Integrating work flows of five utilities utilizing Oracle’s WAM John Lucas, VP, Information Technology, Citizens Energy Group Paul Dicken, Director, Water Distribution, Citizens Energy Group
Quality – Teamwork – Safety – Diversity – Integrity Our Mission Our Vision We will fulfill the promise of the Trust to serve our customers and communities with unparalleled excellence and integrity. Our Values Quality – Teamwork – Safety – Diversity – Integrity Our Mission Citizens Public Trust has served the community 127 years; 400,000 retail customers, 1,100 employees Water Wastewater Thermal (Steam and Chilled Water) Natural Gas Other energy related businesses
Who we are John Lucas Paul Dicken Citizens VP of IT, Officer VP/CIO of Major Corporations since 2000 Integrated / delivered major system implementations Partner of the Business Paul Dicken Director of Water Distribution 20 years of Operations Experience Regulatory Compliance O & M and Capital Responsibilities
Why we are Implementing WAM Single System for all of Citizens Assets Data Elements Support Analysis Single System to View/Access Activities Forecasting Reporting Standardize Work Processes Automating Field Data Capture Completion of Work Orders
Why we are Implementing WAM Manage Assets and Life Cycles Conditions and Failure Codes Operational Performance Optimize Office and Field Personnel Planning/Scheduling of Resources Performance Metrics Improve Customer Satisfaction
Implementing Enterprise Asset Management and Work Management Systems Establish a Business Case, and Get Approval Utilize Industry and WAM knowledgeable Integrator Architect for the Future, and implement in manageable chunks Establish an Enterprise Asset Hierarchy Integrate with Business Systems to get “best” information for the Operating Unit Time and Attendance Inventory Financials GIS PragmaCAD Test, Test, Train, Train, Train,….
Establish a Business Case Work with the Operating units to determine the value of implementing WAM, and a standard set of procedures/common systems Establish an initial effort to build detailed requirements, architecture, and integration requirements Estimate effort, both IT, Partner, and business users Double it! We always think it will be easier than it is… Phase in the implementation to mitigate risk and improve chance of success
Strategy to Meet Customer Needs Organizational Decision Making Territory Alignment Order Distribution Detailed Work Management Multiple Assets in the Field Forecasting and Budgeting Dollars to Assets Reporting Capabilities Improve Customer Satisfaction
Integrated Solutions to Meet Needs Automation Enable Intelligent Network Device Deployment Construction and Maintenance Management When To Repair vs. Replace Cost Control More Projects Than Budget Reduce or Defer Capital Spend Improve Customer Satisfaction
We All Have Needs !!! Plant Operations Network Operations Supply Chain Engineering Finance Customer Service
Features Highlighted Two-way GIS Integration Multiple Searches Work Order, Service Request and PM Information Follow the Trail Historical Data WOW! That many repairs? Improve Employee and Customer Satisfaction
Utilize Industry Integrator We know how we do our business, and how to keep systems running, but build new ones? Choose one who understands Utilities and WAM Always ask if there is a “better” way, not just how we do it. Give them the chance to contribute as “part of the team” Keep them engaged when the implementation gets tough, IT WILL
Design a Asset Hierarchy True value over time on failure analysis requires a common asset hierarchy Brings the operating users closer to common procedures/work orders Reduces overall complexity and costs IT IS TOUGH to get everyone to “agree”
Integrate, Integrate, Integrate What we integrated to: EBS Time and Attendance Project Supply Chain Stores Financials GIS – ERSI Truly integrate data and asset IID’s PragmaCAD Real time scheduling of field force Consistent in-Truck systems