Educational Gap Analysis Presented by: Jeff Perley, VP of Operations 10/22/14
Agenda The problem EMSI’s approach Data Sources What’s Not Included? GAP markets (other applications) Future plans
Regional Skills Gaps: A Diagnosable Problem Companies need trained workers & talented workers Educational institutions provide training & education What’s missing? Communication and Information Incentives
Making the Connection Between Programs and Jobs Program Occupation 1 Occupation 2 Occupation 3 Occupation 4 Occupation 5
Making the Connection Between Programs and Jobs Accounting Technicians & Bookkeepers Tax Preparers Billing & Posting Clerks Bookkeeping Clerks Brokerage Clerks Payroll & Timekeeping Clerks
GAP Methodology Demand side adjustments: Education based weighting Program based weighting
Key Answers the Gap Analysis Provides What is the regional demand for my educational programs? What programs are under-producing? What programs are over-producing? What am I not focusing on that would benefit the regional economy?
Example Notable Gaps Notable Surpluses
Example Potential Program Expansion
Additional Data for Added Value and Context Industry Overview Occupation Overview Commute Flows Industry and Occupational Unemployment Educational Attainment
Industry Overview
Industry Change
Industry Concentration
Annual Occupation - Openings
Occupation Openings
Commuting Flows
Industry Unemployment
Occ. Unemployment
Education Attainment
EMSI’s Data Sources Supply Past 3 Years Completers from your Institution Past 3 years Completers from other Institutions (IPEDS) Demand Forecasted Job Growth (EMSI) Replacement Jobs (EMSI)
What’s not included? Supply regional in-migrants; unemployed workers; non-credit completers; people currently in the workforce Demand unusually high retirement rates; demand for chronic workforce shortages; jobs out of region
Gap Analysis vs. Impact Studies Economic Impact Studies What is my impact on the local economy? Why should students and taxpayers invest in my college? Gap Analysis How do specific programs align with employers’ demand? Great for internal review of programs
Gap Analysis for 2-year Colleges Reviews all credit based certificate and associate’s level programs Transfer track programs are treated differently
Gap Analysis for 4-year Colleges & Universities Reviews all bachelor’s level programs Can customize to review master’s and PhD level programs Liberal Arts programs are not reviewed
Gap Analysis for Workforce Investment Boards Output in terms of occupations rather than programs Focus on industry and occupation types of greatest interest
Can I Do This Myself? Yes, in a way Advantages to EMSI’s study Advanced formulations Third-party perspective Efficiency Affordability Continually improving
Future of GAP Analysis Incorporate job posting analytics migration data career path data