Department of Education SHS Classroom Construction 2015
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Official list of Schools for validation will be distributed to all Regional and Division Offices Division will conduct Kick-off Meeting prior to actual school validation Meeting with the School Head to discuss the latest Site Development Plan of the School Appraisal Team to do actual site inspection to determine available space for construction and other physical aspects that would affect the implementation of the project Team to record in the Appraisal form the findings on the inspection made including drawing the updated site dev plan showing location of the proposed building All members of the Team to sign in the accomplished Site Appraisal Form Actual Site Validation The Team will consolidate the reports for concurrence/ approval of the SDS Submission of the approved reports to the Central Office PFSED Consolidates list for submission to DBM for issuance of SARO and to DPWH for implementation SHS Validation Process
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 1.DepEd PFSED to provide to all SDS (cc Regional and Division Project Engineers): a.list of schools to be validated for SHS construction (e-copy and hard copy) appraisal forms (e-copy and hard copy of sample accomplished form) c.Site Appraisal Plan (e-copy) SHS Validation Process
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 2.The SDS shall organize a kick-off meeting to be attended by: a.Division SHS Coordinator, DPEs, Division Physical Facilities Coordinator and other concerned personnel b.Agenda for the meeting are as follows: i.Mechanics of site appraisal ii.Schedule iii.Team members and team assignments iv.Logistical requirements v.Other support needed to be provided by the SDO Site Validation Process
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 3. Upon arrival at the school, the DPE/PFC and SHS coordinator shall accomplish the following: a.Check latest site development plan of the school (include all ongoing construction projects and/or pledges/commitment from other sources) b.Conduct environmental scanning within and outside the school promises (check for available space/potential sites suited for proposed SHS construction, consider safety, etc.) c. Check if recommended building designs can be accommodated within the campus (given the standard footprints of the building proposed to be constructed) SHS Validation Process
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION d.Identify other available spaces within the school compound e.Accomplish the Site Appraisal Form f.Sign accomplished form (with School Head) SHS Validation Process
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 4.Consolidate the results of the validation activity by municipality and by division 5.SDS will review and approve based on the result of the validations 6.Submit forms (hard or soft copy) to PFSED by March 7, SHS Validation Process
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SHS Classroom Construction: Timelines for Implementation Site Appraisal Submission to DBM for issuance of SARO and to DPWH for implementation Procureme ntConstructionTurn-Over 26 Jan -28 Feb 2015 March 2015April-May 2015 June 2015 – May 2016
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 3 Components: Basic School Site Information Assessment of Buildable Space for construction Site Development Plan SHS Site Appraisal Form
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Component 1: Basic School Site Information Name of School School ID Name of School Head Classification of SHS Site Site Ownership Lot Area Topography Location Soil condition Availability of Water and Electricity History of Flood Level SHS Site Appraisal Form
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Component 2: Assessment of Buildable Space for Construction Evaluation if the recommended school building type can be accomodated in the available space in the school; Identifying other area or open space available that can be used for future construction SHS Site Appraisal Form
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Component 3: Site Development Plan Shows the entire school compound, existing facilities and proposed construction (dotted lines) SHS Site Appraisal Form
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION All Regional Directors to request their respective Regional Physical Facilities Coordinators to: 1.Disseminate all documents needed for SHS site appraisal to all divisions by Monday, January 26, Monitor the progress of appraisal in each division and if needed, provide additional support to ensure completion on or before the set deadline. Next Steps
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 2015 SHS Construction Timelines (using FY 2014 and FY 2015 budgets) DepEd DOs: Validation of Buildable Space DepEd CO: Finalization of 2015 SHS Construction Program DPWH: Bidding DepEd DO: Orientation of School Heads DPWH: Construction DepEd: Monitoring by DO and school heads Jan-Feb 2015 March 2015 Mar-Apr 2015 May 2015 – May 2016
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 2015 SHS Classroom Construction Information Dissemination. Based on the results of the SHS validation activity: –DepEd Central Office (CO): finalize the program for SHS construction and submit to DPWH and DBM; provide the Division Offices, copy furnished the Regional Offices, with a copy of the same list. –DepEd Regional Offices (RO) and Division Offices (DO): inform the concerned school heads and other stakeholders in the community of the final program/planned construction.
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 2015 SHS Classroom Construction Orientation on Construction Monitoring. The SDS, with support from the Division Project Engineer, shall conduct an orientation activity for concerned school heads to apprise them of the critical stages in construction that need to be monitored closely.
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 2015 SHS Classroom Construction DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION BEAM: 250mm x 400mm COLUMN: 350mm x 350mm NEW FEATURE OF CALAMITY- RESILIENT DESIGN: bigger and more reinforced beams and columns
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 2015 SHS Classroom Construction Realignment. The DO shall inform the DepEd CO of any changes or deviation from the final program for SHS construction (ex. due to commitments from LGUs/other donors or changes in projected enrollment). –The changes shall be reported to the DepEd CO no later than the end of the second quarter of the year (per Special Provision No. 21 Project Modification in the 2015 GAA) All SHS construction should be completed by end- May School heads shall immediately report to the DO, which shall notify the DepEd CO, of any possible slippage from this deadline.
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Recap of Roles and Responsibilities for Construction Monitoring DepEd CO: –Provide ROs and DOs with final list for construction (to be implemented by DPWH) DepEd RO: –Inform DOs and other stakeholders of programmed construction –Provide assistance to DOs in construction monitoring DepEd DO: –Inform concerned school heads and other stakeholders of programmed construction –Provide technical assistance to schools in monitoring actual construction (conduct orientation) –Inform CO of any changes/realignments by end-June 2015 –Regularly update CO on status of construction
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Looking Ahead: Indicative Timelines for 2016 SHS Classroom Provision DepEd CO: Submission of 2016 budget proposal DepEd CO: Adjustments to 2016 Construction Program DepEd: Finalization of 2016 Program DPWH: Bidding Feb-Mar 2015 May-June 2015 Nov-Dec 2015 DPWH: Constructio n DepEd: Monitoring Jan-May 2016