Employment Equity Legislative Requirements The Purpose The Benefits Enforcement Reporting Leadership Workshops 4.0 Achieving a Representative Workforce Sample Seminar Content
Leadership Workshops 4.0 Patricia Antonucci 30 years Human Resources experience Staffing Training Employment Equity Human Resources Policy Management BA (English and Psychology) Carleton University Bachelor of Education, University of Ottawa English and French Managed, written and delivered more than 15 Employment Equity Annual Reports
The Purpose Achieve equity in the workplace To correct the positions of the disadvantaged Retain current valued talent Leadership Workshops 4.0 Employment Equity
The Benefits Compete for the Best Talent Increase Diversity Promote Inclusiveness Leadership Workshops 4.0 Employment Equity
Achieving a Representative Workforce Workforce Information Workforce Analysis Employment Systems, Policies and Practices Employment Equity Plan Consultation and Collaboration Leadership Workshops 4.0 Employment Equity
Legislative Requirements Implementation of Employment Equity Plan Periodic Review of Employment Equity Plan Information to Workforce Employment Equity Records Employers Covered Under the Act Leadership Workshops 4.0 Employment Equity
Enforcement Role Canadian Human Rights Commission Nine Legislative Requirements Employment Equity Audit Leadership Workshops 4.0 Employment Equity
Workshop Leader Patricia Antonucci Participants From one, to as many as 6 stakeholders With no additional charge Duration: One Day Location: Fees To Be Determined Only a small meeting room with white board or laptop screen is required $1, plus applicable tax Employment Equity Leadership Workshops 4.0
Employment Equity