A Model that WORKS: How Competency Based Learning Drives Long-Term Success for Disconnected Youth Presented on by: Dr. Gene Giovannini: President, Maricopa Corporate College Brianna Bendotti: VP of Workforce Solutions, Maricopa Corporate College Ron Stefanski, Chief Business Development Officer, Cengage Learning
CUSTOM. WORKFORCE. SOLUTIONS Addressing the needs of the local workforce and providing market-relevant, customized training solutions and educational programs for employers. Business Solutions Personal Professional Education Entrepreneurial Initiatives About Maricopa Corporate College
About the Career Online High School Mission Statement Career Online High School is committed to preparing students for careers and post-secondary career education by delivering high-quality, supportive, and career-based online education. Proven Track Record of Success Employer-Driven, Skills-Based Curriculum Credentialed Certificate In Addition to Diploma Accredited by SACS CASI - AdvancEd
5 Best Practices Reflected in Our Model 1.Put the employers in the drivers seat to foster college AND career readiness 2.Include career assessments early on in the program 3.Emphasize competency based learning and not seat time/time in class to make learning relevant 4.Provide students the opportunity to achieve short-term milestones throughout diploma and program completion 5.Provide students with a success coach touch point throughout the program
1 st Best Practice: Put the Employer in the Driver’s Seat when Deciding Career Tracks Why is it critical to give the employer the lead in determining CTE tracks? Ensures students are guided on learning tracks that align with jobs Promotes strategic use of government funding sources (WIOA) Suggestions Bring together sector-based employer consortiums Use Department of Labor questions in survey format to assess skill gaps
2 nd Best Practice: Introduce Career Assessments Early Why are pre-program career assessment important? Creates higher success rates and enhanced engagement Suggestions Leverage available assessments through MCCCD and COHS; students can take an assessment in any of the career tracks Use free versions of MBTI and other assessments to review results with students in pre-enrollment phase and beyond Maintain database to track alumni for job opportunities
3 rd Best Practice: Emphasize Competency Based Learning Why is Competency Based Learning Effective? Accounts for a variety of learning styles Students progress when ready – but need to prove mastery More credibility with employers Suggestions Ensure MCOR/COHS students learn how the core skills apply to real world situations Provide feedback and remediation by mentors to achieve competence, not just completion Keep employer connection close to content development
4 th Best Practice: Introduce Micro-Skills as Short-Term Milestones Why are milestones important? MCOR/COHS participants see series of wins, developing confidence Suggestions Career Module HS Courses Career Prep Mentors work with students to finish each module – course retrials available to all
5 th Best Practice: Integrate a Success Coach Why do students need a Success Coach? Allow students to be accountable and focus on learning Suggestions MCOR/COHS mentors get involved with students with 4 metrics in mind – – Engage – ensuring accountability for daily/regular attendance – Instruct – working with students to maintain progress – Assess – use feedback to ensure students are learning – Graduate – identify roadblock & ensure timely graduation
Conclusion Questions Visit: