Brief Objective River Development Ganga Rejuvenation Water Resources Implementation of National Water Policy, 2012 Creation of irrigation potential and Reducing Gap between the Irrigation Potential Created (IPC) & Irrigation Potential Utilized (IPU) through AIBP. Sustainable Ground Water Management & its Regulation Development of water resources data base and Flood Management / flood forecasting Planning & Integrated implementation of measures for management of floods and bank erosion. Promotion of increase in water use efficiency and awareness for water conservation. National Water Mission with its 5 goals River Development Nurturing excellence & Innovation through Research & Development and Capacity Building Inter-Linking of Rivers River Basin Management for efficient utilisation of water Ganga Rejuvenation Ensure effective abatement of pollution and rejuvenation of the river Ganga Ensuring water quality and environmentally sustainable development of the river Ganga
ACHIEVEMENTS Renamed as Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation. One day national level stakeholder dialogue- Ganga Manthan held in July 2014; attended by over 500 delegates
Ganga Rejuvenation Structural Reorganization Stakeholder Consultations Ministry of Water Resources renamed as Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation (May 2014) Integrated Ganga Conservation Mission announced and budget allocations made (July 2014) by Finance Minister naming it “Namami Gange” Gazette Notification regarding transfer of work related to Ganga & its tributaries to Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation (1st of August 2014) NGRBA reconstituted (29th Sep 2014), meetings held ( 27th of October 2014 – chaired by Minister, Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation and 26th of March, 2015 – chaired by Hon’ble Prime Minister) Stakeholder Consultations Ganga Manthan– National level stakeholder consultation (7th of July 2014) Website of NMCG launched with platform for suggestions (12th of September 2014), Suggestions from “” considered regularly Consultation workshop with Industries ( 19th September/ 8th October 2014) Strategy Formulation Constitution of Group of Secretaries to finalize the action plan for Ganga Rejuvenation- 6th June 2014, Submission of the report (28th of August 2014) Review by Hon’ble PM on 8th September, 2014 and 6th Jan 2015 EFC meeting held on 30th Dec 2014 High Level Task Force (HLTF) constituted chaired by Cabinet Secretary, 2 meetings held – 13th Feb & 5th May 2015 Action taken on review meeting of Hon’ble PM ( 8th Sep 2014) points may be shown if desired, before moving to other details Many of the points discussed in the review meeting have been taken into account in strategy formulation Suggestions from portal is being regularly looked into and a number of these considered in the action plan. (hyperlink)
Ganga Rejuvenation- Status update Cabinet note with responses of various ministries submitted as per EFC appraisal and recommendations – Rs 20,000 Cr additional outlay for 2015-20 Projects ongoing in 50 towns (Rs 5900 crores) Additional projects worth Rs. 1700 Cr slated for sanction Last Mile Projects (100% Town coverage of sewage treatment taken up/ongoing): Allahabad Varanasi Haridwar (+Preparations for upcoming Ardh Khumbh - Chandighat construction) Garhmukteshwar (+Pilot Livelihood project for boatmen) Patna (+River Front Development) Sahibganj Bhatpara, Kalyani, Gayespur, Halisahar Kanpur – Pending resolution of Jajmau tannery cluster, last mile projects to be taken up in next 3 months
Ganga Rejuvenation- Status update Partnership launched with all 118 towns on the main stem Ganga PIU being established in all 118 towns with rolling fund and dedicated staff under the Nirmal Ganga Sahbhagita scheme Similar exercise with all 1649 Gram Panchayats slated in June Project sponsoring facility launched with Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs /CSR funding to incubate innovation and expedite projects Notices issued to all Municipalities(118 ULBs)/687 Grossly polluting industries – follow up launched on action plans
Ganga Rejuvenation- Status update Bidders conference held with MoUD empanelled consultancy firms for DPRs and city plans Market conference held with domestic/international sewage treatment industry- 268 participants Conferences scheduled with District Magistrates of Ganga districts in May /June Partnership with Ministry of Youth Affairs/NYKS/AYUSH Projects formulated for tackling Ghat and river surface pollution- Aereators/trash skimmers/Solid waste collection Eco-Task Force – In-Principle approval received from MoD
INTER-LINKING OF RIVERS Three projects identified for fast tracking. Ken-Betwa link Damanganga-Pinjal link Par-Tapi-Narmada link. Ken-Betwa Link declared as National Project. Public hearing of Ken-Betwa link held in Silon and Hinota villages of Chhatarpur and Panna districts in December 2014. Gram Panchayats have agreed to the construction of Daudam Dam under Ken-Betwa link. DPR of Ken-Betwa link Project Phase – I and II completed by NWDA. Joint inspection conducted by forest department and NWDA in Ashoknagar and Shivpuri, MP in April, 2015.
