PCC. Roma, November 2014 Spanish Cadastre: Collaborative maintenance and dissemination Amalia Velasco Martín-Varés Sapnish Directorate General for Cadastre
PCC Roma, November Introduction 2.Cadastral Procedures 3.Agreements 4.Cadastral Information System 5.Customers care
PCC Roma, November Introduction The Spanish Cadastre is principally a fiscal cadastre, whose databases of cadastral values of rural and urban real estate are the basis for the calculation of real estate tax and other local, regional and national taxes. But this is not its only purpose: it is also a territorial database allowing the location and identification of cadastral parcels and the assignment of the cadastral reference, as well as the supply of graphic and literal information to other public entities.
PCC Roma, November 2014 Real Estate Identification data: cadastral reference, province, municipality, addresses or location. Juridical data of real estate: Titleholders’ name and national identity number, addresses of titleholders and the notification address, date of acquisition and rights data…. Physical data of real estate: land area, representation of the Buildings (even with the description of every floor) buildings area, class of crops, and other data of the constructions Economic data of the real estates: value of land, value of construction and cadastral value, criteria and valuating module, real estate taxable value, exemptions and benefits. 1. Introduction The Spanish Cadastre is a register that describes the real estates and gives them a value
PCC Roma, November 2014 Physical data of real estate: land surface, buildings surface, conservation status of the constructions, use (legal and actual one), typology, year of construction ….. The cadastral value for each property is determined objectively from the data in the Real Estate Cadastre. 1. Introduction
PCC Roma, November 2014 – the duty of the cadastral titleholder and any other person to collaborate with the cadastre – the obligation to declare of the individuals subject to become cadastral titleholders as owners of any of the rights that originate registration – the obligation of notaries, property registrars, local authorities and other public institutions that act over the territory to communicate all change in the characteristics of the real estates to the cadastre. The Spanish Cadastre, to achieve its main task (valuation) in a proper way, has as priority to keep a regularly updated database. The Law stipulates 1. Introduction The Spanish Cadastre, unlike the Land Register, is compulsory. All the properties have to be registered in it
PCC Roma, November 2014 The Spanish General Directorate for Cadastre is responsible of creation, maintenance and diffusion of the cadastral data either directly or in collaboration with local authorities and other public entities, Employees: employees, 93% in regional and province offices (52) Alliances with other collaborators 1. Introduction
PCC Roma, November 2014 Daily update Massive update Results of the cadastral update in 2013 Number of changes of titleholder in our own offices Number of changes of titleholder by collaborating administration Number of changes of titleholder by Notaries and Property Registers Number of Urban units updated in our offices Number Urban units updated by collaborating administration the changes are captured and reflected in the data base by the 52 Cadastral Management Offices, with the help of the collaborating administrations and profesionals.
PCC Roma, November 2014 Inclusion of the properties is compulsory: declarations Institutional colaboration: Notary and Land Register, Tax Admnistration, Local Governments and other entities (communications/ informations supply) Updating mass actions: Collective Real Estates Valuations Following-up and checking: solving inconsistency, unregistered properties, inspection Inclusion of the properties is compulsory: declarations Institutional colaboration: Notary and Land Register, Tax Admnistration, Local Governments and other entities (communications/ informations supply) Updating mass actions: Collective Real Estates Valuations Following-up and checking: solving inconsistency, unregistered properties, inspection ¿How do we obtain the cadastral information? A wide range of sources of information 1. Introduction In order to keep up to date the information we use different procedures and alliances
PCC Roma, November 2014 Direct action DGC Inspection At the request of citizens Other competent Adms. Data collection of unregistered properties (Regularización ) Mass valuation Solving inconsistencies Corrections Self declarations Applications Appeals Solving inconsistencies Corrections Communications 2. Cadastral Procedures
