Introduction McCamish Systems, located in Atlanta, Georgia, is an Infosys BPO company. It is specialized in life insurance and retirement business process and technology solutions. McCamish is a specialized application for the use in Insurance sector worldwide. The market leader has customised this tried and tested software for the use of India Post.
India Post – Project Goals Solution Overview India Post – Project Goals Our project aims to achieve the following: Wider reach to the Indian population through more customer interaction channels Better customer service Widen the product Growth through new lines of business IT enablement of business processes and support functions Facilitator Notes: Explanation: As a part of India Post, India Post has carried out business process reengineering across various functional areas and has created To-Be processes that will enable it to achieve these objectives. In order to implement these processes in a sustainable manner, they need to be IT enabled in an integrated manner that improves operational efficiencies. More Information: NA Facilitation Tips: NA
PLI and RPLI as a part of FSI Financial Services Integration (FSI) is an important part of the India Post program and includes following elements: Banking Insurance The Core Banking System (CBS) is integrated with the help of the Finacle platform. The PLI and RPLI services are integrated with the help of the McCamish application.
Benefits of the Application Friendlier Application Interface Better Customer Service Faster Decision Making Higher Operational Efficiency Easier Agent Management Greater Regulatory Compliance
Central Processing Centres Divisional Offices Regional Offices Changed Set-Up Post Office Central Processing Centres Divisional Offices Regional Offices Circle Offices Facilitator Notes: Explanation: NA More Information: NA Facilitation Tips: Facilitate a discussion around the existing processes and the application that the audience use for their day-to-day activities. The discussion should bring out the limits of current process and the application. Use the white board to note down the limits and try to classify what the audience says about the limits. Once the discussion is over, inform the audience that the new program is aimed at addressing some of these limits.
Roles involved in New Business Processing The end-to-end processing of a new Proposal in India Post starts and ends with the customer or advisor and spreads across Post Office (PO), Central Processing Center (CPC) and Director’s office. It involves the following four roles at India Post: Indexer Data Entry Operator Facilitator Notes: Explanation: NA More Information: NA Facilitation Tips: Provide suitable examples, if possible to explain the features. Director’s office ? Quality Checker Approver
PLI Process Accounting Disbursement Batch Process Alerts Proposals Financial Policy Servicing Claims Accounts Non-Financial Policy Servicing Data Center Receipt & Dispatch DO/RO/CO CPC PO Accounting Disbursement Batch Process Alerts Approval > 5 Lacs Underwriting Approval Quality Check Data Entry Quality Check / Approval Document Scanning ASP/Inspector/PRI(P)/PA Head of CPC Claim Processing Dispatch Documents Indexing DC Approval Printing Investigation if applicable Collection & Disbursement Facilitator Notes: Explanation: NA More Information: NA Facilitation Tips: This slide talks about the To Be or the new process at India Post, which will be followed post McCamish implementation. New CPCs will be setup at HO to reorganize the processing. For example, data entry for a proposal will be done at CPC instead of circle office and it will now be system driven.
Process Flow of New Proposal UW= Under Writer
Port for Departmental Official Use Port For Agents Port For Customer Ports Available Port for Departmental Official Use Port For Agents Port For Customer Facilitator Notes: Explanation: NA More Information: NA Facilitation Tips: Facilitate a discussion around the existing processes and the application that the audience use for their day-to-day activities. The discussion should bring out the limits of current process and the application. Use the white board to note down the limits and try to classify what the audience says about the limits. Once the discussion is over, inform the audience that the new program is aimed at addressing some of these limits.
Various Services in Departmental Interface New Business Proposal Policy Servicing Billing and Collection Client Maintenance Advisor Profile Management Letters and Reports Facilitator Notes: Explanation: NA More Information: NA Facilitation Tips: Facilitate a discussion around the existing processes and the application that the audience use for their day-to-day activities. The discussion should bring out the limits of current process and the application. Use the white board to note down the limits and try to classify what the audience says about the limits. Once the discussion is over, inform the audience that the new program is aimed at addressing some of these limits.
Activities in CPC Central Processing centres will be the nerve centre of all activity. The PO only accepts the new proposal, or service request, indexes, submits to CPC.. Then after , the focus shifts to CPC. CPC receives both Soft copy and hard copy to process. The new proposal is scrutinised, digitised by the Data Entry Operator and forwarded to QC. Quality Checker again checks the proposal, Confirms the correctness and readies for approval and submits to Approver. Approver approves the Proposal to be a Policy. Servicing request are also received in CPC and gets services of all types.
Operations at a glance New Business Processing Billing and Collection Revival and Reinstatement Commutation Reduced Paid-Up Conversion Facilitator Notes: Explanation: NA More Information: NA Facilitation Tips: Provide an overview of the modules in the Operations Training. Surrender Loan Claims Reports and Letters Customer Service
Letters and Reports Letters and Reports support Policy Administration and Client Servicing. Letters and Reports are available in the system in pre-defined formats. Letters and Reports available in the system are event specific and not product specific.
Letters Available in the System: Examples for Pre-determined format Introduction to Letters and Reports Letters Available in the System: Examples for Pre-determined format Serial Number Letter Category Letter Title Trigger Condition 1 Surrender Intimation/Surrender accepted Letter When surrender is processed successfully 2 NFO( Non Forfeiture option) Reduced Paid Up Rejection When Reduced Paid Up is rejected by the approver 3 Commutation Decrease in Sum Assured /Premium Letter When commutation is processed successfully 4 Loan Cover Letter /Loan Sanction Letter When loan is processed successfully 5 Freelook Freelook Cancellation Letter When Freelook is processed successfully or approved by the approver 6 Cancellation Policy Cancellation Acceptance Letter When Approver approves policy cancellation request 7 Conversion Conversion Acceptance Letter When conversion request is approved Facilitator Notes: Explanation: Free look - A policy can be cancelled by the policy holder within the “Free Look Period” (15 calendar days from the date the policy is received by the policy owner). Cancellation of policies – If the policy is taken with the intention of fraud and material misrepresentation by the policy holder then the policy can be cancelled by the company. More Information: Refer to the Letters and Reports Operating Manual. Facilitation Tips: At this stage, you may ask learners to list some of the letters relevant to their area of work. You can also ask them if they expect any specific letters to be made available in the new system. After checking the list of available letters, you can respond if the requested letter is available.
