RESIDENTIAL LIFE PURDUE UNIVERSITY University Residences - Making Connections That Will Last a Lifetime!
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Section Title HOUSING & DINING Hillenbrand Hall
You will receive your hall assignment on or about July 15 th at Purdue account. Communities that are open over winter break: Cary, Hilltop, Purdue Village, First Street Towers, Hawkins, Harrison and Wiley What to bring HOUSING
DINING BOILER FLEX-UNLIMITED meals per week Unlimited access to all campus dining courts, for meals and snacks An average of 5 On-the-GO! meals per week* $500 Dining Dollars per academic year Dining Dollars can be used at all 29 retail dining locations on campus *The Boiler Flex-Unlimited meal plan allots 80 On-the-GO! swipes per semester (five per week).
DINING BOILER FLEX-UNLIMITED meals per week Unlimited access to all campus dining courts, for meals and snacks An average of 5 On-the-GO! meals per week* $250 Dining Dollars per academic year Dining Dollars can be used at all 29 retail dining locations on campus *The Boiler Flex-Unlimited meal plan allots 80 On-the-GO! swipes per semester (five per week).
DINING 13 MEAL TRACK 13 meals per week On-the-GO! meal option $450 Dining Dollars per academic year Dining Dollars can be used at all 29 retail dining locations on campus Note: For less than $20 more per week, you could upgrade to an Unlimited Meal Plan
DINING 8 MEAL TRACK 8 meals per week On-the-GO! meal option No Dining Dollars available