Dyna Herlina Suwarto, M.Sc Nurhidayati Kusumaningtyas, MA Content Analysis of Cigarette Advertisement in Newspaper Kedaulatan Rakyat 1990-2013 Dyna Herlina Suwarto, M.Sc Nurhidayati Kusumaningtyas, MA
Background Cigarette industries are using “Advertisement” as one of their marketing strategy which is a popular strategy to promote a product In order to achieve the goal the industries are using two approaches in their advertisements (Fill, 2005: 36): Informational Approach Transformative Approach Slide # 2
Innovative Content The findings will help Tobacco Control Activists to design and disseminate appropriate Public Service Announcements countering the Advertisement approach being used by the Tobacco Industry in an effective way. Slide # 4
Objectives To assess the information that is promoted through cigarette advertisement To understand the symbols (images and language) cited by cigarette advertisement To understand the values that is offered by cigarette advertisement To assess the message strategy that is used by cigarette advertisement To understand the advertisement approach that is used by cigarette advertisement. Slide # 4
Methodology Research Design: textual research using quantitative content analysis with summative method Research Object: A total of 234 cigarette product advertisement copies that published in ‘Kedaulatan Rakyat’ newspaper since 1990-2013 from Province Public Library. Slide # 5
Methodology (contd…) Research Validity: coding scheme and procedure, enumerator briefing Research Reliability : inter-coder procedure Data analysis : unit analysis determine key words/images coding percentage counting interpretation Slide # 6
Methodology (contd…) Variables: (Pollay, 1984) Information: Basic Description Information Dimensions Symbols Images: Setting, Model, Social Portrayal, Activities, Institutional Words: Advertisement Copy, Tagline Manifested Value Message Strategy Advertisement Approach Slide # 7
Findings from Literature Review Pollay (1991) research depicted that most of cigarette advertisement was dominated by visual displays and almost no information is commonly used by advertisers to influence consumers to buy the product Based on Global Youth Tobacco (2006) cigarette ads promote: bravery, machoism, trendy, cool personality, friendship, relax, optimist, masculinity, adventure, creative, criticism, change, exclusive, glamour, slim, proudness. Slide # 8
2001-2005 1996-2000 1990-1995 2010-2013 2006-2010 Slide # 9
Result and Analysis Information Symbol Value Message Ads Approach Low level nicotine Popular culture artifacts but unrelated product property Masculinity to approach the cigarette main market target which is male adult Pathos approach that emphasizes on emotional persuasion Transformative approach Special flavor of kretek Popular words, word play, rhyme, poems that are not related with the cigarette products itself Active and happy to influence male young as starters. The message strategy is to increase demand by involving the audience to do feel and learn Rich of images without social context that are strengthen by ads copy that is not focus on product attribute. Slide # 10
Result and Analysis (contd…) Information Symbol Value Message Ads Approach The best seller product The model mostly are majority ethnic male adult and young in order to persuade their main target audience Special quality to accentuate the different between kretek for male adult and filter for male young consumer Humor is used to attract attention and reduce negative or irritate feeling to the product Symbolic product personification in order to create consumer positive feeling The models are depicting as middle class people in order to attract low class consumer that associate cigarette with the successful life. Repetition to enhance the brand image and personification in consumer mind Slide # 11
Conclusion The information: low level of nicotine, the best quality of tobacco and the best seller cigarette Images and words for establish brand images and personality The manifested values : masculinity, active and happy, special quality (of kretek and filter) cigarette Message strategy: humor and information that are not related to the product itself Transformative approach. Slide # 12
Recommendations Anti- Tobacco messages should use transformative advertisement strategy Anti-Tobacco messages should emphasize on masculinity, active and happy lifestyle without cigarette A study should be done on cigarette company’s claim about low level nicotine and filtering cigarette that are considered less dangerous and youthful lifestyle. Slide # 13
Further Research Further research needs to examine ads in various media and different ads type in newspaper It is necessary to examine the affectivity of public health ads using transformative approach to promote healthy life without cigarette. Slide # 14
Research Limitations The research only cover product ads in the newspaper however massive ads were publish on different kind of media The research only analyze product ads meanwhile there are much more sponsorship and advertorial ads in the newspaper. Slide # 15