2014 State Reports 45 States Reporting Debra Spielmaker, Project Director National Agriculture in the Classroom June 2016, 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

2014 State Reports 45 States Reporting Debra Spielmaker, Project Director National Agriculture in the Classroom June 2016, 2015

State Report Background State reports assist Agriculture in the Classroom (AITC) state directors, National AITC leaders, USDA staff, and researchers with annual benchmark data to determine impacts, funding, and program priorities. Ok, so this will make difference! It wasn’t that bad? It’s kinda fun Judy Glad I don’t have to do it?

Q1: Resource Development Please list, by title, any classroom resources that were developed or revised by your AITC program staff this past year.  40 (89%) states reported they had developed at least one resource in 2014  38 (88%) states reported they had developed at least one resource in 2013  41 (95%) states 2012

Q2: Educational Standard Correlations If you listed resources for Question 1, were the resources aligned or correlated to state or national education standards?  25 reported: All  16 reported: Most  4 reported: None

Q3: Estimated number of teachers contacted/trained face-to-face statewide with AITC programs, curriculum, or other resources,

Q4, 5 & 7: The estimation of the number of students reached statewide through their teachers, directly through AITC staff and volunteers with AITC programs, curriculum, or other resources. Total number of students reached in: states: 5,598, – 42 states: 5,641, states: 6,009, – 43 states: 6,471, – 45 states: 5,229,566

Q6: Estimate the number of volunteers who conducted or assisted with AITC programs.

Q8: Number of pre-service teachers contacted or trained with AITC. Total number of pre-service teachers reached in: 2010 – 44 states: 10, – 42 states: 9, – 43 states: 10, – 43 states: 10, – 43 states: 9, states conducted pre- service trainings Average: 309; nine states account for 75% of the total IL, UT, NE, NC, MN, VA, OK, ME, CA

Q9 & Q11: Budgets Budget Range 2013: $5,000 - $2,597,991 Grant Range 2013: $2,000 - $186,400 Budget Range 2014: $0 - $2,607,088 Grant Range 2014: $0 - $1,253,375

Q10: Funding sources for state AITC 2014 budgets. No state receives direct federal on-going dollars outside of a grants.  23 (51%) reported 100% private funding  (50% in 2013)  19 (42%) reported state and private funding  (37% in 2013)  2 states reported they received federal funds for 2014 programs (AZ, MD)

Q12: A full-time equivalent (FTE) is 40 hours per week. What percentage of an FTE did you dedicated to Agricultural Literacy/AITC in 2014? 47% of State Contacts work 100% on AITC programming 24% of State Contacts work less than 25% on AITC programming

Q13: Please note the percentage (0-100%) of the time your state program staff spent on the coordination and/or facilitation of the following in 2014 Other: Administrative duties (budgets, grants, personnel), fund raising, grant writing, and setting up conferences.

Q14: Estimate the number of hours you think it should take an educator to develop/write an agricultural lesson plan, complete with background and activities, for the following grade levels:

Q15: What hourly rate would you consider for lesson plan development from and educator with 5 years' experience and a Bachelor's degree?

Q16: What, if any, USDA agencies have you worked within the last two years (2013 & 2014)?

Inputs, Outputs & Outcomes

Q17-18: Outputs and Outcomes  Accomplishment (output): achieving the completion or fulfillment of something  Impact (outcome): to have an immediate and strong (measurable) effect on something or somebody related to program goals or objectives To see state accomplishments and impacts, review the state summaries website:

Vision Agriculture is valued by all. Mission Increasing agricultural literacy through K-12 Education. Agricultural Literacy An agriculturally literate person understands and can communicate the source and value of agriculture as it affects our quality of life.