QWC Core Travelcard Command word Question Value Keeping Healthy 6 marks Describe: Recall facts, events or processes. Give an ordered account. Connectives: Firstly, finally, next… Explain: All the points in your answer must be linked logically. Connectives: because, therefore, consequently… A student is given a tube containing a liquid nutrient medium. The medium contains one type of bacterium. The student is told to grow some of the bacteria on agar jelly in a Petri dish. Describe how the student should prepare an uncontaminated culture of the bacterium in the Petri dish and explain the reason for each step you describe. Route Keeping Healthy Valid within zones 1-3 Produced by: @misstait_85, inspired by @Dak_74
QWC Core Travelcard Success criteria Science points Keeping Healthy Mark band Success criteria Science points 1-2 3-4 5-6 Brief description of at least one stage (pre-inoculation, inoculation, post-inoculation). Weak SPaG. Poor organisation. Simple description of at least two stages and an explanation of at least one. Some SPaG errors. Clear description of all three stages and an explanation of at least two stages. Almost faultless SPaG. Pre-inoculation: Petri dish and agar sterilised before use to kill unwanted bacteria. Inoculation loop passed through flame to sterilise/kill other bacteria. Inoculation: Loop used to spread bacterium onto agar. Lid of Petri dish opened as little as possible to prevent microbes from air entering. Post-inoculation: Sealed with tape to prevent microbes from air entering. Incubate to allow growth of bacteria. Route Keeping Healthy Valid within zones 1-3 Produced by: @misstait_85, inspired by @Dak_74
QWC Core Travelcard Command word Question Value Describe: 6 marks Describe: Recall facts, events or processes. Give an ordered account. Connectives: Firstly, finally, next… Plants and animals have become adapted in many different ways to reduce the risk of being eaten by predators. Describe these adaptations. Give examples of animals and plants adapted in the ways you describe. Route Adaptation for Survival Valid within zones 1-3 Produced by: @misstait_85, inspired by @Dak_74
Adaptation for Survival QWC Core Travelcard Mark band Success criteria Science points 1-2 3-4 5-6 At least one example of an adaptation of either an animal or plant. Weak SPaG. Poor organisation. Description of an adaptation of at least one animal and at least one plant. It is clear how these adaptations benefit the organism. Some SPaG errors. Clear and detailed description of a range of adaptations of named animals and named plants. It is clear how these adaptations held the organism avoid predation. Almost faultless SPaG. Camouflage – predator less likely to see the prey. Mimicry/warning colouration – predator confuses prey with a poisonous organism. Thorns/spines – sharp, likely to hurt predator. Streamlining – increase speed, outrun predator. Bad taste/poison – predator will find this unpleasant and wont attack again. Large ears/position of eyes – predators will be detected earlier. Route Adaptation for Survival Valid within zones 1-3 Produced by: @misstait_85, inspired by @Dak_74
The diagram shows how the scientists might clone a zorse. QWC Core Travelcard Command word Question Value 6 marks Describe: Recall facts, events or processes. Give an ordered account. Connectives: Firstly, finally, next… Zorses are not able to breed. Scientists could produce more zorses by adult cell cloning. The diagram shows how the scientists might clone a zorse. Use information from the diagram and your own knowledge to describe how adult cell cloning could be used to clone a zorse. Route Variation, reproduction and new technology Valid within zones 1-3 Produced by: @misstait_85, inspired by @Dak_74
Variation, reproduction and new technology QWC Core Travelcard Mark band Success criteria Science points 1-2 3-4 5-6 Simple description of the early stages of adult cell cloning. Lack of detail. Some confusion or inaccuracies. Weak SPaG. Poor organisation. Almost complete description of the early stages of the process and some aspects of the later stages. Some SPaG errors. Clear, detailed and accurate description of all the major points of how adult cell cloning is carried out. Almost faultless SPaG. Skin cell from zorse (Unfertilised) egg cell from horse Remove nucleus from egg cell Take nucleus from skin cell Put into (empty) egg cell (Then give) electric shock Egg cell divides/embryo formed Place (embryo) in womb/uterus Route Variation, reproduction and new technology Valid within zones 1-3 Produced by: @misstait_85, inspired by @Dak_74
QWC Core Travelcard Command word Question Value Explain: 6 marks Explain: All the points in your answer must be linked logically. Connectives: because, therefore, consequently… The diagram to the right shows a food web for some of the organisms that live on moorland. Only a small percentage of the Sun’s energy captured by the heather is eventually incorporated into the body tissues of the fox. Explain, as fully as you can, what happens to the rest of the energy captured by the heather. Route Energy in Biomass Valid within zones 1-3 Produced by: @misstait_85, inspired by @Dak_74
QWC Core Travelcard Success criteria Science points Energy in Biomass Mark band Success criteria Science points 1-2 3-4 5-6 Brief explanation of at least two ways that energy is captured by the heather. Little clarity or detail. Weak SPaG. Poor organisation. Some explanation of a range of the ways in which energy is transferred. Some SPaG errors. Clear, balanced and detailed explanation of a large variety of ways in which energy captured by the heather is transferred. Reference to specific examples from the food web. Almost faultless SPaG. Respiration releases energy (MUST make this point to get full marks) Energy lost in waste materials Energy used in repair* Energy used for movement* Energy lost as heat* Some organisms die* Reference to detritivores/microbes. *These points require a named organism to be given. Route Energy in Biomass Valid within zones 1-3 Produced by: @misstait_85, inspired by @Dak_74
QWC Core Travelcard Command word Question Value Describe: 6 marks A person accidentally touches a hot pan. Her hand automatically moves away from the pan. The diagram shows the structures involved in this action. Describe fully how the structures shown in the diagram bring about this reflex action. Describe: Recall facts, events or processes. Give an ordered account. Connectives: Firstly, finally, next… Route Coordination and Control Valid within zones 1-3 Produced by: @misstait_85, inspired by @Dak_74
Coordination and Control QWC Core Travelcard Mark band Success criteria Stimulus/heat detected by temperature receptors in skin. Impulses travel along sensory neurone to spinal cord/CNS. Chemical transmission across synapse. Via relay neurone. Impulses to muscle/effector via motor neurone. Muscle/effector contracts, moving hand away. Route Coordination and Control Valid within zones 1-3 Produced by: @misstait_85, inspired by @Dak_74