Report from ISRO 16th GSICS Executive Panel, Boulder, May 2015 Pradeep Thapliyal Space Applications Centre (ISRO) India GSICS-EP-16, Boulder, May 2015
INSAT-2E VHRR, CCD Indian Meteorological Geostationary Satellites 1999 INSAT-1D VHRR INSAT-2A/2B VHRR 1992/ KALPANA-1 VHRR INSAT-3D Imager/ Sounder INSAT-3A VHRR, CCD INSAT-3DR Imager/ Sounder 2016 GISAT MX-LWIR/MX-VNIR/ Hys-VNIR/Hys-SWIR
Participation in EP, GDWG, GRWG Points of contacts/meeting participants: – EP: Mr A S Kiran Kumar – GDWG: Dr Pradeep Thapliyal – GRWG: Dr Pradeep Thapliyal Main contribution to GDWG actions – GSICS Website development (internal assessment) Main contribution to GRWG actions – Intercalibration procedure established for INSAT-3D Imager and Sounder – Sample products along with GPAF submitted to the GCC for evaluation, initial review report received and product is being modified for resubmission. – Diurnal variation in intercalibration using AIRS and IASI data. Comments, feedback – Participated in GRWG and GDWG meeting held in New Delhi during Mar GSICS-EP-16, Boulder, May 2015
ISRO GSICS website development GSICS-EP-16, Boulder, May 2015
Current and prospective GSICS Products ProductStatusComments GEO-LEO-IRINSAT-3D / IASI intercalibration. Sample Demo Products submitted for review by GCC IASI-L1C data through Eumetcast has data gaps. Standing order setup with EUMETSAT Issues with the naming convention CCCC code (DEMS for IMD New Delhi) W_IN-ISRO-Ahmedabad,SATCAL+NRTC+GEOLEOIR,INSAT3D+IMAGER-MetopA+IASI_C_DEMS_ IASI L1C Data through Eumetcast – large data gaps leading to insufficient matchup points for NRTC products. Following discussions at GRWG/GDWG meeting in Delhi an arrangement has been made with EUMETSAT for IASI-L1C data over INSAT region through THREDDS server GSICS-EP-16, Boulder, May 2015
Eumetcast data reception at Ahmedabad GSICS-EP-16, Boulder, May 2015
Imager-WV vs IASI-A (Night, Dec 2014) Imager-MIR vs IASI-A (Night, Dec 2014) Imager-TIR1 vs IASI-A (Night, Dec 2014) Imager-TIR2 vs IASI-A (Night, Dec 2014) Sample Intercalibration Results: INSAT-3D Imager
GSICS-EP-16, Boulder, May 2015 INSAT-3D Sounder Ch#3 Ch#6 Ch#8 Ch#10 Ch#13 Ch#6 SND
GSICS-EP-16, Boulder, May 2015 Summary of ISRO GSICS Products GSICS recommended procedure adopted for INSAT-3D Imager/Sounder product. Presently only IR channels attempted VIS channels initiated using lunar calibration method. MODIS DCC database will be very helpful in implementing VIS/SWIR calibration. Same procedure will be adopted for Kalpana and INSAT-3A. Switching from EUMETCAST data reception to Standing order through Eumetsat GSICS THREDDS server. Archived data in the same format required to processing the past data Training: Short term for a Data Working Group scientist and long term for a Research Working Group scientist will greatly help in making GSICS products operational