Rites of Passage: Physical and Cognitive development in adolescence Chapter 8
Pubertal changes Learning Objectives What physical changes occur in adolescence that mark the transition to a mature adult? What factors cause the physical changes associated with puberty? How do physical changes affect adolescent’s psychological development?
Signs of physical maturatation Puberty consists of two changes that mark the change from childhood to young adulthood -Dramatic increases in height, weight, and body fat distribution -Changes in the reproductive organs that mark sexual maturity, as well as secondary sexual characteristics such as body and facial hair, and growth of the breasts
Physical Growth Adolescence growth spurt -Females gain as much as 14-15 pounds in a year -begin the growth spurt about 2 years before boys -start at about age 11 and reach a mature stature at 15 -Males gain around 16-17 pounds a year -start at about 13 and reach a mature stature at about 17
Physical Growth Hands, feet, and head grow followed by arms and legs, then trunk and shoulders last Bodies are out of proportion briefly Bones become denser Muscle fibers thicker and denser causing increase in strength Body fat increases more in girls Heart and lung capacity increases more in boys
Physical Growth Brain is about 95%b of adult size Myelination almost complete allowing for faster processing Synaptic pruning almost complete L:imbic system reaches maturity (reward, pleasure, emotion) Amugdala more active than in adult brain Frontal cortex (control of behavior) is still developing, allows risky behavior
Brain growth in adolescence By the beginning of adolescence the brain is 95% of adult size and weight Myelination and synaptic pruning are nearly complete
Sexual Maturation Primary sex characteristics -organs of reproduction, ovaries, uterus, vagina, testes, scrotum, penis Secondary sex characteristics -physical signs of maturity that are not directly linked to reproduction, changes in voice and skin -girls -breasts and pelvis width -boys - facial hair and broadening of the shoulders
Sexual Maturation Menarche -onset of menstruation in girls -first menstrual cycles are usually irregular and without ovulation Spermarche -first spontaneous ejaculation of sperm containing fluid -first ejaculation usually contain few sperm -sufficient sperm to fertilize an egg may take months or years to develop
Mechanisms of Maturation Hypothalamus -releases hormones to the pituitary gland triggering growth hormones Pituitary gland -stimulates other glands to produce estrogen in girls and testosterone in boys Timing of puberty -genetically regulated -affected by health and nutrition -Menarche occurs earlier in countries where nutrition and health care are better
Social Influences on Puberty Stress, depression – early menarche Harsh punishment as children- early menarche Paternal investment theory – Fathers invested in adolescent – later menarche Uninvolsed, abscent fathers – early menarche Psychologically distant or mentally ill fathers compounds the early menarche effect
Psychological impact of puberty Body image -Teenagers are very attentive to physical changes, which take place very rapidly and are dramatic -Girls are more critical of their appearance and are likely to be dissatisfied. -Boys little influenced by peers but unhappy when do not have strong masculine body
Response to Menarche and Spermarche Girls -prepared by mothers -tend to be moderately please -irritated by the messiness -share the news with their mothers and then friends -celebrated in other cultures Boys -less documented reactions -usually more pleased if they know about it beforehand -rarely tell parents and friends
Moodiness Moodiness -increase in hormone levels are associated with greater irritability and impulsivity, but correlations are small -more associated with activities -recreational activities associated with good mood -adult regulated activities with a negative
Rate of Maturation Rate of maturation may have a significant consequence for adolescents Early maturation usually benefits boys, but not girls -girls had more negative feelings , lack self confidence, less popular, behavior problems, smoke, and drink, especially if impoverished and conflict in the home, may be pressured into sex, lower paying jobs -boys tend to have more positive feelings when mature “on time”. In some studies being early or late can be stressful
Health Learning Objectives What are the elements of a healthy diet for adolescents? Why do some adolescents suffer from eating disorders? Do adolescents get enough exercise? What are the pros and cons of participating in sports in high school? What are common obstacles to healthy growth in adolescents?
