From Scatter Plot to Line Graph Guidelines to Organizing Your Plot PRESENTATION BY: Anastasia Marie, using Michael Hauge’s S ix S tage P lot S tructure
STAGE ONE: Set Up IIntroduction Old World vs. New World Hero EEmpathy creation Reader must empathize hero/protagonist
TURNING POINT ONE (TP1) TThe hero is presented with an opportunity Make a difference, leave a legacy
STAGE TWO: New Situation HHero moves from Old world into New - Trials - Glimpse Essence (true self) when confronted with difficult situation
TURNING POINT TWO CChange of plans HHero must make a plan of action and an ultimate goal
STAGE THREE: Progress HHero approaches goal(s) Obstacles IIdentity and Essence in state of flux
TURNING POINT THREE PPoint of No Return MMidpoint of Story HHero must continue on, no matter the cost (so do you!)
STAGE FOUR: Complications DDifficulties EEssence Progression GGoal becomes important HHero has more to lose AAcknowledge missing piece
STAGE FIVE: Final Push PProtagonist has earned honor of being a hero FFaces biggest fear DDark moment (realization) RRetreats into Identity, then Essence fully revealed
TURNING POINT FIVE CClimax HHero achieves or fails goal
STAGE SIX: Aftermath HHow far the hero has come RReturn with TREASURE FFully in essence
THE END End with a punctuation (!?) Cliffhanger? Victory!
Stage I: SETUP Fully in identity Stage II: NEW SITUATION Glimpses essence Stage III: PROGRESS Vacillates between identity and essence Stage IV: COMPLICATIONS & HIGHER STAKES Moves steadily into essence Stage V: FINAL PUSH Retreats to identity, then returns fully to essence Stage VI: AFTER- MATH Transformed existence Turning Point #4: Major Setback Turning Point #3: Point of No Return Turning Point #2: Change of Plans Turning Point #1: Opportunity Turning Point #5: Climax Act I Act II Act III 2005 Michael Hauge (818) %10%25%50%75%90%-99%100% Michael Hauge’s S ix S tage P lot S tructure