Third Grade Curriculum Night Mrs. Patty Neumeister
All About Mrs. Neumeister 4th year at MBES Masters Degree in Elementary Education (2011) Bucknell University Undergraduate Degree in Accounting (1988), CPA, VP of Merrill Lynch – Offshore Mutual Funds Married to Scott for 23 years 2 Daughters: Carolyn (17) & Lauren (14) Why I Teach: Because it’s the most rewarding Labor of LOVE I could ever imagine!
Common Core Georgia Performance Standards Reading, English/Language Arts (Grammar), Writing and Math are aligned to the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) to ensure student learning objectives are met. All other subjects (Science, Social Studies & Health) are aligned to the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS). “I Can” Statements are the CCGPS using “child-friendly” language. “I Can” Statements are discussed and posted each time a standard is taught. Students will become very familiar with the standards they have mastered as well as those which are still a work-in-progress.
Georgia’s Standards Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) English/Language Arts (Grammar) Writing Reading Math Science Social Studies Health Georgia Performance Standards (GPS)
What the CCGPS Expects of Students? Students will be encouraged to “think deeply” and to “show what they know.” Students will be asked to demonstrate a deeper understanding of text by explaining “how,” “why,” or “because” by giving their opinion using evidence found in the text to support their views. Students will be expected to blend background knowledge with newly learned facts to formulate opinions, inform others or to develop interesting and creative authentic stories and poems. Students will be expected to “show what they know” by applying lessons learned (such as grammar and writing skills) in their writing on a consistent basis.
How Students are Expected to “Think Deeply” and Respond Using evidence from the text, explain why a polar bear would not thrive in the desert. After reading the short passage on hamsters, give your opinion whether or not hamsters would make a good pet. Support your response using evidence from the text. Study the picture shown. Using inferencing, explain how you think the boy is feeling and why.
How Students are Expected to “Show What They Know” 3rd Grade Grammar skills are taught throughout the reading and writing lessons each week. Students are not only expected to practice these skills via homework but also begin to consistently apply them in their day-to-day writing.
How Will Students be Assessed on the CCGPS? The CCGPS encourages a wider variety of assessments. Traditional Assessments such as common pen and paper tests with multiple choice answers will still be used. Short Responses will be required for students to demonstrate they can explain their thinking clearly, use evidence from a prior text or formulate and support opinions. Writing will demonstrate students’ mastery of 3rd grade grammar skills such as forming complete sentences, using correct punctuation, subject and verb agreement, and the like.
Reading “Small” Groups Small group reading & writing instruction is done as follows: in small group according to level small group according to strategy need individual conference Students who are NOT meeting with the teacher will be: Reading & Responding Reading with a Partner Word Work including “Words Their Way” Book Adventure and STAR Reading Independent Research Writing
Reading Across the Curriculum Science, Social Studies & Health reading takes place in the Math/Science/Social Studies Block Science, Social Studies & Health reading ALSO takes place during ELA in the following ways: Small Group “Close” reading Buddy Reading Independent Research Writing
BAS Testing ALL MBES students are individually assessed using the Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System (BAS). Students are assessed in the first 3 weeks of school, throughout the year and at the end of the year by their ELA teacher. BAS testing provides teachers with 2 levels: Independent Reading Level The level at which students are able to fluently read and comprehend without support Instructional Level The level at which teacher and students work together to ultimately achieve independence. This level is generally 1 level ABOVE the students’ Independent Reading Level 3rd Grade levels range from “M” (beginning of 3rd) – “P” (end of 3rd)
Homework Policy Why Homework? Homework Expectations: Practice makes perfect! Students learn responsibility, pride & ownership. Homework Expectations: Will be posted weekly on the website. Will consist of (approximately) 15 minutes of skills practice and 15 minutes of reading each night. Homework should be done neatly and with care.
How’s My Child Doing? Grading Information Daily: Use Eschools-plus to view grades online. Bi-Monthly: Selected work will be sent home for you to review, sign & return. Quarterly: Report Cards sent home for you to keep. 3 Times per Year: Progress Skills Checklists (“checklist” of CCGPS) sent home for you to keep.
Grading Scale A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 F Below 70 FCBOE Policy: Recovery Grades: any child that did not earn a 70% on a test on the first attempt can earn at the highest a 70% after recovery.
Standardized Testing ITBS (Iowa Test of Basic Skills) October 20 – 24, 2014 Nationally Norm Referenced Test which indicates current level of performance as compared with other 3rd grade students taking the test CRCT will be replaced with a new assessment called Georgia Measures of Academic Progress (GMAP) Given April (TBD)
Website & Edmodo Classroom Website: Edmodo: Used for Homework Assignments, Units and Standards being taught, enrichment and much, much more! Should be checked daily by students! Edmodo: Used to facilitate homework Each student will have a log-in
Questions? Please email me if you ever have any questions or concerns throughout the year. Responses will be answered within 24 hours via e-mail … although many of you know already I will get back to you usually within hours
Thanks a million! Thank you for sharing your time with me this evening. Third grade is already off to an excellent start. I can only look forward to a spectacular rest of the year!!