Dr Ahmed Jamsheed Mohamed WHO South East Asia Regional Office 9-11 February 2015
Endemicity of NTDs amenable to PCT NTDEndemic countriesNo. of countries requiring PC LF9/116/9 STH118/11 SCH1/111 TRA3/113
Integrated NTD Plans Countries with integrated NTD plans: 4/11 Coun try Diseases coveredSource of Funding BANLF, STH, VL (Draft) Gvt + donour (USAID, CNTD, CWW, J&J) BHUPlan to develop in 2015 Gvt INOLF, STH, SCH, yaws & leprosy Gvt + donour (USAID, RTI, GNNTD) MMRLF, STH and Trachoma Gvt + donour (GNNTD, JICA) NEPLF, STH and Trachoma Gvt + donour (USAID) TLSLF, STH and yaws Gvt + donour (GNNTD, Uni of Sydney & Rotary Club)
Regional progress: Feb 2015 Note: IUs requiring MDA might change based on the ongoing survey in BAN and INO Data on IUs eligible for TAS is incomplete
Regional updates Mapping completed by2009. However, BAN and INO decided to resurvey some of the districts BAN18/19 districts passed TAS Resurveying: 13/15 completed MDA in 2015: 1 district IND30/255 districts passed TAS TAS going on in 34 districts TAS plan for : 81 districts MDA 2015: 164 districts INO45/233 districts passed TAS TAS plan for 2015: 26 districts Resurveying: 107 districts (ongoing) MDA in 2015: planned for 158 districts MMR5/45 districts passed TAS TAS plan for 2015: 12 districts MDA not initiated: 7 districts NEP20/61 districts passed TAS TAS plan for 2015: 11 districts TLSPlan to restart MDA in 4 districts: Q3/Q4, 2015
Geographical coverage (LF) Note: Maldives, Sri Lanka & Thailand under post MDA surveillance
Programme coverage (LF)
National coverage (LF)
Number of people treated (LF) 2014 MDA India: completed MDA in 45/136 districts. Rest of the districts expected to be complete by early Q2 in 2015 Indonesia: data (93 districts) not available
Impact assessment
STH coverage 2013: PreSAC
STH coverage 2013: SAC
Schistosomiasis coverage 2014: data may be incomplete
Recent publication Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis-Current status and way ahead (2014); P.K.Srivastava et al Journal of Communicable Diseases; 2(46) Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis in Goa: First Successful Transmission Assessment Survey in India (2014); P.K.Srivastava et al Journal of Communicable Diseases; 2(46) 7-16 A Tool for Monitoring Epidemiological Impact of MDA in the Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis-An Indian Experience (2014); P.K.Srivastava et al Journal of Communicable Diseases; 2(46): 1-6 Gunawardena et al, Integrated School-Based Surveillance for Soil-Transmitted Helminth Infections and Lymphatic Filariasis in Gampaha District, Sri Lanka; Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 90(4), pp. 661–666
Surveillance LF: sentinel and spot checks, TAS, Post MDA surveillance, line listing of lympheodema and hydrocele cases, using HIMS for operated hydrocele cases STH: follow-up stool survey done in BAN TRA: population based survey in NEP Integrated STH and LF surveillance in Sri Lanka
PCT data management WHO standardized tools (JRSM, JRF, AWP) are used by all countries Indonesia has started using integrated NTD database Efficiency and data flow is good in most of the countries but needs improvement in larger countries No regional database Data quality needs improvement in some countries India has taken measures on strengthening data management and M&E: a consultant and 6 additional staff at central level and 17 at state level has been recruited
Programme evaluation in 2014 India JMM of vector-borne diseases Independent appraisal of LF programme through the Indian Council of Medial Research (VCRC) o 12 districts from six states were selected Indonesia National programme evaluation meeting In-depth review of 27 districts with various coverage and performance issues (as per RPRG recommendation) Participated by National Taskforce on Filariasis, WHO (HQ, RO & WCO), RTI along with central and district programme staff
Challenges and needs Inadequate funds Low priority and resource allocation in decentralized settings Weak procurement and supply chain management High cost of TAS and difficulty in getting diagnostics HR constraints Strengthening M&E Poor urban coverage Tackling Hot Spots Expanding coverage and intensifying morbidity management MDA surveillance and sustaining achievement Surveillance in migrant population
Thank You