin; So lethal, very little is needed Botulinum Toxin 7
Advantages of Using Biological Agents for Terrorist Activity Availability Difficulty of detection Ability to use covertly Ease of spreading Typing up resources Psychological impact Difficulty of preparing 8
Disadvantages of Using Biological Agents for Terrorist Activity Delayed effects Hazardous to terrorist Numerous difficult steps Weather conditions affect dispersion Less predictable results 9
Categories of Biological Agents Category A—Anthrax, plague, smallpox Category B—Ricin,Q fever Category C—Nipah virus,Yellow fever 10
Potential Sources Nature/agriculture Hospital, veterinary, and diagnostic laboratories University research Food production plants Industries Garbage disposal plants Sewage plants 11 Courtesy of FEMA/G. Mathieson
Indicators of a Biological Incident Unusual numbers of sick or dying people of animals Unscheduled and unusual spray being disseminated Abandoned spray devices 12
Questions For Presentation Preparation How will you explain the importance of learning this module to your participants? What do participants need to learn from this module content? What additional resources can be used to reinforce learning the content in this module? How will you involve the audience in learning this material? What safety concerns need to be reinforced in this module? 13
Conclusion What are the general characteristics, routes of entry, and signs and symptoms of biological agents? What are the indicators of a possible criminal/terrorist act involving biological materials? What are indicators of a biological emergency? How would you identify and classify biological agents? 14
Conclusion (continued) What are some potential sources for the manufacture, transportation, storage, use, or disposal of biological agents in your community? Name the indicators of a possible criminal/terrorist act involving biological materials. What are some potential instructional strategies you could use for facilitating the “Biological Agents” module? 15
Standardized Awareness Authorized Training, Train-the-Trainer Biological Agents—End of Module