Page 2 WLTP FLATBELT PLUS WIND TUNNEL CONCEPT INTRODUCTION WLTP flatbelt/dyno plus wind tunnel concept, Within the windtunnel / Annex 4 TF a road load determination method using a wind tunnel and a flatbelt or dynamometer is developed. What makes this method attractive is the fact, that it can be used independently of weather or temperature conditions over the whole year. Timeline: Vienna: Starting note and first proposal Further developed at two f2f meetings (Munich and Delft). State of play, details on next slides: Wind tunnel: BMW Flat belt: VW Dyno: UTAC Validation measurements: PFA
Page 3 WLTP FLATBELT PLUS WIND TUNNEL CONCEPT STATUS AND STRUCTURE No.ParagraphStatusTarget for Pune 6.Road load measurement using a wind tunnel and a chassis dynamometer or flatbelt facility draft availableto be discussed 6.1.Description of method 6.2.Approval of facilitiesdraft available to be confirmed 6.3.Vehicle preparation and temperaturedraft available to be confirmed 6.4.Wind tunnel measurement draft available to be confirmed Wind tunnel criteria Wind tunnel measurement 6.5.Flatbelt measurement draft availableto be discussed Flatbelt criteria Flatbelt measurement 6.6.Chassis dynamometer measurement work in Chassis dynamometer criteria Chassis dynamometer measurement Chassis dynamometer specific calculations 6.7.Calculations draft availableto be discussed Correction of flatbelt and chassis dynamometer result Calculation of the aerodynamic force Calculation of road load values WLTP flatbelt/dyno plus wind tunnel concept,
Page 4 WLTP FLATBELT PLUS WIND TUNNEL CONCEPT SUMMARY AND QUESTIONS TO THE IWG Please consider these additional documents: First draft proposal on parts of this method by BMW. First concept and draft proposal on measuring on the flatbelt by VW. (First) results from PFA validation program by UTAC. There was significant progress since the first proposal in Vienna. First parts of the method are discussed and already drafted. The windtunnel TF asks the IWG to either confirm or give a direction of improvement of the proposals - part by part, in order to give guidance to the task force where to focus. Additional participants in the TF are asked to inform the contact persons (Rob Cuelenaere and Christoph Lueginger). WLTP flatbelt/dyno plus wind tunnel concept,