Prevention of third party violence and promotion of a culture of social dialogue 4 projects in cooperation with KS + NUMGE Czech Republic Estonia Hungary.


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Presentation transcript:

Prevention of third party violence and promotion of a culture of social dialogue 4 projects in cooperation with KS + NUMGE Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Lithuania Supported by a grant from Norway through the Norwegian Financial Mechanism , in the frame of Decent Work and Tripartite Dialogue Programme

„Decent work - Prevention of 3rd party violence in Prague health and social facilities/ Supported by a grant from Norway through the Norwegian Financial Mechanism , in the frame of Decent Work and Tripartite Dialogue Programme

Planned Project Outputs/ Results trained persons/ 298 trained persons 2. New accreditation of course Updating training materials – 118 new pages 4. 4 prevention teams/ 5 prevention teams 5. Web portal Supported by a grant from Norway through the Norwegian Financial Mechanism , in the frame of Decent Work and Tripartite Dialogue Programme

Social dialogue – lessons learnt Third party violence in social and health facilities often happens ! Violence at the workplace is not normal!! Cooperation between social partners in win-win framework is profitable to both parties (safety at workplace, trust among social partners, common outputs) Safety at the workplace is a common aim of both social partners Social dialogue is an effective tool for TPV prevention Social dialogue is an effective tool for Decent Work Supported by a grant from Norway through the Norwegian Financial Mechanism , in the frame of Decent Work and Tripartite Dialogue Programme

Recommendations for future – 8 issues 1.Violence from third parties in the workplace still remains outside the focus of public authorities and negatively affects the work environment. 2.The third party violence combating shall be supported by legislation. 3. Third party violence should not be seen as normal. 4. Education for employers and employees. 5.In collective agreements they have to collaborate on prevention of third party violence in the workplace and to find common solutions. 6. The third party violence combating shall be supported by legislation. 7. To establish professional Preventive teams at the national and regional level. 8. The outputs of the project should be presented to the representatives of the European social dialogue in EPSU, HOSPEEM and CEMR.

ESTONIA SOCIAL DIALOGUE TO PREVENT THIRD PARTY VIOLENCE Project Promoter: Trade Union of the State and Self-governed Institutions Project Partners: Association of Estonian Cities and Association of Estonian Municipalities

GOALS ● Improve of Social dialogue ● Carrying out a study (questionnaire and analysis) ● Translation of workbook (Threats and Violence at workplace) ● Preparation and signing of the Memorandum of Understanding ● Development, printing and distribution of the leaflet ● Amendments to legislation

RESULTS ● Visit to Lunner Commune to get some know-how ● Improvement of Social Dialouge between partners ● Study showed that only 25% of violence was handeled by the employer ● Memorandum of Understanding was signed ● Participants were involved preparations of leaflet ● New members of Trade Union

CRITICAL MOMENTS AND NEXT STEPS ● There was not so big interest from politicians to participate ● Recognition of the need for Social dialogue was low ● Further raising of the politicians and employers awareness ● Continue to work with Russian speakers ● Introduction of the signed Memoran dum


GOAL Strengthen the abilities of social workers and their employers in reducing risks of third party violence in social sector. NEW TOPICS AND WORK METHODS Decent Work and Third Party Violence were new topics The Association of Municipalities and the Trade Union had no previous experience on cooperation GOAL OF THE PROJECT

PROJECT RESULTS 1.Collected information on the working conditions of social workers and clarified situation on organisation of social dialogue in the municipal social services sector 2.Good practice examples, recommendations, new experience concerning social dialogue in social services sector activated social workers and their employers 3.Improved understanding of importance of third party violence for social workers and their employers, and increased knowledge of social dialogue as an instrument to achieve better working conditions for social workers. 4.Increasing number of members : 2 new groups of Trade union of social workers established in municipalities; active discussions, consultations concerning developing of national social dialogue in social sector.

NEXT STEPS Dissemination of results to more regions Practical implementation of recommendations

Prevention of Third Party Violence at a local level in Hungary Project Promoter: Hungarian National Association of Local Authorties (TOOSZ) Partners: Trade Union of Public Servants and Municipal Employees (MKKSZ), KS, Fagforbundet

FOCUS AND AIMS Focus Prevention and treatment of third party violence in municipal offices Aims Provision of a strategic tool, methodology for municipal offices, provision of a legislative framework for safe and healthy working conditions, decent working conditions

Activities and Critical Factors The process: National survey, study trips, six pilot projects, training of municipal leaders, employees and trade union representatives, presentation at county meetings, strategic guidebook Critical factors: Successful development of a solid network of partners – trade union representatives, safety representative, local government leaders Support of relevant ministries at national level, openness towards development of national legislation on healthy and safe working conditions Strong and unique cooperation between employers and employees in international prespective through KS, MKKSZ, TOOSZ, Fagforbundet

Next steps 1.Extension of the network by involving further local governments 2.Extension of the scope of project to local government institutions (preparation of local and national legislation on decent working conditions) 3.Further strengtening of bilateral relations with KS (continuation in new projects and existing projects)