Blended Coaching
The Coaches Stacy Hawthorne Adrianne Bogans
Adrianne Bogans Adrianne has worked in and with several types of schools to empower teachers through the use of relevant professional learning sessions.
Stacy Hawthorne Stacy has partnered with all types of schools to help them to design and personalize blended learning models that meet the needs of their learning community.
Blended Learning “A formal education program in which a student learns: at least in part through online learning, with some element of student control over time, place, path, and/or pace; at least in part in a supervised brick-and- mortar location away from home; and the modalities along each student’s learning path within a course or subject are connected to provide an integrated learning experience.” (Horn and Staker, 2013)
Blended Learning But… we are truly in the early stages of this field, thus… The purpose of blended learning is more important than the technical definition!
Blended Learning “Blended is a strategy for helping teachers achieve what they strive to do every day— deeply understand and enable each student they work with to reach the very highest levels of educational mastery.” (Powell, Rabbit, Kennedy 2014)
Blended coaching is personal for teachers just like blended learning is personal for students. Blended coaching builds on existing knowledge just like blended learning reaches students at the level of instruction in which they are confident. Blended Coaching
Blended coaches care about the success of teachers and students in blended learning implementations. Blended coaches listen and offer ideas and resources while allowing teachers to have control over decisions while strategizing implementations. Blended Coaching
Face-to-face visits –Classroom visits –Collaboration opportunities Online collaborations –Teacher talks (synchronous) –Asynchronous communication Process rather than an event with opportunity for professional growth Blended Coaching
Takes into account feedback from all stakeholders. Written document with goals and action steps based on reflection of practice. Serves as compass throughout coaching process. Blended Plan
Name Six words Subject(s) Building/Grade level Blended learning experience Questions/needs Best time for collaboration About You