Armored Security Vehicle (ASV, M1117) CPT Alexis M. Marks
Outline Background Specifications Task Organization Advantages Disadvantages Planning Considerations Common Problems Summary
Background Stop gap vehicle between M1114 and Stryker Manufactured by Textron Systems Numbers by year Original Order: 94 vehicles In Iraq: 63 vehicles Production rate: 36 per month*
Specifications 246’’ 101’’ 102’’ 18’’
Specifications Engine: 4WD, 260 hp Weight: 12,428 lbs Payload: 3,360 lbs Armament: M2 MK-19 M249 (claw-mounted) Transport: C-130 roll-on, C-17 (6), CH-53 helicopter
Specifications Range: Over 400 miles Maximum Speed: 63 mph Acceleration: 0-20 mph <5.0 sec Turning Diameter: 55‘ Gradient: 60% Side Slope: 30% Elevation: -10° to +60°
Survivability Entire Vehicle Crew compartment Overhead Under-carriage 7.62mm Ball Crew compartment 12.7lbs explosives Overhead 60mm mortar fragments @ 10 meters 155m artillery air-burst @ 15m Under-carriage Anti-personnel mines and Anti-tank mines up to an equivalent of 12 lbs. of TNT.
Task Organization (CS) MP MP MP Line Platoons: one per squad HQ Platoon: three total ASV’s in company: 15 HQ PLT MP MP MP
Task Organization (Div) MP DS PLT MP MP MP MP MP MP Direct Support Platoons: one ASV squad General Support Platoon: ten total ASV’s in company: 26 GS PLT
Advantages Gunner protected Dual mount Perception Wench Spotlight
Disadvantages Difficult to dismount Observation Cannot self-recover Rollovers
Planning Considerations Training GTA Designate teams Leaders know how to employ Rollover drills Weapons Qualification
Planning Considerations Maintenance FMTV tires HEMTT Wrecker Communications Supply BII NBC masks (M42)
Common Problems Rollovers Gas Tanks Weapons Installation
References Basic Info Datasheet Fielding Memo Datasheet Fielding Memo
Summary ASV is the Army’s solution between the M1114 and the Stryker Prior training is essential to ASV operations Junior leaders need to know how to employ