OVERVIEW Co-op basics How a co-op works Benefits of going solar as a group MD SUN’s experience implementing co-ops What a partnership would look like
BENEFITS OF A CO-OP Help a group of neighbors go solar together Get economies of scale and saves $$ on cost of install Members have support of group throughout the process Members have support from MD SUN after their install
To-date have implemented: 36 co-ops 2,169 sign ups 481 installed systems Over 2.6 MW of solar installed Generated $7.5M in residential solar investments Saved co-op members $1.3M in costs
PREVIOUS PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY GROUPS Hyattsville 85 sign ups 19 installed systems University of Maryland Friends, Family, Staff, and Alumni 159 sign ups 51 installed systems Bowie (still in progress) 114 sign ups and counting 5 installed systems and counting
CPN BRINGS DEEP EXPERIENCE AND TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE We have helped hundreds of homeowners go solar We have a broad experience and can answer questions for all the participants We have a detailed knowledge of area prices, incentives, rebates, and tax issues We have developed a customized RFP, tracking tools, FAQs, and legal documents We vet prospective customers via a remote assessment of each participant’s roof We have a deep knowledge of the DC, MD, VA solar market, including installers, prices, and equipment Because the installers know us and understand that we run the process professionally, we get better prices for our groups. Also: Any funds we earn that go beyond the cost of running the program are invested back into local advocacy fighting for more solar
NEXT STEPS Want to be a solar co-op ambassador in your community? Great! Solicitations for solar co-op ambassadors will be released in late April. If you would like to be notified of when the solicitation is released, contact Akosua Dosu. Once the solicitation is released: 1)Form a planning group to answer the application questions. 2)Develop a short proposal that outlines how you and your community meet the selection criteria. 3)Submit a proposal to Akosua Dosu, Prince George’s County Sustainability Coordinator, at Questions? Contact Akosua at
SAMPLE SOLICITATION I.Eligibility a.Must represent a community located in Prince George’s county b.Cannot represent a community that has participated in Solarize in the past (although Ambassadors with solar co-op experience is a plus) c.Must represent a community with greater than 50% owner-occupied residences or partner with up to two (2) contiguously located communities to meet the requirement. d.Must be familiar with and able to operate video- conferencing, webinar and conference call technology. e.Must be available to meet with Co-op coalition members in person and through telecommunication.
SAMPLE SOLICITATION (continued) Application Components 1.Basic attributes including population, number of owner occupied residences, etc. 2.Explain how a Community Solar Cooperative will benefit your community and residents. 3.Please demonstrate successful outreach approaches and how you plan to raise awareness and encourage community participation. Additional Information (Optional) Identify creative and effective marketing resources and restrictions; ideas for raising funds to cover additional cost of implementing a co-op List community partners who will support the County Solar Co-op mission, outreach and organizing (community organizations, elected officials, residents, etc.) Identify practical and consistent meeting space(s) with video and teleconferencing capabilities Past or current participation in clean energy and renewable energy initiatives.
SAMPLE SOLICITATION (continued) Selection Criteria 1.A demonstrated commitment to clean energy and sustainability 2.Technology resources to support Solar Co-op outreach and education 3.Community solar co-op marketing and participation plan 4.Creative thinking, great attitude and organizing ability 5.Additional Resources: Extent to which additional resources (both financial and otherwise) are identified and committed to the program 6.Representing various demographics within the County (English as a second language, Unincorporated, Rural, Transforming Neighborhood Initiative, Educators, etc.)