Humanitarian Programme Cycle 2015 August
Joint Analysis HNO ► Strategic Planning SRP ► Response Monitoring PMR
HNO Template 1.Key Humanitarian Issues Priority Needs 2.Impact of the Crisis 3.Information Gaps Annex: Operational Environment Drivers + underlying factors Geographic scope, humanitarian profile Status of population in affected areas Capacity and access constraints / enablers
HNO Process Planning Analysis Plan (what are the main questions we need to answer) Data Consoli- dation & Infor- mation gaps Compiled evidence- base Joint Analysis Shared understan ding of humanitar ian situation Using the findings Needs analysis informs strategic planning 1 day / one meeting2-3 weeks1-3 days as needed to inform response planning
Sources for Analysis Analysis Current situation + likely evolution over planning cycle Other secondary and baseline data: cluster reports, maps, government statistics, media reports Existing assessment, monitoring and survey data e.g. MIRA, SMART, IPC, market, livelihood surveys Vulnerability / severity ranking tools (recommended) Expert judgement clusters, agencies, NGOs, national representatives government, affected population
HNO Toolbox cycle/space/page/assessments-useful-links Prioritization Tool Gender Analysis Environmental Analysis Terminology Caseloads Indicator Registry Presentations
Overview What?When? By whom? How?
Within the HPC “the strategic response plan is a response management tool for country- based decision makers”. Aim: making collective, well-informed decisions to set the course of the response and its coordination. WHAT?
“For a protracted crisis or after a PRP in a sudden onset emergency that requires international humanitarian assistance”. WHEN?
Under the auspices of Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) Cluster Coordinators Agency Non-governmental organization (directors, managers) And facilitated by BY WHOM?
Design a humanitarian strategy and frame it using principles such as inclusiveness, needs-based, set boundaries. Agree on 3-5 strategic objectives with indicators. Make sure it provides a solid basis to monitor the humanitarian response throughout the period of the plan. Formulate each objective in a way that indicates: What should result from the action. Who will benefit from it. Strategic objectives 1.Country strategy HOW?
2.Cluster Response Plan Base the financial requirements on the projects Coordinated project planning follows (including cluster review/vetting) Agree on cluster objectives, top-line activities and indicators “They detail how the strategy will be implemented and how much funding is required”. HOW?
The finalisation is essentially done in- country HQ review of narrative HQ review of projects Finalisation of document (style, format…) Publication FINALISATION
A continuous process that records the aid delivered to affected populations as well as the achieved results set out in the objectives of Strategic Response Plan. RESPONSE MONITORING PURPOSE 1)Provides humanitarian actors an evidence base for making decisions about what actions should be taken to redress shortcomings, fill gaps and/or adjust the SRP, contributing to a more effective and efficient humanitarian response, in the short and long term and 2)Serves to improve accountability of the humanitarian community for the achievement of results outlined in the SRP, towards affected populations, local governments, donors and the general public.
RESULTSRESOURCES InputsActivitiesOutputsOutcomesImpact $40, staff members 100 household water treatment kits Distribution100 households received water treatment kits Increased number of people who have access to safe drinking water Reduced mortality in affected population EXAMPLE RESULTS CHAIN
Planning sets the base for Monitoring
PreparingMonitoringReporting 3 STAGES
KEY STEPS Organising the monitoring framework Monitoring Framework finalized HC/HCT review & endorse Monitoring Framework Monitoring Framework Document drafted Strategic level indicators and targets selected Cluster Response Plans & Cluster Monitoring Plans created Strategic Objectives drafted 1. PREPARING
Core & Supplemental information
SAMPLE Reporting Schedule