Reporter Training APRIL
Campus Labs Compliance Assist is a fully integrated and comprehensive online solution for managing institutional research, planning, and accreditation needs. The Planning tools within Campus Labs’ Compliance Assist offer many valuable capabilities: Produce strategic planning documents and learning outcomes assessment reports through a user-friendly interface, custom-created for your institution. Each component of the site is customizable to suit your strategic planning model, processes, and terminology. All documentation is stored electronically on a secure web site that can be accessed anytime, anywhere. Seamlessly integrate planning and assessment reports into your accreditation self-study. Input strategic goals at the institution level and outcomes assessment at the unit, program, and course level. Personalized role-based dashboard displays goals, projects, and reports assigned to each user. 2
To login in: Visit Log in with your Frostburg credentials Compliance Assist is based on FSU’s organization hierarchy (user roles/permissions have been established for PACIE purposes as the “Coach- PACIE”) PACIE reporting occurs at the institutional Frostburg level. Reports are data driven. Reporting on your assigned action priorities is for FY2015 (actual 7/1/14 to 4/30/15). 3
Type Number of the action priority. Type the full Title of the action priority. Enter the start and end dates for fiscal year you are reporting. (7/1/2014 and 6/30/2015) For the Progress on your action priority, select from the drop down: ongoing, completed, on schedule, overdue, delayed, canceled. Enter the name of the reporting department/unit; we don’t want it to default to Frostburg. Select “Manage” in order to select your name as the Name of the Reporter/Responsible Person. There will be a series of clicks to locate your name and browse it into the form. 9
Sample of data driven report. (2.7, 4.8) Sample of narrative report. (1.1a, 3.2c) Sample of hybrid format. (3.4, 2.2.a) 12