Capacity building for public authorities – EE7 Veronika Czako Project Adviser, EASME
Public authorities play a key role in the reduction of EU energy consumption and the increase of renewable energy capacity National level Sub-national level However this requires: Multidisciplinary skills Skills to engage stakeholders Skills to secure funding EE7 – The challenge
Empowering public authorities to develop, finance and implement ambitious sustainable energy policies and plans Capacity building element to be integral part of proposals – including EED implementing bodies Demonstrate an innovative approach In sectors with high energy saving potential - buildings, industry, urban mobility Geographical coverage – reflect European added value EE7 – The scope
The impact: Number of public officers influenced, Number of new or improved policies and plans, Number of final consumer impacted (in millions of people) and Demonstration of contribution to acceleration to EED implementation The EU contribution: EUR 1 to 1.5 million – other amounts possible CSA: 100% EU contribution EE7 - Expected impact and EU contribution
Raising the capacity of Member States to fulfil their obligation under the new Energy Efficiency Directive. Enabling national energy regulatory authorities to address demand issues (e.g. demand response, tariff design, assessment of generation adequacy assessment). Defining and implementing standard energy saving packages for households, public sector and industry in particular under Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive. Actions in scope I - Connections to the EED
Capacity building on integrated energy, transport mobility and land-use planning at community and city-level. Multilevel governance – Supporting public authorities in better linking up local, regional and national levels for delivering integrated sustainable energy action planning and projects to achieve synergies and economies of scale Actions in scope II – Integrated planning, multilevel governance
Large-scale capacity building on innovative financing to specific groups of public authorities (national, local, regional), energy agencies, structural and cohesion fund managing authorities. Establishing new or exploiting existing networks and other mechanisms to spread knowledge and facilitating the exchange of experiences and best practice on sustainable energy Actions in scope III – Innovative networks and financing
Gathering 7 large capital cities across Europe, coherent upgraded solutions will be designed for each participating city in integrative urban energy planning. Implications of innovative technical solutions will be identified for governance processes. The project is expected to increase the capacity of 100 city administration staff, 400 stakeholders from utilities and 180 stakeholders from other large cities. With a focus on developing long-term visions in 8 cities, thematic energy roadmaps will be built on three key topics (buildings, mobility and urban spaces). The project will develop a vision for 2050 and from there use a back-casting methodology to advance intermediate steps for 2040, 2030 and Stakeholders are involved through training sessions, workshops and other events. Examples from H2020-EE-2014 Call
CASCADEhttp:// Large-scale networking, peer-to-peer learning and best practice sharing activities – 19 partner cities, 37 neighbouring cities, 2 thematic experts 47% of CASCADE cities and 69% from new cities improved their energy and climate mitigation policies Conurbanthttp:// Peer-to-peer approach between medium and large EU cities involving their smaller, surrounding conurbation towns. Selection of 2 actions per SEAPs and implementation within project life - 96 actions implemented Examples – successful IEE projects
Highlight contribution to EED implementation – standard energy saving packages - Article 7 Member States' obligation under EED – Article 3 other specific articles (e.g. demand issues, public building renovations) Demonstrate innovative nature Capacity building (e.g. EED implementing bodies) Multilevel governance Integrated planning Key points
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Advantageous Demonstrate the commitment or involvement of EED implementing bodies in the action Show a clear link to articles of the EED Clearly target the national level, e.g. EED implementing bodies, for raising their capacity in delivering the EED Example from the H2020 Call 2014 – EE7 Implementation of innovative monitoring & verification (M&V) schemes and country-specific coordination mechanisms Project example and guidance for proposals to raise the capacity of MS to fulfil their obligation under the new EED