ODE Excess Cost Calculation Data Collection Details Webinar Jackie McKim, Research Analyst Sarah Drinkwater, Assistant Superintendent
Understand the Excess Cost requirement in IDEA Understand the difference between Excess Cost and Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Ability to submit the Excess Cost calculation via the ODE District Website 2 Session Objectives
Definition Difference from Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Data Collection 3 Excess Cost
Sec Excess costs. Excess costs means those costs that are in excess of the average annual per-student expenditure in an LEA during the preceding school year for an elementary school or secondary school student, as may be appropriate, and that must be computed after deducting... (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1401(8)) 4 Excess Cost - Definition
Excess Cost v. Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Excess Cost Spending on Special Education students compared to non- Special Education students By grade range Expenditures compared in same year arch/page/?=371 arch/page/?=371 MOE Spending only on Special Education students At district level Expenditures compared to prior year h/page/?= h/page/?=3069 5
Collection Window: January 22 through March 9, 2015 Forms/Documents available at Excess Cost Template (Excel) Excess Cost Q&A (Word) SECC Data for Excess Cost Calculations (Word) 6 Excess Cost Data Collection
Fiscal Calendar Special Education Finance Q&A 7 Special Education Funding Webpage
None – same as last year Keep in Mind: Based on clarification from the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP): Child Count (SECC) data is from All other data is from Major Changes
Complete tabs in order of numbering: 1.Revenue - Enter funding sources in yellow cells 2.Expenditures – Enter funds expended in yellow cells 3.Combined – Enter data in yellow cells only as indicated by text boxes (e.g. SECC data) 4.ODE Final Submission – Calculated submission data (no data entry) Caution: Worksheets are not protected. 9 Excess Cost Template
10 IDEA Excess Cost Calculation Data Collection Form: Excess Cost Template (Excel) Tab: 4. ODE Final Submission
11 To Access the IDEA Excess Cost Calculation Log on to the district website at Select Consolidated Collections 3. Click on Institution Collections ► IDEA Excess Cost Calculation ► Submission / Maintenance
12 Take Note… When you are entering the numbers from the “ODE Final Submission” tab, you will only enter the “Total Expenditures less Capital Outlay & Debt in Audit Year” once. The second occurrence of that line item is on row 22 (elementary) or 58 (secondary) and is left out of the web submission.
13 Excess Cost Web Submission Screen Once data is entered click Save. Only “error free” records will be saved.
14 Excess Cost Calculation Errors Error value, field, and descriptions provide information for correcting record. Error comments are provided next to each line in error.
15 Excess Cost Calculation Errors Once lines are corrected, click “Save” to update record. To add another record, click the green plus mark to access a new submission screen.
16 Excess Cost Submission Once all entries are complete, go to the Status Tracking screen and click on the black arrow to the left of the IDEA Excess Cost Calculation line. A verification window will open directly beneath the collection line. Click on the Verify Submission button to complete the submission process.
17 Excess Cost Submission You will receive a “Verification record inserted.” message and the submitters name and date verified will be inserted on the collection line.
18 Review Data : SECC from (i.e. 12/1/14) Expenditures from Forms: Instructions/Template (Excel) Excess Cost Q&A (Word) Instructions to get SECC Data (Word) Questions?
Jackie McKim: or Sarah Drinkwater: or 19 Contacts