The Rotary Club of Brisbane High-Rise Vision To maintain a vibrant club with members who represent a cross section of business and community focussed on the provision of service to Board identified projects/programs and who have opportunities to network, share time together and laugh as they go about their commitment to make a difference 1
The Rotary Club of Brisbane High - Rise 2013 – 2014 Committees Meeting Program Community Service Youth – Future Leaders Fellowship Financials Membership Rotary Foundation Administration Club Support President: Wendy P 3
Community Service Goal :To identify opportunities and coordinate the participation of members in service Strategies: To ensure Club responsibilities are understood and undertaken in relation to service projects To coordinate the involvement of members in service projects Director: Margot B 4
Community Service Margo’s Team Walk for a cure Picnic in the park Art Show Clean Up Australia Knitting for Women in Refuge Red Shield Appeal Christmas at street level Bridge to Brisbane PWC Cool Nights classic DIK Director: Margot B 5
Service Director: Margot B 6
Rotary International Goal:To maintain member awareness of and involvement in the role of the Rotary Foundation including the global priorities and humanitarian projects Strategies: To provide information in a way that engages members To encourage participation in district and international activities To utilise Rotary resources to further the progress of club projects Director: Jennifer E 7
Rotary International Jennifer's Team Facilitate Global Grant Mamba Raise awareness and understanding of Rotary Foundation Facilitate District Grant Albert Park Flexi School 8 Director: Jennifer E
Rotary International Director: Jennifer E 9
10 Rotary International
Speaker Program Goal:To ensure members are engaged to come to Rotary meetings through accessing interesting and topical speakers Strategies: To engage with members to identify potential speakers To target and invite speakers to present at club meetings To include opportunities for Club fellowship at targeted meetings To manage calendar of speakers that provide opportunities for public relations Director: Kym M 11
Speaker Program Kym Cajoled members to speak Organised calendar for speakers Coordinated Meeting Fellowship Days Sought Speakers Director: Kym M 12
Speaker Program Director: Kym M 13
Membership Membership Committee Goal:To develop and maintain a vibrant membership base Strategies: To attract new members through personal contact and web site connections To ensure new members understand our Rotary Club through induction materials and discussions To monitor current members and provide support for members at risk of separating from club due to health, work and family commitments To involve past members in Club activities with the aim of future re- connection Director: Barbara L 14
Membership Departures Wendy R Gary M Ross G Ken W Caroline L 15 Gordanna B Jonathan C Tim B Denise S
Membership Arrivals High Rise members inducted in : - Christa G- Mavis - Melanie N - James N - Stephen F- Jo A - Julie D Potential members with applications being processed: - Andrew A- John M - Lyn M- Wen Z Interested Visitors wanting to join: - Ann F - Nicole B Director: Barbara L 16
Membership Director: Barbara L 17
Youth – Future Leaders Future Leaders Committee Goal:To identify opportunities to support and mentor young Australians to develop leadership skills Strategies: To promote RYLA and RYPEN projects to the club to broaden opportunities for youth nominations To promote club nominated projects to young people To introduce potential support recipients to the club To monitor and support young people’s activities in club nominated activities To coordinate presentations by recipients to the club Director: Lindsay M 18
Youth – Future Leaders Lindsay’s Team Albert Park - Scholarships Rotary Peace Scholar Rotary Exchange Student National Youth Science Forum Director: Lindsay M 19
Youth – Future Leaders 20
Fellowship Fellowship Committee Goal:To provide opportunities for members to enjoy networking opportunities that will support their commitment to make a difference Strategies: To develop a calendar of events that will provide variety by activity and cost To identify and engage with members interested in networking and provide opportunities for them to propose activities that will meet individual family needs To coordinate committee involvement in special event meetings Director: Yvonne R 21
Fellowship Yvonne’s Team Poetry Evening Christmas Party Amberley Visit Dinners e.g. China Town Buzz Director: Yvonne R 22
Fellowship 23 Director: Yvonne R
Administration Goals and Strategies for Club Committees Club Administration Committee Goal:To help the Club to function efficiently and effectively Strategies: To receive internal and external information and distribute as necessary to enable timely and effective responses To maintain membership records To make required reports to RI and the district To track attendance and manage liaison with meeting venue To manage archiving of Club materials To minute Board meetings and coordinate distribution of Committee Chair reports Director: Rosemary M 24
Administration Rosemary’s Team Website - Barry Mark Director: Rosemary M Reminders to President Photography Venue Organisation - Ros Membership Records - Joy Archiving Information Distribution 25
Treasurer To manage Club Finances To ensure accounting practices meet Australian standards To process weekly funds income To process funds distribution as determined by Board Treasurer: Deb L G 26
Major Projects 27 Art Show Waitangi Day Bill’s Team Vic’s Team
Special Thanks also to…… 28 Past President Angela T Past District Governor John K Steve K
High Rise Being There 29
Ayan and Dr Edna 30
Presidents Responsibility Hatched Welcome Edison Osbourne 31
A great club can only continue to be great if members engage Thank you 32