1 6.3 Separation of Variables and the Logistic Equation Objective: Solve differential equations that can be solved by separation of variables.
2 Separation of Variables
3 Example 1: Find the general solution of
4 Example 2: Find the general solution of
5 Example 3: Find the general solution of
6 Homogeneous Functions
7 Homogeneous Differential Equations
8 Change of Variables for Homogenous Equations
9 Example 1
11 Example 2
12 Example 3
13 Example 4
14 Orthogonal Trajectories
15 Example 5
16 Logistic Differential Equation
17 Logistic Differential Equation If y is greater than L, then dy/dt < 0, and the population decreases. The graph of the function y is called the logistic curve.
18 Example 6 – Deriving the General Solution Solve the logistic differential equation Solution: