Climate Monitoring and Assessment: a ccl contribution to address ecvs


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Presentation transcript:

Climate Monitoring and Assessment: a ccl contribution to address ecvs By Manola Brunet, co-chair of the WMO/CCl OPACE 2 on Climate Monitoring and Analysis With inputs from Tom Peterson, Will Wright and Omar Baddour

but recall, CCl is SMN-centric and some ECVs are not derived from met service data, so will never be monitored by CCl (e.g. leaves related indexes). Tom’s thought to transfer you 

outline A new CCl structure to address challenges in the 16th inter-sessional period (2014-2018), coming from CCl-16 Conference (Heidelberg, July 2014) Main CCl activities in support of ECVs: from data management to monitoring & analysis OPACE 1 (Data Management) lines of activity OPACE 2 (Monitoring & Analysis) relevant activities Some side events at the WMO Cg-17 that could be of interest to attend by AOPC panellists

CCl organigram for the 16th intersessional period

5 OPACEs, 26 teams & 5 intermediate bodies to help running the ccl ball OPACE 1 (6 teams) dealing with Climate Data Management OPACE2 (6 teams) on Climate Monitoring and Assessment OPACE3 (5 teams) with the focus on Climate Predictions, Projections & Delivery Mechanisms OPACE4 (4 teams) coping with an User Interface for Climate Adaptation & Risk Management OPACE 5 (5 teams) with the focus on capacity development in the activity areas of the 4 OPACEs

OPACE 1: focus, SOME OUTCOMES AND near FUTURE lines of work Climate data management Climate Data Management System Specifications: a guideline on CDMS in need to harmonise & support better less resourced NMS & to ensure a continued updating of the CDMSs Specs document. Discussion Paper. Stations Metadata and WMO Core Profile: A way forward. All this linked to CBS, GCOS Develop a Logical Data Model that facilitates efficient exchange of Climate Observations Data and Metadata Data Rescue The International Data Rescue Portal (I-DARE): A global DARE information resource for coordinating and better guiding DARE efforts globally. Work is already underway on the Portal, with the aim of producing a very preliminary, cut down prototype of the Portal for demonstration at Cg-17. Linked to GCOS, WIS, GFCS. Thanks to GCOS for its financial support to I-DARE! & also to KNMI to prepare the prototype! INDARE: a new DARE Initiative for the Indian Ocean Rim Countries & the I-CA&D concept & links to ETCCDI to liaise DARE & climate services delivery Rescuing ACMAD microfiches by IEDRO (supported by GCOS/CCl collaboration) is being hampered by lack of financial support from USAID. Noting this in the AOPC report by emphasising the scientific importance of this project will add further support in addition to GFCS current support WIS core components

OPACE 1: focus, SOME OUTCOMES AND near FUTURE lines of work (2) Climate Data Modernization Programme (IPET-CDMP) or observing requirements and standards for climate: Pursuing collaboration with other technical commission on HQ-GDMFC (e.g. CBS/WIGOS, JCOMM, WCRP, GCOS, ICT-CSIS) Update or introduce new technical regulations & guidance material for climate data management to better reflect and improve data functions, processes & organizational aspects; Identify & extended range of climate data types to support GFCS on an operational basis; Develop, & promulgate for wide use, commonly agreed standards & consistent practices for key data management elements including climate data, metadata and related archiving facilities & information services; Provision of additional Guidance on developing observation networks for climate services. Linked to CBS, GCOS, CIMO A recognition mechanism in support of centennial stations, linked to CIMO, GCOS, WIGOS (being to be presented/discussed at Cg-17 in a side event) Resolution on Climate Normals to be endorsed by WMO Cg-17 NCEI is developing a template for Daily CLIMAT submission (Tom’s following up)

Opace 2: The ncmp approach National Climate Monitoring Products (ET-NCMP. Lead: John Kennedy, UK; Co- lead: Lucie Vincent, Canada) & the development of specifications of the 6 NCMPs & guidance for their operational production and dissemination: Monthly area-average mean temperature time series. Monthly area-average of total precipitation anomalies expressed as percentages. Monthly area-average of Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI). Monthly area-averaged percent of time Tmax > 90th percentile of daily maximum temperature. Monthly area-averaged percent of time Tmin < 10th percentile of daily minimum temperature. Significant climate and weather event relevant to the area or region. Collaborate with other groups such as the relevant CBS teams regarding the creation, coding, implementation and the exchange of NCMPs, obtain feedback on NCMP implementation from suitable points of contact in NMHSs, and liaise with World Data Centres as appropriate on scientific and technical guidance Collaborate with ETCCDI to assess the feasibility of combining RClimDex with appropriate gridding software to develop a unified NCMP software package suitable for use on routine basis by the NMSs. Tom’s question to you: Although the baby has to start crawling before walking, which ECVs GCOS would like ET-NCMP to tackle next?

Opace 2: relevant efforts to better Monitor ecvs Climate Change Detection and Indices (ET-CCDI Co-chairs: Albert Klein-Tank, the Netherlands & Xuebin Zhang, Canada Enhancing knowledge & data recovery and sharing at the regional scale via capacity development in regional workshops Producing global datasets of indices based on observations Fostering research on observed, projected & attribution of regional & global changes in extremes Development and assessment of indices from global climate models Definitions of Extreme Weather and Climate Events (TT-DEWCE. Lead: Panmao Zhai, China; co-lead: Ahira Sánchez-Lugo, USA) Continuing efforts to univocally define weather & climate extremes & their thresholds Identify and provide a set of tools to monitor climate extremes, both point-based and regional indices; Implement an inter-operable Web Portal holding a database for regional extreme weather and climate events Rapporteurs on World Weather and Climate Extreme Records (Rap-WWCER. Lead: Randy Cerveny, US; 5 others RAs Rapporteurs) Verifying and maintaining a database of regional and global extreme records, Develop guidelines and recommend means for continuing this record of extremes as a permanent archive Huge social and media interest & increased visibility of the Weather Archive (

Opace 2: new efforts to extend & better Monitor ecvs A new team with the focus on climate time-series homogenisation (TT-Hom. Lead: Victor Venema, Germany; co-lead: Mat Menne, US) Identify the best performing, skilled and efficient homogenization methods and quality control procedures for the different climate essential variables and time scales (from monthly to sub-daily); Provide guidance to NMS to adopt on QC & homogenisation procedures & their software in an operational basis Use of Remote Sensing Data for Climate Monitoring (TT- URSDCM. Lead: Rainer Hollmann, Germany. Co-lead: Brian Wardlow, USA) Examine with satellite communities the potential of using additional satellite products in the WMO Climate System Monitoring (e.g. EumetSat, CBS/ET-SUP, GCOS) Elaborate guidelines on the use of Remote sensed data for CM

SUMMARISING CCl CONTRIBUTION & requests to aopc/GCOS Contributing to build ECVs datasets for climate monitoring, while ensuring an efficient management & quality insurance Recovering the historical past for climate data Ensuring QC & homogeneity of climate data The State of the Climate and its annual and decadal evaluations Integrating satellite observations into climate monitoring Filling in gaps in our knowledge & monitoring & attribution of climate extremes

SUMMARISING CCl CONTRIBUTION & requests to aopc/GCOS Contributing to build ECVs datasets for climate monitoring, while ensuring an efficient management & quality insurance Recovering the historical past for climate data Ensuring QC & homogeneity of climate data The State of the Climate and its annual and decadal evaluations Integrating satellite observations into climate monitoring Filling in gaps in our knowledge & monitoring & attribution of climate extremes ------------------- Refreshing GCOS on its commitment to finnacialy support the I-DARE portal Helping IEDRO to overcome lack of funding from USAID by noting this in the AOPC report & emphasising the scientific importance of this project

A number of side events will take place at the WMO Congress (from 25/05 to 12/06 2015) that could be of interest to GCOS panellists: Data Rescue information event (Wed, May 27, 5:45pm – 6:45pm) Extreme Events and the post-2015 international policy agenda (Thu, May 28, 1:30pm – 2:30pm) The new approach for updating the WMO Climatological Standard Normals (Fri, May 29, 1:30pm – 2:30pm) Creating Volunteer Observing Networks (Fri, May 29, 5:45pm – 6:45pm) Closing CLIPS (RCCs and RCOFs) (Mon, June 1, 1:30pm – 2:30pm) Centennial Station (case studies) (Tue, June 2, 5:45pm – 6:45pm) Thanks for attention