D8 dxr Reserve 101
Overview Reserve Component Categories Types of Inactive Duty Sample IDT orders, IDT travel, berthing Types of Active Duty D8 dxr Reserve Orders Routing Flow Chart Entitlements Simplified Mobilization
Types of Reservists Select Reserve (SELRES) Are considered to be in Active status Required to complete drills and ADT Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) Receives no pay and are not obligated to drill or complete ADT May receive pay and full benefits for voluntarily performing AD Required to retain their service uniforms, military ID, and notify the CG if they change their address In-active Status List (ISL) Not required by law to remain in the Ready Reserve Retain their Reserve affiliation in a non-participating status
Inactive Duty Training Types Inactive Duty for Training (IDT): –48 drills authorized per year, 90% must be completed, 1 single drill = min. 4 hrs & 1 retirement point, 1 multiple drill = min. 8 hrs & 2 retirement points –Member schedules in DA, Command must issue written orders and/or enter/approve in DA Readiness Management Period (RMP): –Utilized for dental/medical, SWE, min. 3 hrs, max 1 per day, 1 point, cannot combine with IDT, does not count toward IDT participation (only 1 paid RMP per FY) –Member schedules in DA, Command approves Funeral Duty: –Utilized for member to act in some official capacity for a funeral, member earns $50 and 1 drill point –Member schedules in DA, Command approves
Sample IDT Orders & Endorsement
IDT Travel Entitlements Members are not entitled to receive reimbursement for travel between their place of residence and their normal drill site when under inactive duty orders. Reservists who are ordered to locations other than their normal drill sites shall be placed on unit funded TDY orders and receive entitlements per the JFTR.
Members who must travel more than 50 miles to perform multiple drills or RMPs on consecutive days are authorized berthing between the days of duty. Members who are required to leave home before 0545 to report for duty are authorized berthing the night prior to the scheduled duty period or periods. Members who cannot depart from duty to arrive home before 2100 may be authorized berthing on the night following the last day of duty if travel home is by POV. Members are responsible for requesting berthing by sending an request to: D08-SMB- in the global address list by the 15 th of month prior to month drillingD08-SMB- Berthing on Inactive Duty Orders
Types of Active Duty Not funded by dxr: IADT = Initial Active Duty for Training – A School ADOS-AC = Active Duty for Operation Support - Active Component Member supports Active component or project (Normally funded by member’s assigned unit or requesting unit) EAD = Extended Active Duty – Active Duty - Contract used to fill billets where AD member is not available, NOT reserve duty, pathway for reserve to active integration of member Dxr funded (Subject to availability of Reserve Training funds): ADT-AT = Active Duty for Training - Annual Training – 2 weeks ADT-OTD = Active Duty for Training - Other Training Duty Used for formal schools or professional development in excess of ADT-AT requirements ADOS-RC = Active Duty for Operational Support - Reserve Component Member supports Reserve component or project
Active Duty Training (ADT) 12 days per FY Required for satisfactory participation 1 day travel time if traveling over 100 miles 1 day = 1 point Requests must be routed through supervisor and SPO to dxr within 45 days of desired training date Requests for the Fiscal Year must be in dxr’s work list no later than 01 May If using ADT to attend a C-school, must have approved ADT orders in addition to TDY orders from TQC
D8 dxr Reserve Orders Routing Flow Chart Member coordinates with unit and time frame to conduct ADT-AT/OTD or ADOS-RC/AC. Member generates request in DA and forwards to supervisor for review. Supervisor reviews and submits request to SPO YN/Admin POC SPO YN/POC adds all applicable information and sends to DXR POC for final review/approval
Entitlements Simplified 50 miles or less, authorized one round trip mileage, per diem not authorized Over 100 miles, travel and per diem authorized + travel day Over 50 miles, travel and per diem authorized Government quarters and/or messing are always directed if available.
Pay Entitlements (Comparison) One Multiple IDT Drill: –Two days of Base Pay –Seprats Prorated –Reserve CMA Members are not normally entitled to per diem or travel entitlements on IDT One day of ADT: –Base Pay –BAH-RC –BAS –Other Members are entitled to travel and also could be entitled to per diem on ADT
Types of Mobilization Full Mobilization Congress declares war or a national emergency Affects all reservists (active, inactive, and retired) May last until six months after the war or emergency ends Partial Mobilization Declaration of national emergency Affects only the Ready Reserve Max of one million reservists for no more than two years. Presidential Reserve Call-Ups President notifies Congress Max of 200,000 SELRES and 30,000 IRR Only can be recalled for up to 270 days. 15-Day Statute Secretary can call up the Ready Reserve Limited to 15 days per year Annual training or operational missions