Plot is a very old People such as Aristotle noticed that great stories (whether by the Greeks, Shakespeare, or Pixar) follow a common pattern. They each contain these five acts: Exposition Rising action Climax Falling action or resolution Dénouement Using these terms, we’re going to explore the plot of Finding Nemo.
Act I: Exposition Definition: In the exposition, the reader meets the protagonist and sees life before the conflict starts. Essential Characteristics of the exposition: Introduces protagonist’s character traits Introduces general setting Main plot has not started. Protagonist = hero, main character of the story
As we watch... How did the writer use the exposition to show the Marlin and Nemo’s character traits? How would you describe Marlin? Use strong adjectives. Avoid physical traits. How would you describe Nemo? Use strong adjectives. Avoid physical traits. Now, think of WHAT made you think this about them?
How did the writer use the exposition to show the Marlin and Nemo’s character? Examples: Marlin’s cautious nature is shown when he goes in and out of the home indefinitely, checking for danger. We also see that Nemo is a regular kid, annoyed by his father’s worrying. Marlin is socially awkward, revealed through his terribly unfunny joke. He’s also overprotective.
Okay, back to exposition as a concept... Remember, in the exposition, the real conflict has not begun yet -- the real plot hasn’t started yet. No one is trying to “find Nemo.” The conflict begins with an event known as the “inciting incident.”
Act II: The “inciting incident” and the rising action In Finding Nemo, the conflict truly begins when Nemo is taken by the divers. This is known as the inciting incident. It is the origin of the next act, the rising action. Think of it as a spark. Something always starts the conflict. This something is the inciting incident.
Act II: Rising action Definition: The rising action is the series of adventures the characters go on. Each adventure slowly takes them towards the climax through conflict. Quality stories get increasingly suspenseful and tense as the climax approaches. The rising action begins with an event known as the “inciting incident.”
Act II: Rising action Essential Characteristics Several mini-adventures within the main plot Longest act of the story Builds tension, excitement, and suspense over time through conflict.
Examples of rising action from Finding Nemo: Inciting incident: Nemo is taken by the divers! Marlin encounters the sharks. Marlin goes through the jellyfish. Nemo gains the friendship of the aquarium fish. Nemo attempts to escape the aquarium.
Act III: The climax Definition: The climax is the peak of the action. It could be a huge battle or an exciting action scene. Essential Characteristics: Most intense, exciting moment of the story. Storylines come together
Example from Finding Nemo: The search for Nemo intersects with Nemo’s own adventures in the dentist’s office. The climax continues into the ocean, reaching its peak when Nemo rescues the fish trapped in a net.
So, what’s next? Can you imagine if the movie simply ended in the middle of all the excitement of the climax? We would never know how the big battle turned out or if the heroes were all safe.
Act IV: The falling action Definition: The falling action is a short but vital part of the story that resolves the climax. Essential Characteristics: Shows the outcome of the climax Tells the reader/audience the status of the main characters
Falling action in Nemo Example: In Finding Nemo, this is when Nemo saves Dorie and Marlin learns to trust his son. Non-Examples: The falling action should not leave the reader confused.
Act V: Resolution Think about the final part of the movie Finding Nemo. We see Nemo and Marlin back in the same situation as the beginning of the movie. They are back at the reef and Nemo is preparing to go to school. Only this time, there are major differences from the exposition. As we watch, note the differences.
Act V: Resolution Definition: The resolution reveals how the characters have “changed over time.” Essential characteristics: The characters are back in a similar setting as the exposition The protagonist behaves differently, showing effect of the story’s conflict A great dénouement shows how the characters have changed.
In Finding Nemo, the resolution shows: Marlin finally tells his whole joke. Marlin is no longer overprotective of his son. Nemo is confident and happy.
On a thinking note... Writers make use of a strong structure that allows them to find creative success. Can you think of any other structure that facilitates (helps) success?
What makes a good story? Drama! Disagreements based on perspectives Conflict Struggle that leads to tough choices Interesting lead characters that change over time Turning points and twists (obstacles) these show us who the character really is
What does a story have to have? Beginning, middle, and end Plot structure including turning points, moments of choice, obstacles, etc. The main character must be changed by what happens in the story Setting relevance Dialogue Show not tell
What does a story have to have?