Lord, Remember me. REHAB CENTRE, Bangalore Objectives: To provide released Prisoners and Young offenders with facilities like short stay, Food, medical.


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Presentation transcript:

Lord, Remember me


Objectives: To provide released Prisoners and Young offenders with facilities like short stay, Food, medical aid, education, skill training and placement assistance in order to facilitate their transition from incarceration to community life, bearing in mind wholistic care. Vision: The overall goal of the Project “REHAB CENTRE” is to develop livable communities through the provision of decent and available shelter, supporting emotionally, creating suitable living environments, expanding economic opportunities, and preventing and eliminating re-offending. Beneficiaries: Prisoners, Ex-prisoners & their families under classification as Ex offenders, released juveniles, drug dependent and dually diagnosed, orphans, AIDS afflicted and socially ostracized…

To help the inmates to reintegrate into society on their discharge by improving their interpersonal skills and restoring their self-esteem and confidence, forgiving & bearing with them. To facilitate the inmates rehabilitation and their subsequent reintegration into the community through fostering rapport between inmates, their family and society, through Reconciliation & Restitution. To help inmates to lead a law abiding and industrious life after their release with correction & Supportive welfare. To prepare the Inmates to face the challenges and demands to be expected on their return to the community, with much needed counseling & guidance. To improve their institutional adjustment and general mental health as well as to change their offending behavior, with the love of JESUS. To build adequate and appropriate skills to facilitate their smooth reintegration into the community, networking with Christ oriented enterprises.

To assist offenders, released offenders and their dependents to obtain suitable employment and to provide them with the opportunity for training and retraining to that end, as to they would continue to live as good citizens & endure honestly. To generate and increase the level of community awareness of the causes of crime, the need for community participation in the rehabilitation of released offenders and the specific needs of their families and dependents, presenting the reformed to testify of the cleansing of blood of Jesus in awareness programs, crusades, church service & so on. To cooperate with the relevant Government bodies and other agencies for the furtherance of these aims and objectives.

PRECIOUS CHILDREN HOME Shelter for Children of Prisoners, Crime Victims & Abused

Breaking the Cycle of Crime

Teachers & Students – Vishwa Deepa Vidhyalaya

JAIL PROGRAMS Central Jail, Bangalore

PRISON ACTIVITIES Bailing & Extending Legal Support Furlough & Paroling Counseling & Moral Support Chapel Service Cultural Entertainment Programs Provision of necessities with the consent of the authorities (Medical, Literature, Games & Sports etc.)

“I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me a drink; I was a stranger and you received me in your homes, naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you took care of me, in prison and you visited me.' The righteous will then answer him, 'When, Lord, did we ever see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you a drink? When did we ever see you a stranger and welcome you in our homes, or naked and clothe you? When did we ever see you sick or in prison, and visit you?' The King will reply, 'I tell you, whenever you did this for one of the least important of these brothers of mine, you did it for me!' (Math. 25:35-40 TEV) Give cheerfully Get abundantly IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU & ME.... BUT ABOUT HIM JESUS