Nouradein Ahmed 8B
Having to wake up at 7 AM or earlier just to get ready for school is a bummer. We all would love to get some extra time to sleep in and not have to wake up as early for school. Waking up just to go to school early can cause many problems.
Waking up later for school has a better chance for boosting student’s learning and education. Students would be more awake and less sleepy and drowsy. Students won’t think straight if they’re too sleepy in class.
The later classes begin, the more the academic performance in students will improve. If schools were to start later, chances are that students will be more focused and awake during class.
Many students who have to wake up early for school don’t get enough sleep. Students, especially teens, tend to stay up late and then have to wake up early for school. They don’t get enough sleep. Teens and kids are supposed to get 8 ½ to 9 ½ hours of sleep each night.
Making middle and high schoolers before 8:30 AM threatens their health,safety, and performance in school. Lack of sleep is very unhealthy for students especially at a young age. It is also unsafe because if a student were to go to school early in the morning there could be strangers trying to do bad things.
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Students who have to rely on their parents for transportation to school may have difficulty getting to school at a later hour if their parents work.
Students have other friends that attend that school and they can let their friend pick them up with their way of transportation. Also, their relatives may be willing to take them to school.
In conclusion, starting school at a later time would be better for students and help them with their sleep and education.
Fischetti, Mark “Sleepy Teens; High School Should Start Later in the Morning”, Scientific Nature, 8/26/14, 2/11/15 Shute, Nancy “Pediatricians say school should start later for teens’ health”, Shots, 8/25/14, 2/11/15 Edwards, Finley “Do Schools Begin too Early?”, Besident& Fellows of Harvard College, Summer 2012, 2/12/15
Elenan112 “Should School stay Earlier?”, Emerson Media, N/A, 2/12/15 Walsh, Kathryn “Pros& Cons of School starting Later for Teens”, Demand Media, N/A, 2/12/15 Morgan, Leigh Ann “Pros & Cons of Later School Start Times”, Sleeping Resources, N/A, 2/12/15