Reports Available in the System: Examples for Adhoc reports. Introduction to Letters and Reports Reports Available in the System: Examples for Adhoc reports. Serial Number Report Category Report Title Frequency 1 Commission Disbursement Report Adhoc 2 License Agents Licensed Report 3 License Renewal Follow-up Report 4 Producer Agent Termination Report 5 Performance Report 6 Incentive Report 7 Premium Report 8 Commission Statement 9 Profitability Report Facilitator Notes: Explanation: NA More Information: Refer to the Letters and Reports Operating Manual. Facilitation Tips: At this stage, you may ask learners to list some of the reports relevant to their area of work. You can also ask them if they expect any specific reports to be made available in the new system. After checking the list of available reports, you can respond if the requested report is available.
Common User Interface Elements Getting Started with Letters and Reports Common User Interface Elements Element Description The drop-down box has a number of values in the list. Users must click the arrow to open the drop-down and select the required value. The user must enter the required value in the text entry field box. The user must click the Calendar icon to enter the required date for any month or year. A separate pop-up is displayed when the icon is clicked. The user must select the Checkbox icon to select a value. On click, the icon changes to . The non-editable display fields and the values cannot be changed. Values entered in other screens or ones generated by the system are displayed here. The user must select the Radio button to select a value. On click, the icon changes to . The Search button is an action button whose name signifies its function. The user must enter the search value in the field and click the button to complete the process. The user must click the Submit button to submit details that are entered. Element Description The drop-down box has a number of values in the list. Users must click the arrow to open the drop-down and select the required value. The user must enter the required value in the text entry field box. The user must click the Calendar icon to enter the required date for any month or year. A separate pop-up is displayed when the icon is clicked. The user must select the Checkbox icon to select a value. On click, the icon changes to . The non-editable display fields and the values cannot be changed. Values entered in other screens or ones generated by the system are displayed here. The user must select the Radio button to select a value. On click, the icon changes to . The Search button is an action button whose name signifies its function. The user must enter the search value in the field and click the button to complete the process. The user must click the Submit button to submit details that are entered. Facilitation Notes: Explanation: The application has a user friendly interface that allows easy navigation. Values can be selected through drop down list boxes, radio buttons and additional information can be entered through text boxes. More Information: NA Facilitation Tips: Access the application and have trainees identify the various elements that they just saw on the slide.
Features of the Application Product Setup Lead Management & Agent Portal Medical Underwriting & Reinsurance System Availability of insurance application on Customer Portal, RICT, Mobile Cash, Cheque, Credit/Debit Card, Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) as mode of premium payment Effective Agency Management through Goal Setting & monitoring of agents Facilitator Notes: Explanation: NA More Information: NA Facilitation Tips: Provide suitable examples, if possible to explain the features. Customized Report Generation Alerts generation through system for various transactions Integration with Enterprise Content Management System (ECMS) for scanning and storage of documents as soft copies
Customer Portal – Home Page
Agents Portal – Home Page
Conversion of Legacy Data The Enterprise Content Management System (ECMS) is designed to support India Post in scanning the documents received at various Post Offices (PO). It is used to capture, manage, store and deliver documents related to organizational processes. The Legacy data also is converted to electronic format using this system. This process is a pre-requisite for migration
MIGRATION RESPONSIBILITIES INFOSYS Resource Management ,project planning and coordination with different teams Perform Requirements Gathering and Data Mapping Exercise Data Transformation , Loading to McCamish Generation of Reconciliation reports and Data validation Issue Analysis and Resolution Participate in UAT Provide Remote Support to PO's post Migration DOP Data cleansing of electronic data - Based on business rules shared Data Extraction from Legacy system for conversion to PLI/RPLI system Data Validation , Reconciliation reports Signoff Participate in UAT and Sign off Confirmation on Office Readiness for migration Sign off on Migrated Data
Integrated Lead Management System The integrated Lead Management System has the benefit of the following three applications: Finacle CRM McCamish Analyz Creation of Leads Assignment of Leads to Advisors Updation of Leads Status based on report provided by Lead responses Provision for definition of Campaign and Campaign Cost Provision to Associate Leads with Campaign Capture of Lead Information via Web Portal Host the Lead information on the Agent Portal Process Leads in the Agent Portal (Lead Response Capture) Display Cross-Sell and Up-Sell Products to Existing Customers through Customer Portal Calculate the Advisor Incentive based on Advisor Sales Record Perform Cross-Sell and Up-Sell of Products Calculate Win Ratio from Leads and Opportunities Publish Advisor Productivity Reports and Closure Rate Reports Publish Qualitative and Quantitative Information Report of Leads Publish Lost Opportunities Report
Lead Management System Key Features of Lead Management System Campaign Creation Lead Creation Lead Assignment Track Leads against Policy Purchased Track Converted Leads Track Opportunity Track Lost Opportunity Facilitator Notes: Explanation: NA More Information: NA Facilitation Tips: Provide suitable examples, if possible to explain the features. Capture Customer Response Enable Cross Selling Calculate Probability to Win and Update Opportunity Status Calculate Turn Around Time of Advisor to Close the Call