Nutrition Teenagers need high caloric intake because of high growth and metabolism needs -Girls need approximately 2200 calories per day -Boys need around 2700 calories daily Most U.S. teens consume sufficient calories but not balanced, nutritional meals, may be low on iron causing listlessness and calcium affecting bone maturation -in the U.S. 1 of every 7 children is overweight by body mass index (ratio of wt to ht) -heredity plays a role, may set basal metabolic rate (speed at which body consumes calories), wt is related to that of parents Environment plays a role, TV, parents habits
Obese youths can lose weight Successful programs focus on eating habits and sedentary behavior Success is rooted in monitoring their eating, exercise, and sedentary behavior. Short term goals with rewards are set in each area Parents are trained to help set realistic goals and to use behavioral principles in meeting them. Monitor their lifestyle for enabling behaviors. Make healthy foods available and affordable
Anorexia and bulimia Anorexia -disorder marked by an irrational fear of being overweight -have a distorted body image -15% of adolescents with anorexia die Bulimia -binge eating and purging by vomiting or with laxatives -may occur as many as 30 times per week -sometimes cannot stop eating
Anorexia and bulimia Causes: Heredity – genes regulating anxiety and food intake Psychological factors, hx. of picky eaters, pica, negative self esteem, mood or anxiety disorders * Being overly concerned with one’s body wt. and a history of dieting. Pressure of peers and media Overprotective patents risk factor for anorexia Childhood obesity risk factor for bulimia Sports that emphasize being thin
Physical fitness Adolescence rarely get enough exercise Organized sports -more boys participate then girls -enhances self-esteem and initiative -help learn cooperation and teamwork Steroid usage -used to enhance performance in sports -enhance muscle size, strength and recovery from injury -5-10% of boys use steroids -Damages lever, reproductive organs, skeleton cardiovascular, mood swings, aggression,depression Regular exercise means 30 minutes three times a week with adolescence heart rate about 140/min.
Threats to adolescents well being 1 of 1000 U.S. adolescents dies yearly -most are results of auto accidents and firearms -decisions to engage in higher risk behavior Adolescents and adults reason out risk similarly -the weight given to specific risks may very greatly -adolescents may give greater weight to the social consequences of choices -illusions of invulnerability Adolescents take risks adults find unacceptable
Information Processing During Adolescence Learning Objectives How do working memory and processing speed change in adolescence? How do increases in content knowledge, strategies, and metacognition skill influence adolescent cognition? What changes in problem solving and reasoning take place in adolescence?
How does information processing improve in adolescence? For information-processing theorists, adolescence is not a separate stage -rapidly changing transition from childhood cognition to young adulthood -changes do take place in certain areas of cognitive development Working memory same capacity as adults Better able to store info for ongoing processing Processing faster ie shorter response time Myelination allows faster response and cognitive processing
Working Memory and Processing Speed Speed of cognitive processing and memory capacity both achieve adult levels during adolescence Adolescents process information very efficiently
Content knowledge During adolescence, children become as knowledgeable as adults in certain domains This enhances performance in some areas and assists them in understanding and learning new areas
Strategies and Metacognitive skills Adolescents become more skilled at recognizing and developing strategies for specific tasks and for monitoring the strategy for their effectiveness They may develop master plans for studying in school
Limits on information processing Information processing ability increases during adolescence -they may not use these abilities effectively -choices may play a role in effective processing -less mature cognitive processing may be used because it is easier
Problem Solving and Reasoning Adolescents more likely to use analysis that heuristics to solve problems Adolescents can discover flaws in reasoning Use reasoning skills selectively based on their beliefs
Reasoning and Moral issues Learning Objectives How do adolescents reason about moral issues? Is moral reasoning similar in all cultures? How do concern for justice and caring for other people contribute to moral reasoning? What factors help promote more sophisticated reasoning about moral issues?
Kohlberg’s Theory In response to a story of a moral dilemma, children pass through these stages: -Preconventional Level -moral reasoning is based on an external force, reward and punishment -obedience orientation is believing that authority figures know what is right and wrong -instrumental orientation consists of looking out for their own needs
Kohlberg’s Theory Conventional Level -look to society’s norms for moral guidance -Interpersonal norm stage -children are guided by winning the approval of others -Social system morality stage -adolescents believe that social roles, expectations, and laws exist to maintain order and are for the good of all people
Kohlberg’s Theory Postconventional Level -morals are based on a personal moral code -Social contract stage -laws and expectations are good as long they benefit all group members -Universal ethical principles stage -people choose ethical principles such as justice, compassion, and equality, have a personal moral system.
Support for Kohlberg’s Theory Kohlberg wrote that people progress through the stages in only the order listed Longitudinal studies show that people do not skip stages and do not regress Research demonstrates links between levels of moral reasoning and moral action -Higher levels are associated with causes following beliefs. Lower levels are associated with delinquency
Cultural Difference in Moral Reasoning Kohlberg theory stresses higher level’s emphasis on individual rights and justice, reflecting western Judeo-Christian values The principle reflected in other cultures may be different and affect resolutions of moral dilemmas Eastern culture puts caring for others and familial obligations above individual rights
Beyond Kohlberg’s Theory Carol Gilligan’s Theory Gilligan argues that Kohlberg’s emphasis on justice is more applicable to men than women, even in western cultures -Primary emphasis for women is caring and alleviation of social and global problems -Stage One -preoccupation with one’s own needs -Stage Two -caring for others -stage Three -emphasis of caring in all human relationships and denunciation of violence/exploitation
Promoting Moral reasoning Children advance through contact with those in higher stages Kohlberg found that discussion of morality can help children see short comings of moral reasoning Religion affects moral reasoning placing emphasis on caring for others Discussion is best way to help Children think about moral Issues in more mature ways