doc.: IEEE /1261r0 Submission September 2014 Jim Lansford, CSR TechnologySlide 1 IEEE Regulatory SC DSRC Coexistence Tiger Team Future Plans Date: Authors:
doc.: IEEE /1261r0 SubmissionJim Lansford, CSR Technology Abstract This presentation is a proposed plan to wrap up the activities of the DSRC Coexistence Tiger Team September 2014 Slide 2
doc.: IEEE /1261r0 Submission Topics Jim Lansford, CSR Technology September 2014 Slide 3
doc.: IEEE /1261r0 Submission Background FCC allocated 75MHz of spectrum in the 5.9GHz band ( MHz) for Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) in October 1999 In FCC NPRM (13-49), the FCC requested comments on a potential sharing of the DSRC band, to understand if a feasible sharing solution that protects DSRC users could be developed. DSRC would remain as a primary user of the band The new band would be designated U-NII ac could be modified to operate in this new UNII-4 band if approved by the FCC FCC did not specify the framework or etiquette by which band sharing would occur September 2014 Jim Lansford, CSR TechnologySlide 4
doc.: IEEE /1261r0 Submission Goals and Work to date Goals of the group Create a document that describes and quantifies possible coexistence mechanisms between DSRC and extensions of the base standard in the proposed UNII-4 band, if the FCC allows such band sharing in a future R&O. Work to Date 24 conference calls (participants from , DSRC, USDoT, FCC) Presentations on use cases Presentations on interference Letter to the FCC (March 2014) Presentations on CCA Presentations on European activities Presentations on USDoT activities Presentations on proposed coexistence techniques Presentations on DSRC response to proposals September 2014 Jim Lansford, CSR TechnologySlide 5
doc.: IEEE /1261r0 Submission Status Two proposals have been made: 1)Use of 10MHz CCA to detect and avoid DSRC in 5.9GHz ) Rechannelization of the DSRC channels to more closely align with ac proposal-for-dsrc-band-coexistence.pptx 3) Response to proposals by DSRC community (in process) proposal.pptx September 2014 Jim Lansford, CSR TechnologySlide 6 There appears to be little room for compromise between these two proposals. The DSRC community has rejected #2
doc.: IEEE /1261r0 Submission Going Forward There does not appear to be a consensus position that could gain 75% approval Next Steps: –Complete DSRC presentation on critique of two proposals (14/1101r1) –Generate and attempt to get consensus on final report outline Background Proposed approaches Pros and cons of each Summary –Write final report and submit to REG SC for approval Best estimate for completion: January 2015 meeting in Atlanta –This could slip to March if progress on writing the report is slow because of the holidays September 2014 Jim Lansford, CSR TechnologySlide 7
doc.: IEEE /1261r0 Submission References FCC NPRM (changes to 5GHz band rules, including proposed UNII-4 band): – FCC Comments FCC Reply Comment framework document – framework.doc reg-fcc reply-comment- framework.doc FCC Comments survey – FCC Reply Comments – re-5-ghz-nprm-fcc-et docx draft-reply-comments-of-ieee-802- re-5-ghz-nprm-fcc-et docx Letter to FCC OET from IEEE 802 regarding DSRC Coexistence Tiger Team activities – oet.docx oet.docx DSRC Summary – September 2014 Jim Lansford, CSR TechnologySlide 8
doc.: IEEE /1261r0 Submission References (2/2) IEEE submissions on DSRC (since p was ratified) – – – – – – – – – – – – – vehicles.ppt reg-communication-and-data-movement-in-connected- vehicles.ppt – for-dsrc-band-coexistence.pptx reg-technical-discussion-on-re-channelization-proposal- for-dsrc-band-coexistence.pptx – – September 2014 Jim Lansford, CSR TechnologySlide 9