S&I Public Health * We will start the meeting 3 min after the hour April 14 th, 2015
This meeting is being recorded and un-paused and will be available via the wiki *Please mute your phone when not speaking to assist with background noise.
Logistics As a reminder, please mute your phone when you are not talking to the group. When speaking, please say your name before making your comment. You can ask questions by unmuting or by using the “Chat” feature on the web meeting. To find the “Chat” feature, look for the “Chat” bubble at the top of the meeting window. From S&I Framework to Participants: Could you please explain how the terminologies are used in this instance? All Panelists CQF Wiki: cqframework.info 3 Send your “chat” to All Panelists in order to ensure the comments are addressed publicly. This meeting is being recorded. Should you need to take another call, please leave the meeting and rejoin (i.e., please do not put the meeting line on hold).
S&I Public Health Contact Information ONC Public Health Lead: Daniel Chaput CDC Public Health Lead: John M. Saindon CDC Project Coordinator: Julie Lipstein CTR PHTT Wiki Page PHTT Wiki Page: SDC Wiki Page: DAF Wiki Page: CQF Wiki PHRi Archived Wiki Weekly PHTT Meeting Info (Tuesdays): Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm EasternMailbox: URL: Dial-In Number: Access Code:
Announcements Updates –NPRM Stage 3 Released and available for comment (see next slides for more info) more information at –NO PHTT Meeting next week April 20 Next PHTT will be April 28 th –PHTT Education Meetings May –Presenters: Dr. Seth Foldy »Informatics-Savvy Surveillance: Building Health Department Capacity – –Recommended topics send to
Stage 3 NPRM: Public Comment Opportunities Public comments will be accepted through May 29, Please consider using the comment template ONC has provided. Read the proposed rule: (public inspection version) /medicare-and-medicaid-programs-electronic-health- record-incentive-program-stage /medicare-and-medicaid-programs-electronic-health- record-incentive-program-stage-3 Other Stage 3 Resources: Press release: CMS MU regulations: Guidance/Legislation/EHRIncentivePrograms/index.htmlhttp:// Guidance/Legislation/EHRIncentivePrograms/index.html Contact: to discuss specific proposals in Stage 6
2015 Edition NPRM: Public Comment Opportunities Public comments will be accepted through May 29, Read the proposed rule: (public inspection version) information-technology-health-it-certification-criteria-2015-edition-base information-technology-health-it-certification-criteria-2015-edition-base Public comment template for 2015 Ed Rule (Available at: regulations Other 2015 Edition Resources: Press release: ATTED.docx ATTED.docx Fact sheet: Edition_FactSheet.pdfhttp:// Edition_FactSheet.pdf ONC regulations: certification-regulationshttp:// certification-regulations Contact: 7
Presentation on those two NPRMs A recording of a presentation on the those 2 NPRMs can be found here: – nationwidehttp:// nationwide –Scroll down to the 4/2 meeting section with the heading: “04/02/2015 (Special Session): CMS Stage 3 and ONC 2015 Edition Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRMs) - Overview and Key Public Health Reporting Aspects” 8
Meaningful Use – 2015 – 2017 Modifications to Meaningful Use for 2015 through 2017: Realigning the EHR Incentive Programs to support health information exchange and quality improvement Simplifying and Streamlining –The proposed rule would streamline reporting requirements. To accomplish these goals, the NPRM proposes: –Reducing the overall number of objectives to focus on advanced use of EHRs; –Removing measures that have become redundant, duplicative or have reached wide-spread adoption; –Realigning the reporting period beginning in 2015, so hospitals would participate on the calendar year instead of the fiscal year; and –Allowing a 90 day reporting period in 2015 to accommodate the implementation of these proposed changes in
Meaningful Use – CMS Fact Sheet (PDF & WORD)- External Use or go here: act-sheets/2015-Fact-sheets-items/ html? act-sheets/2015-Fact-sheets-items/ html? Federal Register EHR: Meaningful Use-CMS P (CMS-3311-P) (PDF): inspection.federalregister.gov/ pdf inspection.federalregister.gov/ pdf Comments due ~ June 13,
Today 1.Announcements a)Twice a Month Meetings b)Upcoming Education Series c)Update related to FACA 2.Presentation Finalization 3.PHTT Moving Forward a)Current State b)Proceeding forward with resources i.Priorities
2015 Interoperability Standards Advisory Of particular interest –Section II: Best Available Content/Structure Standards and Implementation Specifications –Section III: Best Available Transport Standards and Implementation Specifications –Section IV: Best Available Standards and Implementation Specifications for Services Comments due 5 pm EDT on Friday, May 1 st, 2015
Current State of PHTT More of a distributor of information (from S&I, Meaningful Use, Education Series) Original intent was to have working groups to help develop tools to be utilized –Limitation: don’t have resources to do this –Fear: if opportunities do come up we don’t have our priorities lined up
When Resources ($$) Become Available… Resources = Funding or dedicated personnel What are our priority of efforts? What do we want to achieve? Short-term gains? Focus on one disease to pilot for case reporting? Map data elements from PHRi to IHE or HL7? Are we meeting the needs? Transition from Supply-based to Demand-based –Have to consider providers needs
Education Series Topics Schools need Puerto Rico and Islands Disasters Pieces of Military FHIR Value Proposition for Provider