NC K-3 Formative Assessment Process PRINCIPALS’ MEETING MARCH 2015
Do we have a systematic way of understanding what students in lower elementary know and are able to do in North Carolina?
Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge Grant NC State Law “Read to Achieve”
K-3 Formative Assessment Process Formative Assessment A process used by teachers and students during instruction that provides feedback to adjust ongoing teaching and learning to help students improve their achievement of intended instructional outcomes. AERA/APA/NCME, 2014 CCSSO, 2006
K-3 Formative Assessment Process Third Grade Second Grade First Grade Kindergarten
Focusing beyond mathematics and literacy
K-3 Formative Assessment Process focuses on the whole child: 5 Domains of Learning and Development
Let’s Dig In To the Domains Approaches to Learning How children learn including their attitude and interest in learning Cognitive Development Ability to acquire, organize, and use information in increasingly complex ways including in Math, Science, Social Studies, and the Arts Language Development & Communication Foundational skills (including reading, writing, speaking, and listening) that children acquire and use in early elementary school and continue to develop throughout school encompassing both verbal and nonverbal communication
Let’s Dig In To the Domains Health & Physical Development Focuses on physical growth and motor development, sound nutritional choices, self- care, and health/ safety practices Emotional & Social Development Children’s feelings about themselves and their ability to relate to others while learning to manage and express their emotions
DomainConstructs Approaches to Learning Engagement in Self-Selected Activities Perseverance in Assigned Activities Cognitive Development Object Counting Cognitive Process TBD Emotional-Social Development Emotional Literacy Emotion Regulation Health & Physical Development Fine Motor Development Gross Motor Development Midline Motor Development Language Development & Communication Book Orientation & Print Awareness Following Directions Letter Naming Reading Comprehension: Monitoring Meaning Vocabulary Writing K-3 Formative Assessment Process
This K-3 Process Begins with… Third Grade Second Grade First Grade Kindergarten KEA Kindergarten Entry Assessment
DomainConstructs Approaches to Learning Engagement in Self-Selected Activities Perseverance in Assigned Activities Cognitive Development Object Counting Cognitive Process TBD Emotional-Social Development Emotional Literacy Emotion Regulation Health & Physical Development Fine Motor Development Gross Motor Development Midline Motor Development Language Development & Communication Book Orientation & Print Awareness Following Directions Letter Naming Reading Comprehension: Monitoring Meaning Vocabulary Writing Required Constructs
Sample: Object Counting UnderstandingSkillsPerformance Descriptors Children recognize that counting tells the number of objects. A. Says or indicates counting words randomly, with one number for each object, while tapping or pointing to one and only one object to attempt to determine the number of objects in a collection. Karen is counting her three crayons before she begins her art project. She touches each crayon as she says the number words out loud, “one, three, six”. B. Says or indicates counting words sequentially, saying one number for each object, while tapping or pointing to one and only one object to attempt to determine … There are seven chrysalises hanging from branches placed in the butterfly pavilion. The teacher asks how many and Isabella begins to count …
Sample: Book Orientation UnderstandingSkillsPerformance Descriptors Children understand that books have pages that may contain pictures and/ or words. A. Holds the book in random ways and flips pages, not looking at pages, nor looking at anything specifically. When handed an early learning book with the spine facing toward the child, the child opens the book from back to front and possibly upside down. The child flips the pages randomly but does not stop long enough to see what is on the pages. When the child gets to the last page or set of pages being turned, the child closes the book.
How are the KEA and KIA similar? KEA 2 Constructs –Object Counting –Book and Print Awareness Administered on an ongoing basis during instruction Captured electronically in a data system KIA 5 Assessments –Literacy (mCLASS) –Math Assessments –Motor Assessments (Fine and Gross –Oral Language Development –Personal/Social Inventory Administered during the Staggered Entry day and first two weeks of school Teacher captures data on “bubble sheet”
Implementation Support Pilot (2 elementary schools) 4 Regional Meetings (team of 4) District Implementation Team Co-ordinating Teacher position (to support rollout) Possible overview session via webinar Ongoing PD during the year for schools
Implications for Kindergarten… Kindergarten Staggered Entry will continue this year Teachers will collect evidence on 2 constructs: Book Orientation/Print Awareness and Object Counting Schools may use the KIA tasks to assist them in gathering other data about their students
Training Plan Each school will send a team – the Kindergarten Chair and IRT –Year-round will send a 2 nd kindergarten teacher Proposed Training sessions (1-day) - May 13 or June 3 (Year Round & Modified) - June 9 or 10 (Traditional) Teams will train their kindergarten teachers prior to first day of school
Resources for Further Learning K-3 Assessment Wiki - Five Domains LiveBinder Developmentally Appropriate Practice LiveBinder -
Questions? James Overman – joverman Sharon Collins – sgcollins Mellisa Smith – msmith8 Annmarie Devlin - adevlin