Steve Darn The Postmodern Paradox Teachers and Learners in Conflict
Steve Darn The Global Context The replacement of the ‘prototypical student’ by the disengaged, entitled, consumer student The unwillingness to take on adult roles, creating a ‘protracted adolescence’ The importance of technology The pressures of internationalisation Public criticism leading to externally driven reform No ‘jobs for life’
Steve Darn Who are they? Born Baby Boomers Born Generation X – ‘anything is possible, as long as you're willing to throw money at it’ ‘disaffected and directionless’ ‘I want my MTV’ Born Generation Y Born New Silent Generation - ‘withdrawn, cautious, unimaginative, indifferent, unadventurous and silent.’
Steve Darn Generation Y have grown up with The Internet and the World Wide Web for the general user PCs requiring few keyboard skills Sophisticated computer graphics Cellular phones Instant messaging DVD Digital Audio - Mp3, iPod TiVo DVR devices HDTV Broadband Internet Digital Cameras Camera phones
Steve Darn Generation Y Respond to visual stimuli Have great hand-eye coordination Are able to multi-task BUT Have a concentration span of ten minutes or less Have a poor sense of real time
Steve Darn Generation Y Learners Do not like school Expect entertainment and are easily bored Are not into books, reading or study Are not motivated to do "school work” Have a consumer mentality and want to negotiate View education as a commodity to be acquired through purchase See education as being passively acquired
Steve Darn Generation Y Learners Have poorly developed developmental goals Possess lower academic skills Function at lower cognitive levels Expect academic success with little effort Believe they are entitled to good grades Benefit from ‘grade inflation’
Steve Darn What we provide loosely organised, unfocused curriculum undefined learning outcomes classes that emphasise passive listening lectures that transmit low-level information assessments of learning that demand only the recall of memorised material or low- level comprehension of concepts
Steve Darn What we provide Instuctors who have not been taught how to teach Teachers as ‘Experts’ Teachers who are comfortable with reflective learning. Students prefer active learning. Baby Boom generation teachers. Traditional classes, academic processes and products. Short term academic goals.
Steve Darn Learner Outcomes Good reading comprehension Poor analysis or application skills Poor problem solving and reasoning skills Poor appreciation of scientific methods Poor memory and reasoning Poor language skills Focus on performance goals over learning goals Surface learning over deep learning A lack of general and global knowledge Poorly developed higher level cognitive skills
Steve Darn A Conclusion In fact there is limited evidence of a significant difference between students who take courses and students who do not.
Steve Darn A Paradigm Shift ‘The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them’ (Albert Einstein)
Steve Darn Defining Objectives ‘Any instructor who is not familiar with Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives should be hornswoggled.’ (Dr. Mark Taylor)
Steve Darn The Learning School “an organisation that facilitates the learning of all its members and continuously transforms itself.” (M. Pedlar)
Steve Darn The Learning School creates substantive change in individual learners. engages learners as full partners in the learning process. Learners assume primary responsibility for their own choices. creates and offers as many options for learning as possible. assists learners to form and participate in collaborative learning activities. defines the roles of teachers by the needs of the learners.
Steve Darn Technology ‘they have told me that they don't want personal contact with their instructors. They have stated that they want to "be left alone" to merely complete assignments and get the work out of the way.’
Steve Darn Technology ‘A sense of ownership of learning is one of the traits of successful online learners, and I feel concern that students are signing up for online classes out of convenience, without any understanding of the trade-off they are accepting for the benefit.’
Steve Darn Fundamental Changes The student-teacher relationship Student and teacher responsibilities The students The teacher’s role
Steve Darn Overcoming Obstacles Change instructor beliefs and behaviour Diversify instructor skills Provide environment and technology Train learners Provide administrative support Make changes in academic scheduling
Steve Darn The Teacher’s Role in Change Identify external goals Create student ownership of goals Offer learning options Provide a variety of learning methods Act as a resource Assess against external criteria Concentrate on higher levels of learning Increase activity in learning Give meaningful assessments
Steve Darn Acknowledgements This presentation draws on the work of Mark L Taylor (Arkansas State University) - Generation Next Terry O’Banion (LICC) - The Learning College Lion F Gardiner (Rutgers University) - Research into change in education
Steve Darn Thank you for listening