THOUGHT FORCE CHARGE: Consider the 5 KBDM questions and apply them to the topic, “What would the process look like to change the language of the Steps to gender neutral?”
THOUGHT FORCE Pg. 172 IN THE AL-ANON ALATEEN SERVICE MANUAL IN CHARTER 3 D. STATES: “No changes are to be made in the Al-Anon or Alateen Traditions, the Steps, the Concepts of Service (except the descriptive text) or the General Warranties of the Conference Charter (Item 12) without written consent of three- quarters of the Al-Anon Family Groups.” Spiritual Principle: Tradition 1, Our common welfare should come first, personal progress for the greatest number depends upon unity.
THOUGHT FORCE The Links of Service flow of information: 1 ST If a substantial majority of members inform their GR then … 2 nd It would be incumbent upon the GR to bring it to the District. 3 rd If a substantial majority of GR’s inform their DR then … 4 th It would be incumbent upon the DR to bring it to Area. 5 th If a substantial majority of DR’s inform their Area then … 6 th It would be incumbent upon the Delegate to bring it to the WSC.
THOUGHT FORCE KBDM QUESTION #1 “What do we know about our members’ needs related to representation, communication and participation?”
THOUGHT FORCE KBDM QUESTION #1 “What do we know about our members’ needs related to representation, communication and participation?” NCWSA.ORG/SURVEY May 18, 2014 – August 31, 2014 Spiritual Principle: Concept 4, Participation is the key to harmony.
Does changing the language of the Steps to gender neutral appeal to you? YESNOOTHER 223 RESPONDED155 RESPONDED22 RESPONDED
Does changing the language of the Steps to gender neutral appeal to you? YESNOOTHER 223 RESPONSES155 RESPONSES22 RESPONSES 148 (4 of 27 Districts) 75 (19 of 27 Districts)155 (27 of 27 Districts)22 (13 of 27 Districts) 0 (4 of 27 Districts)
Does changing the language of the Steps to gender neutral appeal to you? “YES” COMMON THREAD COMMENTS Gender neutral language is more inclusive. Gender neutral language is more welcoming to newcomers. Gender neutral language is more representative of today’s culture. The use of He/Him discourages people who need Al-Anon from staying in Al-Anon. Al-Anon was started by women; shouldn’t the Steps reflect a female Higher Power?
Does changing the language of the Steps to gender neutral appeal to you? “NO” COMMON THREAD COMMENTS The dictionary defines “He” as “anyone, without reference to sex.” The Steps are already neutral. Changing the Steps dilutes them and opens the door to more changes. This discussion diverts us from our primary spiritual aim of helping families and friends of alcoholics. Meetings that change the Steps harm the unity of Al-Anon as a whole. It is impossible to change the gender of the Steps in other languages due to language structure.
THOUGHT FORCE KBDM QUESTION #2 “What do we know about our current resources and our vision for NCWSA that are relevant to this discussion?” There is an inherent slowness to change in Al-Anon. Members have often felt daunted by the process of change. There is an ongoing dialogue about the relationship between WSO leadership, group autonomy and the importance of minority opinion being heard. Spiritual Principle: Concept 5 – The rights of appeal and petition protect minorities and insure that they be heard. In 1994 when the WSC literature committee explored trying to make existing CAL gender neutral it was decided not to edit existing CAL but instead chose to focus on making new CAL gender neutral. Spiritual Principle: Tradition 4, Each group should be autonomous, except in matters affecting another group or Al-Anon or AA as a whole.
THOUGHT FORCE KBDM QUESTION #2 MEMORANDUM FROM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR – OCT. 6, 2008 Frequent Question: “In reading the Steps and Traditions around the table at our meetings, what do we say to members who change the wording? … Is there specific wording to them that we do not change the wording as written when we are reading these two items in front of other members?” Answer: “Although we are all free to understand and interpret the Steps and Traditions for ourselves, when reading them at a meeting we hope to prevent the confusion and lack of unity of our fellowship’s earliest days. Our First Tradition explains that our common welfare should come first. Our Second Tradition describes our group’s one authority as a loving God as expressed in our group conscience. Therefore, for the unity of worldwide Al-Anon, all members and groups are asked to honor the Legacies as written, as they reflect the informed group conscience of Al- Anon around the world… As our cofounder Lois W. once said, “We realized if the Steps were altered once, they could be altered again and again. Their meaning and power might be lost..” The difficulty of changing our Legacies is reflective of their importance.” Spiritual Principle: Tradition 1 – Our common welfare should come first; personal progress for the greatest number depends upon unity.
THOUGHT FORCE KBDM QUESTION #3 “What do we know about the current realities and evolving dynamics of the world and our fellowship that is relevant to this discussion? What are the pros and cons?” PRO: Our CAL stresses that members choose their own Higher Power. Many Voices Pg. 110 “Lois felt very strongly that everyone in Al-Anon should use the same Twelve Steps. Yet she did not believe her point of view should be forced onto groups that used their own version of the Steps.” Spiritual Principle: Tradition 12, Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, ever reminding us to place principles above personalities. CON: The 2014 Conference summary on Pg cites the Executive Director’s explanation of the reality that many other languages do not allow for gender neutrality. Spiritual Principle: Step 3, Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to care of God, as we understood him.
THOUGHT FORCE KBDM QUESTION #4 “What are the ethical implications of our choices? In other words, will our decision be consistent with our spiritual principles?” We have an ethical responsibility to be more inclusive and more accessible. As We Understood… - This particular piece of CAL refers to Higher Power in a variety of ways making God more inclusive and accessible. Spiritual Principle: Step 3, Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
THOUGHT FORCE KBDM QUESTION #5 “What do we wish we knew, but don’t?” We don’t know how the current language impacts attraction of newcomers and diverse members. Spiritual Principle: Tradition 11, Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion … We don’t know what the GR’s think and would like to hear from you.