Oulu Business School Study info for exhange students Ms. Merja Inget, Coordinator of studies Office: TA131
Studying at Oulu Business School Other practical issues Who to contact? Student guild Finanssi ry Topics covered today
Autumn semester 2014 Period A 1.9.– (weeks 36-42) Autumn break (week 43) Period B – (weeks 44-50) Spring semester 2014 Period C 5.1.– (weeks 2-9) Spring break (week 10) Period D 9.3.– (weeks 11-20) NOTE! Exams can be held also after the period has ended, so read carefully the examination list from: Autumn semester’s last exam date is Wednesday Academic Calendar in Oulu Business School
List of courses offered in English can be found at Course schedules available in WebOodi: There are three different levels of courses. The levels you can see, for example, from the course codes – for example A Management Control –P in the end stands for basic course (bachelor level, courses only available in Finnish) –A in the end stands for intermediate course (bachelor level, some courses in Finnish and some in English) –S in the end stands for advanced course (master, courses in English) Course information
Exchange students can take any intermediate level courses (letter A in the course code), some previous studies (in that field) required. For example: A Global Economics. A couple of Economics’ courses done before would be a good background for this one. In order to attend advanced (master) courses (S) you should have a pretty solid background in that specific field (for example Finance). For example: S Cross-cultural Negotiations. Several courses done in International Business/Management (or similar fields) would be a good background for this one. For some courses there are specific requirements, for some courses a couple of basic courses done in the same field is enough –> Check on course descriptions Courses offered in English
Please check especially the PERIOD (A-D) and the LANGUAGE (Finnish/English) of instruction of the courses you wish to take Exchange students of other faculties in the University of Oulu can select only intermediate level courses. Advanced level courses cannot be taken. It is also very important to check the registration periods for courses AND exams. Registration deadlines can be seen in WebOodi. In case you need to contact OBS staff members, note that all addresses are in form For example: Exception: (prof. Janne How to select the courses?
Please note, that you need to sign up for every COURSE and EXAM in WebOodi (separate registrations) WebOodi: Registration periods for courses vary, check timetables in WebOodi. Registration for an exam must be done no later than on previous week’s Thursday at Late registrations are not accepted. Exam will be graded only if the student has registered on time. New students usually receive their WebOodi accounts one day after they have enrolled in the university (at the latest) In case you have not obtained your WebOodi account yet, you may request it at University’s IT services: service desk located at Student Center The registration for courses starting this week is still open, so that new international students can sign-up. It is recommended to check the timetables in WebOodi as soon as possible. Signing up for courses & exams
Learning agreements, confirmation on arrival, etc. – Exchange Coordinator, Ms. Merja Inget TA131 Examination results, registration to courses, etc. – Results and registration in WebOodi, but in case there are questions regarding these, please contact : School’s Student Office, TA110, Study Affairs Secretary Mrs. Liisa Bozkurt Language studies are organized by University’s Language Services (service desk at Student Center) Course information in WebOodi/Language Services service desk or website: Practical Issues
University of Oulu has zero tolerance for cheating (i.e. copying exam answers, plagiarism of course work etc.) For example: chatting in exam hall or quoting other writers without appropriate references is considered as cheating Use references every time you quote other writers/websites/etc. If found guilty of cheating, the exam (or other course work) will be annulled and student’s home university will be notified of the incident. Severe offences can be punished even by suspending the student. Worth noticing…
Ms. Merja Inget, Master’s programmes and exchange coordinator in OBS phone: room: TA131 Please make an appointment in advance by . OBS Student Office, TA109 open from Monday to Thursday (closed on Friday) between (excl. lunch break around 11 o’clock) In case you have questions regarding specific courses, please contact the teacher directly (contact info in WebOodi) In case you need to contact Erasmus coordinators of other faculties, their contact info is available at Contact information
Student association for Oulu Business School students Contact: Finanssi Ry (student guild)
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