Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation Jordan Response Plan 2015 Ms. Feda Gharaibeh, Director Humanitarian Relief Coordination Unit 1 September 2014
Jordan Response Plan 2015 What is it? A single comprehensive national document providing a one response document to the Syrian crisis in Jordan. Nationally-led and owned process in partnership with the United Nations and the international community. Builds on pre-existing planning exercises, particularly the NRP and RRP. 2 main components: –Joint Needs Assessment Review Report – mid-Oct –One Response Plan (JRP) – Dec. 2014
Jordan Response Plan 2015 Why? The nature of the crisis in Jordan is challenging standard aid responses and coordination mechanisms Existing architecture for aid delivery is fragmented Ongoing responses face the risk of not being sustainable in the context of a protracted crisis
Jordan Response Plan 2015 Advantages of having one Plan: Bring together humanitarian and resilience programming as mutually reinforcing aspects of a one response More effective aid: o Enable a comprehensive overview of assistance delivery – more effectively address gaps o Facilitate harmonization o Increase national ownership of the response o Enhance alignment with national priorities Serve as the only national chapter of any regional plan related to the Syrian crisis.
Jordan Response Plan 2015 How? 1.Transition from HCSP to JRPSC 2.Restructuring and Management 3.Updated Assessment of Refugee and Host Community Needs 4.Development of Jordan Response Plan 2015
1. Transition from HCSP to JRPSC Host Community Support Platform as the “backbone” of the Jordan Response Platform to the Syria Crisis (JRPSC) JRPSC maintains majority of operational modalities as HCSP o HCSP Secretariat becomes the JRPSC Secretariat o Primary role is to facilitate operationalization of decisions taken by the JRPSC o JRPSC chaired by Minister of Planning and International Cooperation
Jordan Response Plan 2015 How? 1.Transition from HCSP to JRPSC 2.Restructuring and Management 3.Updated Assessment of Refugee and Host Community Needs 4.Development of Jordan Response Plan 2015
2. Restructuring and Management Pre-existing 5 HCSP Task Forces (focused on host community needs) replaced by 11 integrated Sectoral Task Forces (STF) (addressing refugee and host community needs) STFs are responsible for: draft the sectoral components of the JRP provide regular updates to the JRPSC, through the Secretariat, on progress, results and requirements of JRP implementation
2. Restructuring and Management Each STF is structured around a Core Team led by the Secretary General (SG) of the line ministry responsible for that sector and one representative each of the UN system and the donor community, with decision making power on behalf of their entity. Each STF may appoint refugee and resilience-specific sub groups. In addition, an Inter-Agency Task Forces on Humanitarian (HIATF) and Resilience (RIATF) are created to operationalize JRPSC’s mandate, particularly in relation to the Development of the JRP.
Jordan Response Platform to the Syria Crisis (JRPSC) JRPSC Secretariat Jordan Response Plan 2015 Humanitarian Inter- Agency Task Force JRP Refugee Response Chapter Health TF CTCT Education TF CTCT Shelter TF CTCT Livelihoods & Food Sec TF CTCT Municipal TF CTCT Social Protection TF CTCT WASH TF CTCT Energy & Environment TF CTCT Non-Food Items TF CTCT Refugee SG Resilience SG Refugee SG Resilience SG Refugee SG Resilience SG Refugee SG Resilience SG Food Security Refugee SG Food Security Refugee SG Resilience SG Protection Refugee SG Resilience SG Refugee SG Resilience SG Resilience Inter-Agency Task Force JRP Resilience Response Chapter Justice TF CTCT Resilience SG Transport TF CTCT Resilience SG
Jordan Response Plan 2015 How? 1.Transition from HCSP to JRPSC 2.Restructuring and Management 3.Updated Assessment of Refugee and Host Community Needs 4.Development of Jordan Response Plan 2015
3. Updated Assessment of Refugee and Host Community Needs Joint Needs Assessment Review 2015 Clearly identify the needs and gaps in assistance to host communities and refugees (on and off- camp) in order to inform the development of the JRP for 2015.
Joint Needs Assessment Review 2015 Nationally-led and owned MoPIC leadership –With support of JRPSC Participation of line ministries, donors, UN agencies, and other partners from both the resilience and refugee responses through the JRPSC and its Task Forces Secondary data review Identify needs and priorities at the sectoral level
Joint Needs Assessment Review 2015 MoPIC and JRPS Secretariat - Provide leadership and overall coordination of process - Develop work plans and templates - Consolidate final draft of the report Sector Task Forces - Review relevant data within respective sector - Work with ministries at Governorate level to refine initial findings - Hold focus group discussions with key stakeholders - Draft sector strategies Humanitarian and Resilience Inter Agency Task Forces - Harmonize draft sector strategies - Combine sector strategies into ‘Refugee’ and ‘Resilience’ chapters - Ensure coherence across chapters - Mainstream cross- cutting issues, including gender
Joint Needs Assessment Review Timeline Aug/Sept: Proposed methodology defined End-August to Mid-Sept: Secondary Data Review (e.g. audit of available data, sharing of datasets, cleaning and analysis of data). Mid-Sept to End-Sept: Preliminary secondary data findings, including coverage & gap information analysis Early October: 1 st draft Report Mid-October: Final Report.
Jordan Response Plan 2015 How? 1.Transition from HCSP to JRPSC 2.Restructuring and Management 3.Updated Assessment of Refugee and Host Community Needs 4.Development of Jordan Response Plan 2015
4. Development of the JRP Integrated Jordan Response Plan (JRP) 2015 Single national planning document 1-year (2015) Combined humanitarian and resilience plan Refugee and host community programming Based on Regional Response Plan (RRP) and Jordan National Resilience Plan (NRP) Completed by December 2014
4. Development of the JRP Proposed Outline: Foreword Executive Summary 1. The JRP Introduction Statement of challenges, vulnerabilities and needs Achievements and lessons learned Objectives Approach and methodology 2. Refugees Response Component Refugee needs and vulnerabilities (in and outside camps) Intervention strategy and prioritization Response and financial requirements by sector Annex: project summary sheets for each project proposed Annex: ongoing and pipeline projects 3. Resilience Response Component Host community needs and vulnerabilities including certain/public services provided to refugees in host communities Consequences on national budget Intervention strategy and prioritization Response and financial requirement by sector Annex: project summary sheets for each project proposed Annex: ongoing and pipeline projects 4. Plan Management Management, oversight and approvals Financing modalities and fund raising Facilitation (technical and administrative support) Monitoring and evaluation
Timeline AugSeptOctDec Needs Assessment: Refugees Needs Assessment: Resilience Validate NRP Resilience Interventions and Indicators Joint validation workshop to review 1 st draft, including introductory and closing chapters 1 st Draft ready (Narrative / Resource Table) Revision by Sectors based On comments Joint NAR Validation Workshop and strategic/sectoral objectives agreement JRP finalized JRP LAUNCH by GoJ Nov Define Refugee Sector Interventions Indicators; Develop Narrative Revision by Sectors based on Comments 1 st Draft ready (Narrative / Resource Table) 2 nd full Draft review Review by JRPSC
Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation Thank You Ms. Feda Gharaibeh, Director Humanitarian Relief Coordination Unit