Philippine-German Technical Cooperation under Germany's International Climate Initiative Preparation of a National REDD+ Mechanism for Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Conservation of Biodiversity in the Philippines – National REDD+ System Philippines – Project Summary - Activities in Mindanao -
REDD+ - what is it all about? Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation + conservation of forest carbon stocks = protection sustainable management of forests = management enhancement of forest carbon stocks = rehabilitation Co-benefits: Livelihoods Biodiversity conservation Ecosystem services
DENR, relevant government agencies, local government units and local communities/indigenous peoples in the Philippines use a national framework for implementation of REDD+, based on ecological and social safeguards, to reduce GHG emissions and to achieve co-benefits of biodiversity conservation and livelihoods improvement. Project implemented in cooperation with DENR, NCIP, CCC, LGUs, local communities and IP/ICCs Project Objective
Functional structures for registration, coordination and governance of REDD+ in the Philippines, incl. social, ecological and governance safeguards, and tested options for financing and benefit-sharing are in place By 2017 REDD+ pilot implementation in at least 3 areas, based on forest land use planning, clear tenure and conservation arrangements, have generated at least t CO 2 emissions reduction and removals Project results have been incorporated into reviews, decisions and resolutions at national and international level; and independent surveys show an increase of knowledge and awareness on REDD+ and its co-benefits Project Indicators
1.Establishment of a national implementation and coordination system for REDD+ 2.Development of financing / benefit-sharing mechanisms for REDD+ 3.Integration of ecological, social and governance standards (safeguards) in implementation of REDD+ 4.REDD+ implementation in selected areas 5.Awareness building, information and knowledge management Project Outputs/ Components
REDD+ Activities in Mindanao Davao Oriental Support to forest land use planning in Municipalities Tarragona, Manay, Caraga Capacity development and strengthening Province ENRO and MENROs, DENR, NCIP Formulation of ADSDPPs Forest protection, biodiversity conservation and livelihoods improvement of IPs Studies and forest resources / biodiversity assessments
Dr. Bernd-Markus Liss Green Sector Coordinator & Principal Advisor – Climate Program Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH 9/F, PDCP Bank Center Corner V.A. Rufino and L.P. Leviste Street Salcedo Village, Makati City; Philippines T: F: E: I: