© Proposals for the new Pastoral system ‘The College System’
What is our current pastoral system like? Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11 Separate year 7 Students keep the same tutor until year 11 Students keep same Head of Year until the end of Year 9 Separate year 8 Students keep the same tutor until year 11 Students keep same Head of Year until the end of Year 9 Separate year 9 Students keep the same tutor until year 11 Students keep same Head of Year until the end of Year 9 Separate year 10 Students keep the same tutor until year 11 Students keep same Head of Year until the end of Year 11 Separate year 11 Students keep the same tutor until year 11 Students keep same Head of Year until the end of Year 11
What is Vertical tutoring? ‘Vertical tutoring is not just the business of organising students into mixed age groups. It is a means of releasing creativity and realising the potential of individuals and organisations. Increasingly this system is being seen as a major school improver, especially in terms of developing social skills and improving academic performance for students of all abilities’ (Tom Peters)
What is the proposal for our new pastoral system? KS3 College (Years 7 & 8) 6 vertically mixed form groups Focus: Transition peer support for Year 7 and preparation of students in Years 7/8 for GCSE courses in Year 9 KS4 College 1 (Years 9, 10 & 11) 8 vertically mixed form groups. Focus: Peer coaching, mentoring and learning with core curriculum staff KS4 College 2 (Years 9, 10 & 11) 8 vertically mixed form groups. Focus: Peer coaching, mentoring and learning with core curriculum staff Students will be organised into three vertical colleges. This means that form groups will be made up of students from different year groups. Each form group will have an equal number of Year 7 and 8 students. Form groups will meet for morning and afternoon registration, as well as daily form periods. Students will have the same form tutor and Head of Year in Years 7 and 8. Each form group will have an equal number of Year 9, 10 and 11 students. Form groups will meet for morning and afternoon registration, as well as daily form periods. Students will have the same form tutor and Head of Year in Years 7 and 8 but a new tutor and Head of Year in Years 9, 10 and 11.
Staff views on the proposed College system? Staff Feedback Q – Do you like the principle behind the proposed College system? 60% YES 10% NO 30% UNSURE Q – Are you in favour of introducing the College system at Hillcrest School? 60% YES 15% NO 25% UNSURE Staff Feedback Q – Do you like the principle behind the proposed College system? 60% YES 10% NO 30% UNSURE Q – Are you in favour of introducing the College system at Hillcrest School? 60% YES 15% NO 25% UNSURE
Parent / Carer views on the College system Parent Feedback Letters explaining the proposals and feedback surveys were sent out to all parents and carers. 74 of the surveys were returned by parents. Q – Do you like the principle of the College system? 52% YES 25% NO 23% UNSURE Q – Based on the information provided, are you in favour of the College system at Hillcrest? 50% YES 25% NO 25% UNSURE Parent Feedback Letters explaining the proposals and feedback surveys were sent out to all parents and carers. 74 of the surveys were returned by parents. Q – Do you like the principle of the College system? 52% YES 25% NO 23% UNSURE Q – Based on the information provided, are you in favour of the College system at Hillcrest? 50% YES 25% NO 25% UNSURE
Student views on the College system Student Feedback A launch assembly was followed up by discussions during form period and feedback at School Council meetings. 125 students, randomly selected across all year groups, were asked the following questions: Q – Do you like the idea of mixing with students from other year groups in form time? 35% YES 40% UNSURE 25% NO Q – Can you see the learning benefits that the College system may have for you and other students? 65% YES 15% UNSURE 20% NO Q - Do you think the College system will be good at developing your communication and leadership skills? 60% YES 25% UNSURE 15% NO Student Feedback A launch assembly was followed up by discussions during form period and feedback at School Council meetings. 125 students, randomly selected across all year groups, were asked the following questions: Q – Do you like the idea of mixing with students from other year groups in form time? 35% YES 40% UNSURE 25% NO Q – Can you see the learning benefits that the College system may have for you and other students? 65% YES 15% UNSURE 20% NO Q - Do you think the College system will be good at developing your communication and leadership skills? 60% YES 25% UNSURE 15% NO
Student views on the College system Q – What are your biggest concerns about being in mixed form groups? Missing current friends – 67% Having to make new friends – 51% Feeling isolated in new form group – 39% Being ignored by students you do not already know – 31% Getting involved in inappropriate conversations with older students – 26% Having to get to know a new form tutor – 39% Not getting the support needed from other students – 28% Other concerns – 31% Eg – Year 11 students need support to work with younger students - concerns about arrangements from break and lunchtime - planning for assembly and PSD days - unfair advantages for older students in inter-college competitions Q – What are your biggest concerns about being in mixed form groups? Missing current friends – 67% Having to make new friends – 51% Feeling isolated in new form group – 39% Being ignored by students you do not already know – 31% Getting involved in inappropriate conversations with older students – 26% Having to get to know a new form tutor – 39% Not getting the support needed from other students – 28% Other concerns – 31% Eg – Year 11 students need support to work with younger students - concerns about arrangements from break and lunchtime - planning for assembly and PSD days - unfair advantages for older students in inter-college competitions
The National Context National Research statistics: 65% of schools who have introduced similar systems have seen a ‘significant’ increase in examination results (rise of 10 – 15% of 5 A*-C grades over three year trend) 75% of schools who have introduced similar have less bullying issues / reported ‘hate crime’ incidents 55% of schools who have introduced similar systems have seen between 1 – 2% increase in whole school attendance figures over a three year trend Data source: OSIRIS Educational Thinking
What will happen in tutor time? 4 X 25 minute tutor times per week Community / Charity Inter-College Competition Cross-Curricular Activities / Literacy & Numeracy Activities / Thinking Skills / PSD themes Cross-Curricular Activities / Literacy & Numeracy Activities / Thinking Skills / PSD themes Student Voice: College & Inter College debating Student Voice: College & Inter College debating Peer academic conversations: Achievement and Progress 2 x Action Planning & Target Setting meetings linked to reports / end of term assessment data 2 x Action Planning & Target Setting meetings linked to reports / end of term assessment data Attendance / GIR Analysis Attendance / GIR Analysis
Why is peer coaching so important? MONDAY: CHECK IN FRIDAY: CHECK OUT
PEER COACHING There will be 20 ‘Peer Coaching’ sessions throughout the year. There will be one ‘Peer Coaching’ session per fortnight. Students will pair up for four sessions before rotating to form a new pair. This is an opportunity for students to share their own experiences / difficulties in any aspect of school and home life, as well as other issues linked to key issues, ie – careers. Students will review their own learning with each other and set personal targets to monitor as part of the coaching process.
Example of form period activities Look at the sketch and imagine that you are the person standing in the room. You have to tie together the two pieces of string suspended from the ceiling. 1.The strings are located so that you cannot reach one string with your outstretched arm, while holding the second in your other hand. 2. The room is completely bare, and you only have things that you would normally find in your school bag. Look at the sketch and imagine that you are the person standing in the room. You have to tie together the two pieces of string suspended from the ceiling. 1.The strings are located so that you cannot reach one string with your outstretched arm, while holding the second in your other hand. 2. The room is completely bare, and you only have things that you would normally find in your school bag.
Examples of mentor time activities DUMB BIRTHDAY Get the group to line up at the front of the room. Students must line up in order of their birthdays. RULES – they must do this without speaking! TIME – The group has 3 minutes to complete the task OUTCOME – The whole group must raise their hands in the air, in silence, to signal they have successfully completed the task. Get the group to line up at the front of the room. Students must line up in order of their birthdays. RULES – they must do this without speaking! TIME – The group has 3 minutes to complete the task OUTCOME – The whole group must raise their hands in the air, in silence, to signal they have successfully completed the task.
