Department of Food Security & Agriculture Development Govt of Sikkim
Sikkim formally became part of the Indian Union in 1975 as India's 22nd state. Spreading over an area of 7,096 sq kms, this landlocked state, Sikkim comprises of 4 Districts, 9 Subdivisions, 453 Revenue Blocks and 452 villages. Situated at an altitude of approximately 27 deg. North and longitude of approximately 88 deg. East. It has a very thin population of only 6.41 lakhs (2011 census) with a population density of 76 per sq. km. Out of the 4 districts, the East Sikkim district is the most populous one. Farming and tourism are the mainstay of public life. Land use pattern of east Sikkim Total geographical area 95,400 ha Total forest area =72,668 ha Net sown area: -18,122 ha Fallow land =7,849 ha Land put on non- agricultural use =4,871 ha Cultivable land =10,500 ha Pasture and grass land = ha Gross cropped area : =31900 ha Cropping intensity =150% Major crops=Rice, Maize, Millet, Buckwheat, Rajma, Urd.
Sl nOCropsArea in ‘000 haProduction in ‘000 MT Yield in kg/ha Cereals 1Paddy Wheat Maize Finger Millet Buckwheat Barley
Sl nOCropsArea in ‘000 ha Production in ‘000 MT Yield in kg/ha 1Urd Other Pulses Total Food Grains (Cereals + Pulses) Oilseeds 1Rape and Mustard Soyabean
Plan for Crop wise seed Requirement-Kharif Plan for Crop wise seed Requirement-Rabi Crop variety wise seed Production Plan Kharif /Rabi Advance arrangement to meet the shortfall in production kharif Crop Variety wise seed Production Plan Advance arrangement t p meet shortfall in production Rabi Seed Bank Seed Contingency Plan for Kharif and Rabi
Sl No Crop sCrop area in ‘000 ha Seed rate kg /ha Qty of seed required in qtls 1Paddy HYV /kg Paddy Hybrid kg Maize HYV kg Maize Hybrid kg Millet kg Urd kg
Sl NoCrop sCrop area in ‘000 ha Seed rate kg /ha Qty of seed required ( qtls ) 1Rajmash kg 515 2Wheat kg 500 3Barley kg 210 4Toria2.4728kg 197 5R/Mustar d kg 130
CropsVarietal Details Year of notificatio n Duration S/M/L Production required for Normal Total quantity PaddyPD -10/121996M Qtls CAU-RI2010M qtls MaizeVivek Sankul S1010 qtls Parentline C M qtls SoyabeanVL M20 VL-Soya Bhatt NAM13 KodoMR-1/GPU M53 URDSk –PD-32011(State notified ) S791
CropVarietyTarg et qty Shortfall Tie –up meeting shortfall qtls NSCFarm Saved Seed Total PaddyPD KRH-2 Hy CAU-R MaizeParentline C DMH V-Sankul KodoGPU SoyabeanVL VL Soya Bhatt UrdPD
CropsVarietal Details Year of notificatio n Duration S/M/L Productio n required for Normal Total quantity WheatPBW L30 RajmaJwalaM120 Varun--M50 Harsil--M110 Total Rajma--280 BarleyVLB-49M200 ToriaB-9--M15 Pitambari--M13 Total Mustard 28
CropVarietyTarget qty Shortfall Tie –up meeting shortfall qtls NSCFarm Saved Seed Total WheatPBW RajmashJwala Varun Harshil Total Rajmash BarleyVLB ToriaB MustardPusa Jaikishan Total Mustard Total
Excess Rainfall Early Season excess Rainfall (May-July) CropVarietyQuantity in qtls Arrangement Made MaizeComposite Varieties770National Seed corporation/ Hybrid450-do- SoyabeanVL-Series240National seed Corporation Rajmash Kharif PDR-14/VL Rajma NSC/Almora/ Farm saved seeds Finger Millet MR-1/GPU- 28/Indef-7 220KSC/NSC/Farm Saved seeds Total:1620
Drought Mid-Late Season draught( August-November) CropVarietyQuantity in qtlsArrangement Made RajmashJwala/Varun/Chakr ala 530NSC/Almora BuckwheatMeethey1800SIMFED( State Marketing Federation/ Local Procurement) UrdPehali Dal(PD-3) State released ( year-2011) 760SIMFED/ farm Saved seeds Total3090
The areas covered only under HYV and Hybrid are included in Seed |Rolling Plan. Crop wise Seed Requirement plan 2013to 2015;- Marginal increase in area coverage in most of the kharif and rabi crops. Crop variety wise seed production Plan 2013 to 2015 The seed production of Paddy remained constant from last year; i.e 2013 and 2014 ( 1200 qtls but the target may slightly increase in ( 1250 qtls ) The seed produced will be fully organic which farmers may get premium price. \where as crop production of other major crops are in increasing order by 187 qtls over existing figure of production. Advance arrangement to meet the shortfall in production
Advance arrangement to meet the shortfall in production Some old and newer varieties are been included as per the availability of varieties in case of shortfall, the shortfall on seed requirement is filled up by the farm saved seeds which are organic in nature and channelized through seed village scheme where the growers are certified registered farmers. The seed certification will be done under the strict supervision of designated seed inspector.
Rajmash, Mustard and Buckwheat are the major cereals Pusles and Oilseed in Rabi season. Most of the fallow land left out by Kharif Maize in dry land and Paddy from irrigated areas are covered by Mustard and Buckwheat var, Meethey. Seed Bank: Contingency plan.