Community Engagement in Small Scale Irrigation
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COURSE INTRODUCTION Module 1 – Participatory Methods
Module 1 Course Introduction Participatory Methods Case Study Role Play
Overview of the course Module 1 Course Introduction Participatory Methods Case Study Role Play Module 2 - Fieldwork District Authority Briefing Community Meeting System Walkthrough Appreciative Interviews Module 3 - Fieldwork Participation in the Project Cycle Design Discussions Module 4 - Fieldwork Design Integration Community Consultation on Improvement Proposal Module 5 Planning for Community Engagement Training Assessment
Introductions Pair with someone you don’t know Interview each other (5 min each) about previous experiences where local stakeholders led the planning, implementation, and management of a local service improvement Discuss useful principles, lessons, and techniques for promoting community engagement
PARTICIPATORY METHODS Module 1 – Participatory Methods
Participatory Methods Appreciative Inquiry (AI) Strengths-based approach to problem-solving Focus on appreciation Using ‘Discover, Dream, Design, Destiny’ sequence Building on Strengths Empowering people to take control of their own lives in meaningful and sustainable ways Focus on what is working, feasible and sustainable Identifies existing resources available for change
Participatory Methods Charettes Intensive time-bound final design workshop From architectural discipline Can involve the public Community Organisation Community mobilization process Community acts in their shared self-interest
Participatory Methods Future Search Collaboration method for large groups Achieves specific future-related outputs Uses self-managing sub-groups to work Sub-groups frequently report to whole group Institutional Analysis & Development Systematic study of people’s collective behavior Focus on rules under which the group or institution operates
Participatory Methods Interactive Design Community consultation using sketches & models From architectural/engineering discipline Brings buildings & engineering schemes ‘to life’ Participatory Logframe Analysis (LFA) Systematic structure used in project design Engages all key stakeholders Structure used at all stages in project: identification, planning and management
Participatory Methods Participatory Rapid Appraisal (PRA) Also known as Participatory Rural Appraisal Incorporates the knowledge and opinions of rural people in planning and management Applied in development projects and programs PRA Transect Walk Tool for describing and showing the location and distribution of resources, features, landscape, main land uses along a given transect
Participatory Methods ZOPP/GOPP (Zielorientierte Projektplanung / Goal Orientated Project Planning) Systematic structure for project planning and management Developed through workshops with stakeholders Process generates a structured planning matrix called ‘logical project framework’ Framework highlights links between inputs, activities and results
Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry ‘Discover, Dream, Design, Destiny’ Focus on strengths, build on what works Identify successes that people are enthusiastic about
Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry Good listening is central - aim to hear and understand what people have to say Phrase questions carefully to guide the respondent Imagine looking back from the perspective of a successful future point – how did you get there?
‘Fishbowl’ interview
CASE STUDY Module 1 – Participatory Methods
Case study role play Aims: Understand the challenges involved in participatory design of water resources improvements Familiarize with tools and practice using them to create the case for support for a community
Community Engagement in Small Scale Irrigation
Module 5 Planning for participation Training evaluation Follow-up and closing ceremony
PLANNING FOR PARTICIPATION Module 5 – Collaboration and Consolidation
Small group work Review the series of activities involved in implementation of water resources development (~ 45 minutes)
Small group work Highlight the steps where there are opportunities to improve community engagement and success in system development (~15 minutes)
Small group work Identify and summarize specific recommendations for how participation and success in system development could be improved (~15 minutes)
TRAINING EVALUATION Module 5 – Collaboration and Consolidation
Evaluation questions What did you like best? What did you like least? Your suggestions for the future
FOLLOW-UP & CLOSING CEREMONY Module 5 – Collaboration and Consolidation
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