Ph.D. STUDIES and STUDENTS 1.The studies towards the degree "Doctor of Philosophy" (Ph.D.) or "Doctor of Laws" (LL.D.) constitute the highest stage in studies towards a degree at the Hebrew University. A student who is admitted to studies towards a doctoral degree as above, shall be called a "research student".
The Authority for Research Students The Authority for Research Students, which is appointed by the Standing Committee of the Senate, is the highest academic body dealing with research students at the Hebrew University. The Authority is responsible to the Senate and the Rector for the standard of doctoral dissertations, and it is responsible for monitoring the level of instruction required for the research students. The Authority for Research Students is divided into two Committees and each one has its own Chairperson.
The Committees Experimental SciencesNon Experimental Sciences Sciences and MathematicsHumanities MedicineSocial Sciences AgricultureEducation Brain SciencesLaw Computer Sciences and Engineering Business Administration PharmacySocial Work Occupational TherapyPublic Policy Public Health Veterinary
Numbers StudentsGraduates Non Experimental Experimental
Offices The Offices of the Authority for Research Students are in charge of the administrative support for the students, the committees and the chairpersons. The staff is divided into an experimental crew and a non experimental crew. On the site of the Authority there is a lot of information for you including regulations, guidelines, forms and, of course, contact details.
An Advisor and an Advisory Committee Faculty members at the rank of Lecturer and above, in the regular academic track, are eligible to supervise for doctoral dissertations. An advisory Committee shall be set up for each research student in the course of stage A of studies and not later than towards the transfer to stage B. The Advisory Committee shall follow the student and guide him along with his advisor. The Committee will meet the student to discuss his proposal for research and his proposed supplementary studies, which once approved, the student will be admitted to stage B. The Committee will meet the student two years later to examine his progress and to estimate whether the research can be completed on time.
Course of Studies Reviewing the thesis and its approval Submission of thesis Progress follow-up Performing the research Stage B – up to 4 years Admittance to Stage B Appointing an advisory committee Preparing a research proposal Definition of the Topic Stage A – up to 18 months
Yearly Registration A PhD student should register (=submit a TOFES LIMMUDIM) and pay tuition each year to obtain a status of a student. Only students may be granted scholarships and/or teaching positions.
Stage A During Stage A the student will define his research topic and prepare his research proposal. The research proposal will be submitted to the Authority within 18 months from the student’s acceptance to stage A.
courses Each PhD student should take 12 credit points relevant to his research, usually out of the advanced courses offered in the department/faculty/university. The Advisory Committee approves the program of studies in its first meeting, yet it is recommended to take some of the courses already during Stage A.
From Stage A to Stage B The student submits his research proposal and his program of studies, approved by his advisor. An Advisory Committee is appointed and meets the student to discuss his proposal and program. When the Advisory Committee approves both, the student is transferred to Stage B. Two years after the beginning of Stage B the student will meet his Advisory Committee again to report as for his research and get feedback as for the continuation and completion of the research.
Completing the Research In the experimental sciences - after completing the research and just before writing the thesis, the student should deliver a PhD talk in his department. The talk will be reviewed by one of the members of the Advisory Committee and one more reviewer. Upon their approval, the student may begin writing the thesis to be submitted within 6 months. In the non-experimental sciences – When the research is almost completed, the advisor should submit a report in relation to the state of the research, approved by the student and the Advisory Committee.
Format of a PhD Dissertation A PhD dissertation may be submitted as a monograph or as a collection of chapters. Collection of chapters might be composed of published papers, papers which were submitted for publication, yet not yet accepted, or chapters not yet submitted for publication Only material in which the student was the primary and first researcher and author might be included in the student’s PhD dissertation.
Submission and reviewing Upon submission of the thesis the advisor will submit his approval and his detailed review of the thesis and his suggestion for other reviewers. The reviewers will be chosen by the Authority and will be granted two months to review the thesis. The reports of the reviewers will be examined by the Authority to decide upon approval of the thesis or upon needed corrections. The process of evaluation takes about 6 months
Ceremony The diploma will be granted in a yearly ceremony within the events of the Board of Governors of the HU in June on Mt. Scopus.
Changes approved in 2014 The period of studies for Ph.D. is 5 years (for students who began their studies from 2014 and later). The Advisory Committee should be appointed as soon as it is needed and not later than on submission of the research proposal. Courses – an Advisory Committee may approve an individual program including skills courses, doctoral or departmental seminar etc.
Foreign Students English – if you have not reached a level of exemption upon acceptance, you should reach this level within two years from admittance. Hebrew – you should reach a level of exemption within two years from admittance unless you were granted “an exemption from knowledge of Hebrew”
Contact Please see the site of the authority for Research Students: The HU gives you an box by which we correspond with you. Office hours: Sunday – Thursday,