Examples of form period activities Your group will be given the following resources. Only one group member is allowed to use one of each of the items. For example, if you are in charge of the scissors you are not allowed to use any of the other resources. Your task, as a group, is to produce something creative within 4 minutes!! Resources: 1 x scissors 2 x pieces of A4 plain paper 2 x coloured pens 1 x piece of blu tack 2 x straws Your group will be given the following resources. Only one group member is allowed to use one of each of the items. For example, if you are in charge of the scissors you are not allowed to use any of the other resources. Your task, as a group, is to produce something creative within 4 minutes!! Resources: 1 x scissors 2 x pieces of A4 plain paper 2 x coloured pens 1 x piece of blu tack 2 x straws CREATIVITY CORNER
Examples of form period activities 1.What can you hold in your right hand, but not in your left? 2.If you have two coins totalling 11p, and one of the coins is not a penny, what are the two coins? 3.How many animals of each species did Moses take into the arc? 4.Which side of a cat contains the most hair? 5.The 60 th and 62 nd Prime Minister of the UK had the same mother and father, but were not brothers. How do you explain this? LATERAL THINKING
How will the new system benefit our students? Many schools across the country are now moving towards similar models to replace the more traditional system we currently have at Hillcrest School. National research has suggested that Vertical Tutoring brings the following benefits for students: Smaller tutor groups ensure students receive more pastoral care Increased opportunities for academic mentoring and target-setting between tutors and students. Removal of potential barriers between students from different year groups and improved relationships across the school Improved peer relationships as students have more opportunity to mix in a positive environment with students they may not usually engage with from other year groups
How will the new system benefit our students? Improved levels of attendance as students feel more supported and comfortable with more support they receive in smaller tutor group environments Increased levels of student participation in school life, ie – Inter- College sporting events Improved levels of team work and communication between students Improved opportunities for peer mentoring, coaching and learning Increased opportunities for inter-college competitions to encourage more students to be actively involved in many different aspects of school life
How will the new system benefit our students? KS3 (Years 7 and 8) Year 8 students will support Year 7 students as part of the transition process. Year 8 students will acts as guides / mentors to ensure the Year 7 students understand important aspects of school life. For example; following timetables, movement from lesson to lesson, recording homework and merits in planners, completing their Achievement Profiles, applying for extra- curricular activities, etc. Year 8 students will consolidate their own learning by acting as peer coaches during form periods and supporting Year 7 students in daily literacy and numeracy activities. Year 7 students will have positives role models and guidance from Year 8 students in their tutor groups. This will increase peer mentoring and learning support at KS3.
KS4 (Years 9, 10 and 11) As students will start GCSE style studies in Year 9 from September 2015 onwards, this system will support Year 9 students as they will work during form period, on a daily basis, with Year 10 and 11 students. They will receive guidance and support from the Year 10 and 11 students in their tutor groups in key areas for their GCSE studies, ie – homework, study skills, revision techniques. The system will also support Year 10 students as they will receive guidance and advice from Year 11 students in their tutor group in the key areas outlined above. This system will consolidate the learning experience for Year 11 students as they reinforce key aspects of their own learning through the support they give to Year 9 and 10 students. Students will complete daily literacy and numeracy activities in form period. This will provide opportunities for peer learning and academic mentoring for students across Years 9-11.
KS4 (Years 9, 10 and 11) Year 9, 10 and 11 students in each tutor group will have regular opportunities to compare their academic progress and motivate each other to achieve highly against their target grades. Tutors in KS4 will be pre-dominantly members of staff from the English, Maths and Science departments. This will allow tutors to provide specialist subject specific mentoring to students under- achieving in the core subjects. As the tutor team will consist of staff from the core subject, we will have greater flexibility to have specific curriculum-based form periods led by subject specialists. For example, any students in Years 9-11 under-achieving in Maths could work with a Maths form tutor for a specific period of time to gain additional support.
Hillcrest School: College system mission statement “We aim to ensure that all students can positively and constructively engage with and learn from each other, irrespective of their age, gender, ethnicity or race”