Webinar #1 The Webinar will begin shortly. Please make sure your phone is muted. (*6 to Mute, #6 to Unmute) 7/3/20151
Webinar #1 7/3/20152 Kansas State Department of Education Early Childhood, Special Education and Title Services Teresa L. White Schoolwide Contact
Review and Overview of Schoolwide Integrated Improvement Plan and Checklist Rubric Vision and Mission Statement Data Collection and Analysis Timeline for the Schoolwide Process Q & A = Keys Issues in Reviewing Plans Webinar Schedule 7/3/20153
Title I Schoolwide Plan Title I Schoolwide Plan Scoring Checklist (Rubric) Resources: Resources Schoolwide Program Guiding Questions Schoolwide Program Checklist Schoolwide Program Before and After 7/3/20154
Reform strategies, rather than separate, add-on services Provides flexibility in spending Title I funds Permits flexibility to combine other Federal funds in support of the schoolwide program Focuses on results 7/3/20155
Comprehensive needs assessment Schoolwide reform strategies that ▪ Provide opportunities for all Students to reach the State’s “Meets or Exceeds Standards” ▪ Use effective methods of instructional strategies that are scientifically based research strategies that Increase the amount and quality of learning time, such as extended school year, before-and-after school, and summer school programs Strengthen the core academic program in the school Meet the educational needs of historically underserved populations, including girls and women 7/3/20156
Instruction by highly qualified professional staff High-quality and on-going professional development Strategies to attract high-quality, highly qualified teachers in high need schools Strategies to increase parental involvement Plans for assisting preschool children in the transition from early childhood programs 7/3/20157
Measures to include teachers in decisions regarding the use of academic assessments Activities to ensure that students who experience difficulty mastering any of the State’s standards during the school year ▪ Ensure students’ who experience difficulties are identified on a timely basis and to provide sufficient information to base effective assistance Coordination and integration of Federal, State, and local services and programs. 7/3/20158
9 A Timeline for Schoolwide Program Planning Whole School Orientation 1 st SW Planning Team Meeting Design the Needs AssessmentFinalize Needs Assessment Plan Who Entire Faculty Purpose Orient staff to SW concept and components Visioning exercise Overview of planning process Establish commitment to move forward Establish SW Planning Team Who SW Planning Team Purpose Review planning process Develop rules, responsibilities Develop means of communicating with larger school community Establish calendar of meetings Select framework for needs assessment Who SW Planning Team Purpose Formulate identifying questions for needs assessment Identify sources of data Identify means of gathering data Review existing tools and sources of data Who SW Planning Team Purpose Finalize questions design Identify methods/tools for gathering data (surveys, focus group, interview protocols, document review, etc.) Who SW Planning Team Purpose Finalize instruments and methods for gathering data Plan for implementation
7/3/ Orientation & Readiness Gather & Organize Data/Needs Assessment Review & Revise Monitor Implementation Develop & Implement Plan Research & Identify Effective Strategies Prioritize & Set Goals Analyze Data
7/3/ Orientation and Readiness Gather and Organize Data/Needs Assessment Analyze Data Prioritize and Set Goals Research and Identify Effective Strategies Develop and Implement Plan Monitor Implementation Review and Revise
Staff Buy-in Clear understanding of process Commitment to the process Establish teams 7/3/201512
Purpose: Organize and oversee the needs assessment process; Lead staff in developing the Schoolwide plan; Conduct or oversee the program’s annual evaluation. 7/3/201513
The Planning Team Is there an existing team that can serve as a schoolwide planning team? If a new team is to be established, how will its members be recruited, selected and replaced over time? How will the planning team develop a collaborative working relationship among its members? How will the planning team coordinate with other committees or teams in the school and district? How will the planning team communicate with the groups it represents and parents and community members? 7/3/201514
Planning Team: Make sure you have individuals needed on the team. 7/3/ Suggested Roles and Responsibilities
Considerations when identifying membership: Primary responsibilities of the leadership team; Role of the leadership team; Groups/people affected by the changes; Staff that will be affected by the changes; Authority to make decisions; Ability to allocate resources including time.
The Planning Process Who will be involved in the process? Who will assist stakeholders in understanding components of a schoolwide program? How will teacher voice and buy-in be achieved? What will be the timeline for planning? How will the plan be communicated to parents, teachers, and the board of education? How will the plan implementation be monitored? 7/3/201517
Resource document that can be found on Schoolwide website. 7/3/201518
7/3/ Internet Sites: Or
7/3/ Integrated School Improvement Plan
7/3/ Resource document that can be found on Schoolwide website. MTSS Website:
Create the rationale for implementation; Bring staff to consensus around implementation; Ensure the rationale is reflected in vision, mission and policies; Create a culture that allows all to become actively involved in decision making; Ensure regular bi-directional communication with stakeholders; Ensure schedules and procedures align.
A Future Oriented Mission What is our purpose? What are our expectations for students now and for the future? How will we behave to accomplish our work? How important is collaboration and partnerships? How are we committed to continuous improvement? 7/3/201525
Developing the Vision How will the thoughts and opinions of stakeholders be gathered? What will the reformed school look like in terms of student success? How will the vision differ from what currently exists? Does the vision support the mission of the school? How will the vision impact the school’s culture? 7/3/201526
Staff discussion of what the reformed school will look like: What is our purpose here? What are our expectations for students? What are the responsibilities of the adults who work here? How important are collaboration and partnerships? How are we committed to continuous improvement? 7/3/201527
7/3/ A Timeline for Schoolwide Program Planning Whole School Orientation 1 st SW Planning Team Meeting Design the Needs AssessmentFinalize Needs Assessment Plan Who Entire Faculty Purpose Orient staff to SW concept and components Visioning exercise Overview of planning process Establish commitment to move forward Establish SW Planning Team Who SW Planning Team Purpose Review planning process Develop rules, responsibilities Develop means of communicating with larger school community Establish calendar of meetings Select framework for needs assessment Who SW Planning Team Purpose Formulate identifying questions for needs assessment Identify sources of data Identify means of gathering data Review existing tools and sources of data Who SW Planning Team Purpose Finalize questions design Identify methods/tools for gathering data (surveys, focus group, interview protocols, document review, etc.) Who SW Planning Team Purpose Finalize instruments and methods for gathering data Plan for implementation
7/3/ Stage 3: Analyze the Data Stages 4 & 5: Develop the Plan – SBR Strategies, SMART Goals, Tiered Instruction Finalize the PlanWhole School Meeting Who SW Planning Team Purpose Identify strengths/ weaknesses Brainstorm possible root causes Prioritize gaps related to student outcomes Brainstorm possible solutions Who SW Planning Team Purpose Review input from meeting Finalize gap areas and possible solutions Identify needs for research, resources to support development of solutions Who SW Planning Team Purpose Share findings from research, resources Develop SMART goals and objectives for each need area (can be done in subgroups) Develop timelines for implementation Identify person(s) responsible for implementation Develop strategies for evaluation of progress Who SW Planning Team Purpose Members share draft plans Agree on changes Determine plan format identify/assign remaining writing / development tasks Who SW Planning Team Purpose SW Planning Team present to school
7/3/ Due Dates April 15 th Schoolwide Applications due to KSDE April 19 th Schoolwide Applications sent out electronically for review May 3 rd Reviewers rubric due to KSDE May 10 th All Schoolwide Applications reviews returned to schools if revisions are needed May 17 th All revisions due back to KSDE May 24 th Final notice of approval to all schools
Teresa L. White