PCC Roma, November 2014 Communications 2. Cadastral Procedures Other Public Administrations cooperation Compulsory Breaking down bureaucratic steps. They send information, it loads automatically into our database: No papers 1.Notaries and land registers 2.Tax department (Persons data) 3.Municipalities 4.Other Administrations (expropiations…) Citizens released from the responsability of self declaration Their responsibility. No cadastral approval Only control of the quality
PCC Roma, November 2014 Self Declarations Models 2. Cadastral Procedures 901N: Legal data changes: ownership, co-ownership,easement,… Documentation: Deed of sale, purchasing contracts, deed of inheritance 902N: Physical data changes: nuew buildings, refursbishment, division into urban real estate Documentation: Notarial documents, technical documents, maps, photographs 903N: Division, assemblage, addition, segregation Documentation: Notarial documents, maps (before and after) 904N: Demolition, change of use or crop Documentation: Technical documents, maps, administrative authorization Of course with the help p rofesionals
PCC Roma, November Agreements Local Authorities Professional associations ( Real Estate Agents; topogtafs,lawyers, etc ) Other Administrations Other Provincial Offices Land Registries Notaries Agreements Communications Information supply PIC… Communications Information Supply Communications PIC Information Supply Cooperation agreements CadastreCadastre Information flow
PCC Roma, November 2014 The strategy consists of considering the collaborators as providers and beneficiaries of the Spanish General Directorate for Cadastre: they help us to maintain our data base updated, they acquire all necessary data for their taxation and other goals Data is electronically provided by collaborators; they can even process the information working directly in our system or sending data through the E-Office The strategy consists of considering the collaborators as providers and beneficiaries of the Spanish General Directorate for Cadastre: they help us to maintain our data base updated, they acquire all necessary data for their taxation and other goals Data is electronically provided by collaborators; they can even process the information working directly in our system or sending data through the E-Office ALLIANCES: Agreements with Municipalities and other Public Entities 3. Agreements processing cadastral procedures
PCC Roma, November 2014 Municipalities are very much interested in colaborating with cadastre in updating the cadastral data base Municipal taxs Recurrent Property tax 3. Agreements
PCC Roma, November 2014Notary Performs acts in legal affairs Witnessing signatures in documents Gives probative value in transactions (purchase contracts, inheritances, power of attorney) Land Register Gives total guarantee to the registered documents Registered person is considered to be the undisputed owner Differences Land Registry Cadastre Public Purpose: legal Department of Justice Voluntary Restrictive access Purpose: Multi –Purpose (Fiscal) Tax Department Compulsory 3. Agreements. Notaries and Land Registers The registration rights enjoy the presumption of truthfulness in accordance with principles de legitimacy and publicity, but us the supreme court have established that this presumption of truthfulness does not reach to the circumstances de facto : extension of the parcel, exact situation (maps), characteristics …,.
PCC Roma, November 2014 Purchasing contracts and others Private contract Individual Cadaster Compulsory Deed of sale Notary Not Compulsory Perform acts in legal affairs Land Register Registration Public register Cadastral reference Cadaster Not Compulsory 3. Agreements. Notaries and Land Registers
PCC Roma, November 2014 Total Notaries Data sent movements communications (Deeds of sale) changes ownership automatically (50%) Total Land Registers aprox aprox. 3. Agreements. Notaries and Land Registers
PCC Roma, November 2014 Sending and receiving information Notaries Land Register Cadastral Virtual Office (electronic site (SEDE) Interrelate Registered users 3. Agreements. Notaries and Land Registers
PCC Roma, November Agreements. Other agents that works in the territory Obligation to communicate changes in the real estates And also agreements to share information
PCC Roma, November 2014 Check Statements Communications And appealings and claims Inspection Valuation Procedure Planning Market studies We incorporate it in our Cadastral information system. For internal and external Users SIGCA They give us information accesible on line 3. Agreements. Other agents that works in the territory
PCC Roma, November 2014
The Cadastral Information System is a dynamic, open system with numerous flows of interchange of information with multiple external agents who interact with the Cadastre’s databases both as suppliers of information and as users and clients 4. Cadastral Information System
PCC Roma, November 2014 Change of business model. From a fiscal cadastre to a multi- purpose cadastre, fixing of a public policy of maintenance and dissemination of cadastral information 4. Cadastral Information System – From a direct processing to management and control. – Transition from a corporate system to a system of information available to all agents collaborators Definition of services available. Collaboration Scenarios Identity Management
