The Nile College Nursing Bachelor Program
Second lecture Overview of Counselling Relationship Dr. Ali Farah Ahmed
The counselling process and relationship has a developmental or cyclical component to it – a beginning, middle and end Each stage has different relationship tasks and challenges Different theorists place different emphasis on importance of various stages or number of stages Shebib characterizes the cycle as one with four phases: Preliminary, Beginning, Action, and Ending
Phase I: Preliminary Create the necessary physical and psychological conditions for relationship to begin First impressions are critical in any relationship, and clients often come to therapy highly anxious Includes physical setting Also contacts that occur by phone, via a third person Need to impart professionalism and warmth
Phase II: Beginning Develop rapport Begin to build trust Outline purpose / contract Limit confrontation in this phase, work on empathy and support
Phase III: Action Relationship continues to grow Therapist more actively confronts and challenges client – E.g., may push client to see something in a way different from their typical worldview Therapist needs to be able to tolerate tension, potential disappointment as client is sometimes disillusioned with “ideal” The maintenance of this relationship may be a corrective experience in and of itself
Phase IV: Ending (Terminating) Specific phase, not just a cessation EXTREMELY important... can undermine previous work Emphasis on reviewing, consolidating, saying goodbye, shifting success to client A good termination may be another mastery experience, especially for people who have experienced much loss
Core Conditions Carl Rogers (humanist perspective) identified importance of non-judgmental acceptance of clients These have been operationalized as three core conditions – Warmth – Empathy – Genuineness
Contracting with Clients Important to have an agreement / mutual expectations outlined at beginning Lots of misconceptions about therapy Contract maps out process, responsibilities Encourages clients to take ownership from start The degree to which the contract is formalized differs depending on the approach (benefits?)
Elements of a Contract Definition of objective or purpose of the counselling relationship Discussion of roles and expectations of participants Discussion of the methods and routines of counselling Practical details (time, place, fees, confidentiality)
Transference and Countertransference Introduced by Freud – parallel process between how you relate to key figures in your life and how you relate to your therapist Conversely, your relationships as a therapist effect how you relate to your clients Although transference and countertransference are key in some approaches (psychoanalysis, psychodynamic approach), they are recognized by most theorists
Transference Client may infer your reaction or thoughts (e.g., I know what you are thinking...) Client may have a greatly exaggerated response compared to what would normally be expected ventually come to realization that therapy is not really about you
Countertransference Can include intense feelings of attraction or repulsion More than just reminding you of someone Can be increased by having a client with a similar history / difficulties to yourself Need to be aware of your own process and seek consultation as needed Custody and access example
Content Versus Process What is actually said in a session The meta-communication (how something is said, nonverbal communication, dynamics, etc.) Can reflect some of this back to a client (particularly in certain types of therapy) Talking about the process can be as or more important that the content
Termination of Therapy Can be a difficult / powerful experience Sometimes clients deny difficult feelings Sometimes clients “dump you first” Sometimes clients regress / go into crisis Working through a termination with good preparation and proactive approach can be an extremely positive experience for people Can talk about mourning a relationship