The Standard Form 122 is used by executive agencies to submit transfer orders required by the Federal Property Management Regulations (41 CFR 101–43.309) This form is used for transfer to other government agencies, donation to schools, and universities
The PC signs next to their name in block 5 and PAO signs in block 7 PPMB will review and approve the form after the PC and PAO sign Gaining government agency, school or university fills in Block 9(a)(b)(c)
Block 1 - PPMB fills in with report number (Final Approval) Block 2 - NOAA PC enters date Format: MM/DD/YYYY (i.e. 01/01/2013) Block 3 - Enter the complete address of the appropriate GSA regional office (GSA office where property is located) then click on Contact Links, Area Property Officers Block 4 - Enter gaining school/agency’s name, Name of Principal or Person of Authority accepting property and phone number Block 5 - Enter NOAA/LO, and address, PC’s custodial number, name, phone number and signature (AAC-POC is Nicole Proctor ext 161)
Block 6 - Enter shipping address and name, and phone# of person picking up assets or (Use this space for additional information to Block 4) Block 7 - Enter location of property (building number, etc.) and PAO Name and signature Block 8 – Enter shipping instructions (gaining agency incurs all cost), additional information if needed or N/A Block 9a - Signature of person of authority must match block 4 Block 9b - Title of person signing (print) Block 9c – Date signed Block 10 – Signature and date of person picking up assets Block 11 - N/A Block 12 - N/A
Block 13(a) - Enter bar code Block 13(b) - Enter line item # (in sequence - 1,2,3) Block 13(c) - Enter description, Manufacture, Model #, S/N, FSC, Condition Code and ACQ Date. (Must match Sunflower and all information is located on the Maintain Asset Screen) Block 13(d) - Enter “EA” (if other than ea. Contact PPMB for guidance) Block 13(e) - Enter “1” for each entry Block 13(f) - Enter Acquisition Cost Block 14 - GSA or PPMB approval
Statement for Computers for Learning: EO Computers for Learning Statement for Scientific: Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act – 1980 Transfer federally owned or originated (non-classified) technology for research & development (15 U.S.C (i) Statement for Transferring to another Government Agency: Must include a strong justification statement regarding the need of the transfer
1. A separate transfer order is required for each property location (different states or custodial areas) 2. The transfer order will be prepared by the losing agency (PC) 3. Donation to school or university requires: Letter from school or university on their letterhead 4. Before assets are picked up the bar codes must be affixed on back of SF-122 form 5. Used when Non Accountable items are transferred to another Agency 6. Your POC for Activity Address Code (AAC) is Nicole Proctor ext 161
Q. I've transferred technology equipment under the "Stevenson- Wydler Technology Act" to a university - is that still permissible? A. The Stevenson-Wydler Technology Act of 1980 is still allowed. Q. Will Nicole Proctor still be the AAC after she is no longer my LOR? A. Nicole Proctor will continue to be everyone's Point of Contact for acquiring Activity Address Codes. Q. Why are we using the original acquisition cost, when the equipment has depreciated? A. Personal Property does not depreciate that is a finance skill. Since we are removing the asset from NOAA inventory depreciating is not required.