PCC Roma, November 2014 Quality policy Data protection policy Users: Citizens have open access to all data except those subject to Data Protection Law. (Personal data of the owner and value data) Public Administrations (performance of their competencies) Identified cadastral owners can also access to their own protected data 4. Cadastral Information System
PCC Roma, November 2014 ICT as necessary support of the cadastral business model, developing new opportunities, creating value, beyond the mere mechanization Strategic commitment of the cadastre by ICT 4. Cadastral Information System Open System: maintenance and dissemination of information. Updated System: continuously integrating various sources of information. Dynamic System: capable of responding to the needs of the business Normalizer System: as a guarantee of quality of data, products and procedures Centralized/ decentraliced responsibility of preserving the quality of the data in the corresponding territorial area Geographic information system: integrates graphical information of the territory with the alphanumeric information. Characterization
PCC Roma, November 2014 Aplications SIGCA (SI cadastral Graphic System): Maintenance of the graphical information (cartography, FXCC, images). Creation of thematic maps. Georeferencing Consultation and certification of alphanumeric and graphical information. Tools for valuation (f.e. areas of value, values reports) SAUCE (Cadastral manteinance): Validación y valoración SIGECA (SI Cadastral management): Integrated Management of ALL the procedures for updating the Cadastre Exchange of information with ALL the external agents Definition, production and management of cadastral documents Consultation and certification of alphanumeric information. 4. Cadastral Information System
PCC Roma, November 2014 Aplications Cadastral Virtual Office, (Electronic Site (SEC)) Query and certification of alphanumeric and graphical information (citizens, registered users, CIP). Query of the processing status of files. Online aplications.Notification by appearance Exchange of information with colaborators. Regular XML Files Direct Connection Registration of administrative files Direct Recording of alterations of ownership Desktop of cadastral applications(Citrix) Web services 4. Cadastral Information System
PCC Roma, November 2014 Collaboration Scenarios Users 4. Cadastral Information System Municipality Exchanging XML files. Standarized Exchange formats Accessing directly to the Cadastral applications and tools that we serve in a CITRIX platform Web Services of query and update of information with exchange formats.
PCC Roma, November internal users ( Cadastre staff) Users / organizations managed by the electronic Office Evolución anual Users Organizations users Registered Users Users with direct access to applications of cadastre Cadastral Information System
PCC Roma, November 2014 Evolution of Cadastral Information System Highly decentralized system 1998 Establishment of BD (centralized BDNC) 1999 Continuous GIS for all the Spanish territory 2003 CVO Cadastral Virtual Office 2004 Cartography in CVO 2007 Collaboration Scenarios (Citrix, XML, Web Services) Electronic Site of Cadastre. E-government (procidings) Consolidation of application servers and data servers 2011 Electronic notifications Electronic Document administration without paper….Digitalitation Cadastral Information System
PCC Roma, November Cadastral Information System Internal users Companies Profesionals Regional Public Administration Citizens Notaries and Land Registrars Central Public Administration Control of users
PCC Roma, November 2014E-Office 6. Customer service Net of collaborating agents (3.800 aprox.) Location: Public administrations Professional associations Others Less than 20 Km Computer conected to General Directorate Electronic site. Controled by SDGC General Information Certificates Issue of electronic notifications Cadastral Information Points (PIC) Face to face : 52 provincial offices 52 provincial offices Call center Cadastral Virtual Office(SEDE)
PCC. Roma, November 2014 Conclusions In order to achieve their objectives the Spanish Cadastre has had to develop A win win approach A legislation that obliges citizens and public administrations to declare and collaborate with cadastre. Standardized procedures and exchange formats. Instructions to the collaborators and mechanisms for quality control A solid centralized information system Flexible ITC applications. A Cadastral Virtual Office that provides data, tools and services to citizens and public administrations. And a rigorous system to control the users
PCC. Roma, November 2014 Thank you for your attention!!! sedecatastro.gob.es Amalia Velasco Martín-Varés Sapnish Directorate General for Cadastre