INTER-LINKING OF RIVERS contd.. Hon’ble Minister visited Maharashtra on 7th January, 2015 and met Hon’ble CM to build up consensus on Damanganga-Pinjal and Par-Tapi-Narmada link. Detailed investigations of Mahanadi-Godavari link helped in bringing Odisha on-board. Constitution of Task Force on Inter-linking of Rivers; three meetings held.
STAKEHOLDERS CONSULTATION Three day conference "Jal Manthan" organized in November, 2014. Weekly review meetings conducted by Hon’ble Minister. Has expedited decision making by removing bottlenecks
AWARENESS GENEARTION 3rd India Water Week with theme “ Water Management for Sustainable Development” successfully organised during 13-17 January, 2015. “Hamara Jal-Hamara Jeewan” oragnised in 485 districts 17.34 lakh students from 18,500 schools across the Country participated in National Level Painting Competition on Water conservation. JAL Grams selected in States.
INITIATIVES IN PROGRESS PANCHESHWAR PROJECT Pursuant to Article 10 of Mahakali Treaty, Indo Nepal Pancheshwar Development Authority (PDA) for implementation of Pancheshwar Multipurpose project set up. Two meetings of its Governing Body have been held Consequent to the visit of Hon’ble PM to Nepal, PDA for Pancheshwar Multipurpose Project on river Sarda / Mahakali a priority area for the Ministry. DPR under preparation by WAPCOS
INITIATIVES IN PROGRESS Rs. 250 crore released for Polavaram Project CEO and other senior officers appointed. First meeting of the Polavaram River Project held in March 2015.
FLOOD FORECASTING CWC started flood forecasting in J&K at Rammunshibagh on Jhelum near Srinagar. New flood forecasting web site launched for timely dissemination of flood data. Suitable advisories issued to States during unprecedented floods and very severe cyclonic storms (HUDHUD and NILOFER). Regional office of GFCC opened at Lucknow for better coordination.
ASSISTANCE TO STATES Grant of Rs. 2610 crore released to 26 Major & Medium Irrigation Projects under AIBP with creation of 5 lakh hectare irrigation potential. Rs. 200 crore released for 50 projects under CADWM with creation of 1-1.5 lakh hectare irrigation potential. Rs. 130.49 crore released to 1092 projects under RRR of water bodies. An amount of Rs.320 crore has been released to NCT of Delhi for water sector reforms including Rs.50 crore for Renuka Dam Project. Rs. 320.23 crore released to States for 78 projects of flood protection. MoU with National Convention of Water User Associations on Participatory Irrigation Management.
INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION A Memorandum of Understanding between India and Bahrain was signed on 22.2.2015 during the India Bahrain High Level Joint Commission Meeting at New Delhi. Loan assistance agreement for 33,959 million Japanese Yen from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) for Rengali Irrigation Sub-project, Left Bank Canal (LBC)–II, Phase-II of Odisha was signed on 27.3.2015 at New Delhi.
DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM All unclassified data of CWC and CGWB has been uploaded on to a web based Water Resources Information System on GIS platform has been set up by CWC in association with ISRO. 5th Minor Irrigation Census has been undertaken for mapping of minor irrigation schemes in the Country. Facebook and twitter account for Ministry launched
DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM contd... A cumulative basin impact study for Siang sub-basin of Brahmaputra basin carried out and master plan based strategy on hydro development was developed paving way for development of 17,800 MW hydropower Rapid simulation study regarding formation of another landslide dam in North Western Himalayan region (near Phuktal) was conducted for suggesting measures for safe handling the situation in the event of breach Unprecedented floods in J&K were rapidly simulated and possible impacts of different scenario were informed to State for crisis management.
DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM 155 new Hydrological Observation Stations added in the network Web based water resources information system on GIS platform – India-WRIS was maintained. Unclassified data of CWC and CGWB placed on portal for public access.
Appraisal & Monitoring Appraisal of 4 irrigation (for irrigation to 2,30,417 Ha) and 12 flood protection (for protection to 1,07,687 Ha) completed. 42 new irrigation projects; 16 revised cost estimates are under appraisal. Fully automated portal for online processing and monitoring of proposals under AIBP was launched
Ground Water Management Data gap analysis completed for an area of 5.89 lakh in Aquifer mapping programme. A web based application for issuing NOC for ground water extraction by industries / infrastructure / mining projects launched by Hon’ble Union Minister on 28th January, 2015. Three scientists of Central Ground Water Board. viz., Dr. D. Gyansundar, Dr. M. Sentil Kumar and Shri. N. Ramesh Kumar have bagged the prestigious National Geoscience Award – 2013 under Ground Water Exploration which was conferred upon by Hon’ble President of India on 6th April, 2015. CGWB has been awarded “Special Achievement in GIS (SAG)” award at 15th ESRI India User Conference held at NOIDA on 11th Dec, 2014 for the application of GIS in data base management in ground water domain.
FOCUS ON NORTH-EAST Visit of Hon’ble Minister to North East for 10 days from 2nd Feb. to 12th Feb. Discussion with Hon’ble CM of Arunachal Pradesh to build up consensus on issue of Middle Siang Hydroelectric Project. Visit to Majauli island and on spot assessment of flood management. Work started on establishment of NEBRRA.
INTER-LINKING OF RIVERS Inter-linking of rivers one of the most ambitious project of the Government. Increase the irrigation potential of the country from 140 million hect. to 175 million hect. Will generate 34000 MW of extra power other benefits of navigation, fisheries and pollution control
ACHIEVEMENTS Hon’ble PM chaired 5th NGRBA meeting held on 26th March, 2015. Implementation of Clean Ganga Mission at National level Namami Gange” programme approved with budget support of Rs. 2037 crore and Rs.100 crore for Ghat development in 2014-15.
GANGA REJUVENATIONcontd…. one day national level stakeholder dialogue- Ganga Manthan held in July 2014, which was attended by over 500 delegates Clean Ganga Fund set up to encourage public participation and contribution. Over Rs. 50 crore received as contribution Ganga Knowledge Centre has been set up at NMCG.
NIRMAL GANGA 4 Sewerage works being implemented at Allahabad, Patna and Barrackpore at cost of Rs.934.66 crore. Sewerage projects worth Rs. 823.96 Cr started in Kanpur and Patna with 60 mld treatment capacity. Saidpur STP and adjoining network for Patna at a cost of Rs. 184.93 crore.
Pancheshwar Multipurpose Project 1. Signed Statute of PDA. 2. For starting works, PDA to have a corpus fund of IRs.20.00 crore with both India and Nepal contributing IRs.10.00 crore each. Necessary provision kept in budget. 3. Agreed distribution of Personnel: Chief Executive Officer (from Nepal) Additional Chief Executive Officer (from India) Executive Directors (EDs) India Nepal Director (Technical) Director (Environment) Director (Relief & Rehabilitation) Director (Admn.) Director (Finance) Director (Legal)